Contact: CTT-Baneasa (www.imt.ro/ctt); Tel/Fax: 021-490 82 36; E-mail: info-ctt@imt.ro
Address: 32 B Erou Iancu Street, Bucharest, 077190. Conventional mail delivery: C.P. 38-160, Bucharest 023573.
CTT-Baneasa is a distinct, autonomous entity of the National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies (IMT-Bucharest), with financial autonomy. The Centre was initiated in 2003 and finally audited for accreditation in October 2005. The presentation below corresponds to the reorganization of this Centre in the second half of 2005.
The main mission of the Centre is to contribute at the micro- and nanotechnologies development by stimulating the technological transfer and innovation at national level, with collaborations at regional or European level.
CTT-Baneasa will assure the obtaining of a critical mass for transfer of knowledge and technologies in the micro- and nano engineering domain, cumulating the offers coming from the Romanian research in the domain.
The activities developed by CTT-Baneasa are:
- Facilitation of information exchange and partnerships (networking) by setting up a network of suppliers and users for the technological transfer and innovation in the micro- and nanotechnologies domain;
- Promote the access to characterisation and design technological services of IMT
and its partners from the country and abroad, including also the assurance of “one-
stop shop” services, for companies interested in the micro and nanotechnologies domain;
- Assistance and consultancy in business, including reliability studies, for“start-ups”, “spin-offs” and other innovative companies;
- Realize reliability and marketing studies;
- Provide consultancy and assistance in problems related to protection of industrial property;
- Services of technological audit for small and medium enterprises and innovative
- Services of information, documentation and training, including practical training in using technological equipments, characterisation equipments or simulation and computer aided design programmes, and also in technological processing (individual technological processes and technologies design);
- Support for networking by assuring an informatics infrastructure for dissemination and establishing contacts and common
activities on the internet;
- Technology forecast.
The Centre also will contribute to the access to microsystem technologies in the frame of the European system
EUROPRACTICE, IMT being partner of the European consortium INTREGRAM+, developing new services in micro- and nano-
technology (FP6 IP, starting in 2005).
This system includes facilities and high level expertise which allow a complete assistance for companies (a “one-stop” shop): from product to project, prototype and batch production and
manufacturing. IMT has experience in such activities from earlier EU project (MST-Systems, 2003-2005), related to technology transfer from the EUROPRACTICE system. This project was carried out with the “MST Design” consortium (mostly companies from UK, but also IMEC, Belgium).
The contract for the Romanian-German Center for micro and nano-
technologies, which will develop pilot activities for technological transfer in Romanian industry, is developing in the frame of CTT-Baneasa starting October 1st, 2005. IMT has a good visibility at regional level, playing a distinct role in attracting in this domain the SMEs in Eastern Europe, according to the projects MINATUSE (Eureka), 4M (Network of Excellence in FP6, priority 3),
MINOS-EURONET (SSA in FP6, priority 2).
CTT-Baneasa will play an essential role in providing the services for the
scientific park MINATECH-RO and collaborates with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, S.C. ROMES S.A. (the collaboration will be extended also to other partners which will provide services for the Center).