NANOtechnology research center for new MATerials and FABrication processes


Financed (2002- 2005) by the national RTDI programme MATNANTECH (New materials, micro- and nanotechnologies)
Contact Person: Dr. Carmen Moldovan (; Prof. Dan Dascalu (

NANOMATFAB is a virtual research center in the field of nanotechnology, made of a multidisciplinary research centers network operating in the fields of engineering (micro- and nanotechnologies), physics and chemistry.

The Center’s main field of activity will be nanotechnology scientific research for developing new materials and new fabrication processes.

Its mission is concentrating and developing the internal resources at national level in the field of nanotechnologies and orienting them toward applications. These developments will take place in the context of participating at FP6 and integrating in ERA.


    • Cooperation in scientific research in the field of nanotechnologies, with applications in developing new materials and new fabrication processes;
    • Assuring the connections between the Romanian scientific community and the European research;
    • Cooperation in developing the field’s strategy (project financed by the MATNATECH program between 2003-2004);
    • Cooperation in making the technology transfer basis on national scale, by extending the network with other partners, including industrial ones. NANOMATFAB is composed of research units that had a first success in participating in FP6 (integrated projects and networks of excellence). The 7 consortium partners are involved in different international projects (7 projects), and all of them are within the field of nanotechnology, covering nanomaterials and nanostructures.

Integration in FP6

    • IMT-Bucharest is involved in 7 networks: 5NoEs in FP6: AMICOM, PATENT (priority 2, IST); NANOFUN- POLY, 4M, NANO2 LIFE (priority 3, NMP); international network P HANTOMS ; regional network COSENT - Cooperation of Southeast European countries in field of Nanotechnology
    • PETRU PONI, Iasi4 networks: ERIC (2003–2005); European Polysaccharide Network POLYSACCHARIDES; GROWTH G1RD-CT-1999-00130 – SPONGE; NANO2 LIFE
    • ICF, Bucharest1 network: INSIDE-PORES; regional network COSENT
    • INCD-TIM Cluj-Napoca 1 network: NANOFUN- POLY
    • INCD-FLPR, Bucharest – 1 network: PHOREMOST

 The 7 organisations in the NANOMATFAB consortium are involved together in 17 FP6 projects in the nanotechnology domain, as coordinators or partners: 1 Integrated Project (IP), 9 Networks of Excellence (NoEs) , 1 STREP, 4 Specific Support Actions (SSA), 2 Marie Curie.

The NANOMATFAB partners attendance to thematic courses at national or international level - 4 in Romania, 4 in Europe

NANOMATFAB organized, on December 20 th, 2004, the National Seminar “New chances for European programs participation”. The network’s members presented the possibilities to extend the cooperation in integrated projects and networks of excellence, al European level.



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Last update: March 30, 2006