L4- Laboratory of Microsystem and Micromachined Microwave Components

Head: Dr. Alexandru Muller, alexm@imt.ro

L4.Laboratory of Microsystems and Micromachined Microwave Components - with research activity focused on the development of microwave devices, circuits and RF MEMS based on silicon and GaAs micromachining ; design, modelling and manufacturing of micromachined millimeter and sub millimeter wave receiver modules based on silicon as well as on GaAs technology.

 L4 is recognized at national level, and funded between 2001 and 2005, as a Centre of Excellence in Radio Frequency (RF) MEMS. Expertise in: research and development of microwave devices, circuits and RF MEMS based on silicon and GaAs micromachining; design, modelling and manufacturing of micromachined millimetre and sub millimetre wave receiver modules based on silicon as well as on GaAs technology.

Results: GaAs membrane supported millimeter wave filters (in cooperation with FORTH Heraklion and Uppsala Univ); fully monolithically integrated receiver module with the antenna and the Schottky diode supported on a thin GaAs membrane (in cooperation with FORTH Heraklion); silicon micromachined filtrers as well as a hybrid receiver module for millimeter wave applications in cooperation with ITC Trento, CNR Roma and Tor Vergata Univ).

Specific facilities: Computers and software (IE3D and Fidelity from ZELAND for simulation and design; access (by international cooperation) to millimetre wave on wafer measurements. National Projects - over 10 projects in national programmes. International projects: "Micromachined circuits for microwave and millimeter wave applications" MEMSWAVE (1998-2001 -FP 4-nominated for Descartes Prize competition of the EC-2002); bilateral cooperation with FORTH Heraklion, Greece; CNR Roma, Italy; LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France; AMICOM (NoE/IST, FP6).



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Last update: 24.11.2004