Laboratory for Microsystems in biomedical and environmental
Head: Dr. Carmen Moldovan, cmoldovan@imt.ro
Laboratory for Microsystems in biomedical and environmental
applications - with research activity focused on the development of
microsensors (chemo resistive and resonant gas sensors), electrodes
for biological sensors, microprobes for recording of electrical
activity of cells and tissues.
Mission and
expertise in: technological development of MEMS
(micro-electro-mechanical systems) for bio-medical and environmental
applications and education in the field of micro chemo and biosensors
in cooperation with University "Politehnica" of Bucharest. Main
results: development of a large area of microsensors (chemoresistive
and resonat gas sensors, accelerometers, microarrays, ISFET (Ion
Sensitive Field Effect Transistors) sensors, electrodes for biological
sensors, microprobes for recording of electrical activity of cells and
tissues, radiation detectors. National projects (2000-2004): 19
national projects as coordinator, more then 20 projects as partner and
involved in the networks: NANOMATFAB, CENOBITE, BIONANONET (Bionanoitechnology
Network). European Projects: FP5 projects: REASON, Europractice - MST
Design, NOSE; FP6 NoEs: 4M (NMP) - sensors and ceramics clusters,
Nano2Life (NMP).