Characterization of materials and structures for micro and nanoengineering research laboratories network

Financed (2001- 2004) by the national RTDI programme MATNANTECH (New materials, micro- and nanotechnologies)
Contact person: Dr. Raluca Muller (ralucam@imt.ro); Prof. Dan Dascalu (dascalu@imt.ro)

MINAMAT-NET is a national Romanian network run by IMT-Bucharest which join other research groups with activities and complementary expertise dedicated to the characterization of materials and microstructures for advance micro and nanoengineering.

- Development of a multidisciplinary research network focus on the characterization of materials, micro and nanostructures, based on the existing partners infrastructure;
- New network links with other R&D institutes, universities and industries in Romania and Europe, intending to enter the emerging field of microscience and nanoengineering;
- To establish a long-lasting relationship between the partners involved in the project, creating an independent, nonprofit network on the proposed topic, at the end of the project;


- Establish a permanent information exchange between the participants (INTRANET via EXTRANET) system and extending to others.
- Evaluation of the existing facilities of the group
- Permanent access and assistance of the group members to each one facilities
- A multidisciplinary co-operation in the micro and nanoengineering field for achieving competitive results in the proposed topic:

- microphysical and chemical characterization, new phenomena and new principles
- new characterization techniques
- functional characterization
- development of dedicated microstructures for specific characterization (lab on a chip)
- development of specific and new ideas within thematic groups (material science, nanotechnology, characterization of new materials - nanomaterials)

- Post-graduated training for people with careers in research and industries based on micro and nanoengineering
- Organization of seminars, exhibitions and information bulletins regarding the activities of the network


- Costin D. Nenitescu Foundation
- National Institute for Research and Development for Materials Physics
- National Institute for Research and Development for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation
- Institute for Nuclear Research
- Institute of Physical Chemistry "I.G. Murgulescu" of the Romanian Academy
- University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics
- Advanced Research and Development Institute for Electrical Engineering



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Last update: March 30, 2006