
The National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies - IMT Bucharest is an autonomous organization of public interest, currently coordinated by the Romanian Ministry of National Education, acting as a non-profit research company.

The activities are multi-focused, ranging from S&T development and innovation in micro-nano-bio technologies, to integration of R&D with education and training, to support for, and cooperation with, national and international industrial partners - strategic partnerships, ST&I services, project collaborations, national and international networking

IMT Bucharest management:

Dr. Raluca Muller (CEO and President of the Board, - short cv
Dr. Adrian Dinescu (Technical Director, - short cv
Dr. Mircea Dragoman (President of Scientific Council , - short cv
Mrs. Domnica Geambazi (Director head of Economic Department,

Four research centers:

  MIMOMEMS: Research Centre of Excellence “Micro- and nanosystems for radiofrequency and photonics”
  ► CNT-IMT: Centre of Nanotechnologies- under the aegis of Romanian Academy
  ► CINTECH: Research Centre for Integration of Technologies
  ► CENASIC: Research Centre for Nanotechnologies and Carbon-based Nanomaterials

Grouping 10 laboratories: Micro-Nanophotonics, Micromachined structures, microwave circuits and devices, Nanobiotechnology, Nano-scale structuring and characterization, Molecular nanotechnology, Simulation, modeling and computer-aided design, Reliability, Microsystems for biomedical and environmental applications, Ambiental technologies, Micro-nano fluidics.

The laboratorie are organized in a matric structure made up of groups of research. The groups coordinate their efforts and develop activities within these sets of themes:

Nanostructured materials, nanotechnologies and nanostructures
Microstructures and micro-nanosytems for sensing applications
Micro/nanostructures for biomedical applications
Microstructures and MEMS and MOEMS for communications

They have support of the group of technological services, the administrative services and the group of IT services.



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Last update: February, 2016