CV Researchers home
First name: Marioara
Surname: Avram
Date and place of birth: January 17, 1958, Bucharest
Education: 1981- M.Sc. University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics
Professional experience: design, technology and characterization of bipolar and unipolar devices, bipolar and MOS magnetotransistors, Hall sensors, magnetic sensors based on field emission in vacuum;
Career: National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies (IMT-Bucharest), Center of Nanotechnologies
Stages abroad: september 2002, “International Summer School on Advanced Microelectronics”- Grenoble
Present position: researcher, National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies (IMT-Bucharest), Center of Nanotechnologies
Research interests: microelectronics and magnetic microsensors
Past and current projects:
INCO-COPERNICUS (1998-2000), Project 7037 (“Si-based light emitting devices for optical interconnects”);
Bilateral co-operation (1998-2000) (Univ. of Madrid, Physics Dept. -IMT)(“Silicon carbide and diamond films for field emission applications”);
Bilateral co-operation (1998-2000) (ICTIMA-CNR, Padova-IMT) (“Nanoelectrodes”);
Bilateral co-operation (2002 – 2004) (Univ. of Athene – Greece) (“Integrated Electronis Devices on Silicon Carbide”);
“Microstructures and microactuators with magnetic detection based on Giant Magnetoresistance nanostructures”, National MATNANTECH R&D Program (2004 – 2006);
“Silicon Carbide Insulated Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) for High Power and Temperature Applications”, National RELANSIN Programm, (2004 – 2006);
“Electronic blocks realized on silicon carbide”, National MATNANTECH R&D Program (2001- 2004);
“Technological Process for Micromachining Magnetotransistors”, National RELANSIN Programm (2001 – 2003);
“Magnetic field sensors based on non-conventional technologies”, National MATNANTECH R&D Programm (1999-2000);
“Integrated Hall Sensor Technological Process for Accurate Magnetic Field Measurement”, National RELANSIN Programm (1999 – 2003);
Main scientific publication:
“Theoretical analysis and experiment research of a novel DEP chip with 3-D silicon electrodes”, L.M. Yu, G.L. Xu, F.E. H. Tay, C. Iliescu, M. Avram, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE), vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 231-236, April 2005.
“Theoretical analysis and experiment research of a novel DEP chip with 3-D silicon electrodes”, L.M. Yu, G.L. Xu, F.E. H. Tay, C. Iliescu, M. Avram, 1st Int. Embedded and System Conf. (IEHSC), Singapore, 10-13 May 2005.
“Bipolar Magnetic Microsensor for Longitudinal and Transversal Magnetic Fields”, M. Avram, C. Iliescu, O. Neagoe, C. Voitincu, S. Nedelcu, EUROSENSORS XVIII, pp. 514 – 518, 2004.
“Deposition experiments of thin metallic multilayers with magnetoresistive properties”, Marioara Avram, Materials for Electrotechnics, pp. 181 – 185, 2004.
“Two Masks Process for High Aspect Ratio Inertial Sensors with Adjustable Range”, C. Iliescu , Marioara Avram, J. Miao, Francis, E.H. Tay, Guolin Xu, IEEE International Semiconductor Conference, pp. 263 - 267, 2004.
“Contributions to Development of Power SiC Devices”, Marioara Avram , G. Brezeanu, C. Iliescu , Otilia Neagoe, IEEE International Semiconductor Conference, pp. 303 - 306, 2004.
“Use of Genetic Algorithms in Heat Transfer Problems”, I. Codreanu, C. Codreanu, V. Obreja, M. Avram, IEEE International Semiconductor Conference, pp. 499 - 502, 2004.
“Contributions to Development of IGBT SiC Technologies”, M. Avram, G.Brezeanu, C. Iliescu, C. Codreanu, C. Voitincu, International Conference on Microelectronics, pp. 368 – 374, 2004.
“Microfluidic Biochip for Biomedical Applications”, M. Simion, A. Angelescu, I. Kleps, M. Miu, M. Avram, F. Craciunoiu, T. Ignat, A Bragaru, International Conference on Microelectronics, pp. 80 – 84, 2004.
“Wafer level packaging of pressure sensor using SU8 photoresist”, Ciprian Iliescu, Francis E.H. Taya, Jianmin Miaoc, Marioara Avram, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5649, pp. 396 – 405, 2004.
Bipolar Magnetic Microsensor for Longitudinal Fields”, M. Avram, O. Neagoe, C. Codreanu, C. Voitincu, M. Simion, Sensor & Actuators, Vol. A110., pp. 259 – 264, February 2004.
“Romanian Results in Micro- and Nanoelectronics on Silicon Carbide”, M. Avram, G. Brezeanu, C. Codreanu, D. P. Poenar, Advanced in Micro- and Nanoengineering, ISBN: 973-27-1110-8, pp. 178 – 207, 2004.
“Deposition experiments of thin metallic multilayers with magnetoresistive properties”, Marioara Avram, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Vol. 6, pp. 987 – 990, 2004.
“The Comparison of Modern SiC Power Devices”, Marioara Avram, Gheorghe Brezeanu, Daniel Puiu Poenar, ICIT – 2004.
”Thin Films Multilayer for Giant Magnetoresistive Sensor Applications”, M. Avram, TNT03 Conference Proceeding, pp. 31 – 34, 2003.
”The Tunnelling Magnetoresistive Structures On Porous Silicon For Sensor Applications” , M. Avram, A. S. Angelescu, I. A. Kleps, M.L. Simion, M.S. Miu, Nanoforum Proceeding, pp.57 – 60, 2003.
“Contributions to the Development of MOSFET SiC Technologies”, M. Avram, C. Codreanu, G. Brezeanu, C. Iliescu, C. Voitincu, IEEE International Semiconductor Conference , pp. 271 - 274, 2003.
„Characterization of P++ Layer Fabrication Using a Liquid Source for MEMS Applications”, C. Iliescu, M. Avram, J. Miao, F. Tay, IEEE International Semiconductor Conference, pp. 281 - 284, 2003.
„Interface States and Related Surface Currents in SiC Junctions”, C. Codreanu, M. Avram, V. Obreja, C. Voitincu, I. Codreanu, IEEE International Semiconductor Conference, pp. 297 - 300, 2003.
„Fabrication of Chip Scale Piezoresistive Pressure Sensors Using Screen – Printed Glass Frit Packaging,” C. Iliescu, J. Miao, M. Avram, International Journal of Computational Engineering Science, Vol. 0, No. 0, pp. 1- 4, 2003.
“Measurement systems based on metal/dielectric nanostructures for electrochemical analyses”, Irina Kleps, Anca Angelescu, Mihaela Miu, Marioara Avram, Monica Simion, Materials Science and Engineering C19, pp. 219 – 223, 2002.
“Silicon etching processes for nanostructure fabrication”, I. Kleps, A. Angelescu, M. Miu, M. Simion, M. Avram, A. Bragaru, Abstracts of 4th Joint EC/NSF workshop on Nanotechnology “Tools and instruments for Research and Manufacturing”, Anne de Baas and Hervé Péro , pp. 86, Office for Official Publications of The European Communities, Luxembourg, 2002.
M. Avram, C. Voitincu, A. Angelescu, I. Kleps, “Giant magnetoresistence in multilayer amorphous films”, Int. Semiconductor Conference (CAS 2002) Proceedings, vol. 1, 25th edition, oct. 8-12, 2002, p. 135-139
Marioara Avram, Cecilia Codreanu, Otilia Neagoe, Corneliu Voitincu, Monica Simion, “Bipolar Magnetic Microsensor for Longitudinal Fields”, The 11th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, EUROSENSORS XVI, Praga, Cehia, 2002
Marioara Avram, Cecilia Codreanu,Otilia Neagoe, Corneliu Voitincu, Monica Simion, “A Novel Silicon Integrated Hall Sensor for Accurate Magnetic Field Measurement”, The 11th International Conference on Solid - State Sensors and Actuators, EUROSENSORS XVI, Praga, Cehia, 2002
M. Avram, C. Codreanu, O. Neagoe, C. Voitincu, M. Simion, “A monolithically integrated magnetic field sensor system”, Int. Semiconductor Conference (CAS 2002) Proceedings, vol. 1, 25th edition, oct. 8-12, 2002, p. 79-82
M. Avram, C. Codreanu, O. Neagoe, C. Voitincu, M. Simion, “An optimized bipolar lateral magnetotransistor”, Int. Semiconductor Conference (CAS 2002) Proceedings, vol. 1, 25th edition, oct. 8-12, 2002, p.83-87
Member of professional associations:
IEEE Electronic Industrial Society (from 1999);
The UK Magnetics Society
Scientific Council of ICCE (1992-1996);
Reviewer for Int. Conf. of Semiconductors (1995-2004).
Magnetism Science Romanian Society
Field Emission European Network
Additional information: “Spin- Valve Structures For Giant Magnetoresistive Sensor Applications”, Marioara Avram, Anca
Angelescu, Irina Kleps, Monica Simion, Mihaela Miu Best paper award: 24st. Int. Semiconductor Conference (CAS) 2002, Sinaia, Romania;
Foreign languages: english- fluently,
french- fluently
Contact information: marioaraa@imt.ro, phone:+40-1-4908412/33, fax: :+40-1-4908238