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First name: Teodora Magdalena
Surname: Ignat
Date and place of birth: July 23, 1979, Craiova
1998 – 2002 Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Chemistry
2002 - 2004 Master programm named " Terapheutic Chemistry", Faculty of Chemistry, University of Bucharest
2004- present Doctoral programme subject: “Thin Organic films on silicon support”, at Organic Department, Bucharest University
Professional experience:
Investigation of the influence of electrochemical etching parameters on silicon and on its morphology, composition, and structure
Fabrication and investigation of the bioresorbable mesoporous silicon like an implant for controlled drug delivery - the characterization of the impregnation process of the “reservoir” with different microelements (metals) as: Fe, Mg, K, Ag, Au in a variety of preparation conditions; SEM, EDX, atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) measurements.
Due to the modification of PS properties in time, different physico-chemical methods were developed for surface modification according with subsequent applications: stabilisation for integration in an optoelectronic device at the beginning, and recently functionalisation for achieving of nanostructured materials biocompatibilities for interfaces with biological systems.
the cell culture growth on the surface of the micro/mezo porous silicon. Microscopic and spectroscopic methods (SEM, fluorescence microscopy and spectroscopy) were used for characterization of the adherence processes and the interactions of live cells with biomaterial.
The study of DNA infiltration in the Si pores after exposure of the derivatized PS surfaces in a solution of protein or DNA strand
Fabrication and investigation of the bioresorbable mesoporous silicon like an implant for controlled drug delivery - the characterization of the impregnation process of the “reservoir”
Career: 2002 – present: researcher at National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies (IMT-Bucharest), Center of Nanotechnologies
November 2002 - course "Micro and Nanoengineering", IMT-Bucharest
11-16 nov 2002 course “Cad technics for mems modulation/simulations and macrofluidics” IMT-Bucharest:
June, 13-22. 2003 MIGAS Summer School “Towards Nanoelectronics”, Genoble, France;
18-19 sept. 2003 course “Farmacological testing of biomaterials” Bucharest
26-30.01.2005 Dresden, Germany “First Short Course on "Polymer Chemistry and Processing of Nanostructured Polymer Materials" and “Workshop on Functional & Nanostructured materials from Chemistry + Nanostructured polymers from Processing’', NANOFUN-POLY
Other activities:
Conference “Third International Conference on Trace Element Speciation in Biomedical, Nutritional and Environmental Sciences”, 7.05 -18.05 2004, Munich, Germany with the paper: “Micro and nanoelectrode systems for trace elements detection – study of heavy metals presence in liquid food” Mihaela Miu, Teodora Ignat, Irina Kleps, Anca Angelescu, Monica Simion, Adina Bragaru
Symposium “Micro/Nano-Interaction and sistems based on natural and syntetics polymers. 30.09-2.10 2004 Iasi, Romania
National Seminar “ Nanoscience and nanotechnology Bucharest, 27 jan. 2004;
Workshop “NANOMAT 2005” 24-25.03.2005 Iasi, Romania with the paper: “PS conductive and biocompatible composite nanostructures for electrode applications” –: T.Ignat, A.Bragaru, I.Kleps, M.Miu, M.Simion, A.Angelescu
Present position: researcher, National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies (IMT-Bucharest),
Center of Nanotechnologies
Research interests: thin organic films on silicon, therapeutical chemistry; microbiology, pharmacology
Past and current projects:
Silicon lab-on-chip for biomedical applications”, National “Nucleu” Program (2003- 2005 );
“Technology to obtain nanostructurated materials by physico- chemical techniquesfor microsystems applications”, National “Nucleu” Program (2003- 2005 );
“Dielectrophoretic microdevice for size separation of functional biological molecules”, National “Nucleu” Program (2003- 2005);
“Silicone-chip-based bioanalytical microdevices” National Programme Matnantech (2003-2005);
“Nanostructurated silicon membranes technology for pharmaceutical microdevices”, National Programme Matnantech (2003-2005);
“Selective growth of carbon nanotubes on silicon nanoelectrode array”, Bilateral Romanian-French “Brancusi” Project ( 2003-2005);
“Microsystems for controlled drug delivery”, National Programme Matnantech (2003-2005) –
“Selective growth of carbon nanotubes on silicon nanoelectrode array”, Bilateral Romanian-French “Brancusi” Project ( 2003-2005);
“Center of Excellence in Nanotechnology- NANOTECH, National RELANSIN Programs (2001-2004)
“Consultancy center for nanotechnologies, nanomaterials and nanostructures” - National Programme Matnantech (2001-2004)
"Selective growth of carbon nanotubes on silicon nanoelectrode array", Bilateral Romanian-French "Brancusi" Project ( 2003-2005);
"Center of Excellence in Nanotechnology- NANOTECH, National RELANSIN Programm (2001-2004)
"Porous silicon matrix for bio-medical applications" - National Programme Matnantech (2001-2004)
"Consultance center for nanotechnologies, nanomaterials and nanostructures" - National Programme Matnantech (2001-2004);
"Bio-chip for electrochemical activity of bilogical media" - National Programme Matnantech (2001-2002)
Main scientific publication:
"Micro and nanoelectrode systems for heavy metal detection in liquid food", Mihaela Miu, Irina Kleps, Anca Angelescu, Monica Simion, Adina Bragaru, Teodora Neghina , International Workshop on "A Healthy Environment for Food Quality and Safety", Feb. 2003;
“Nanostructured silicon: from material to devices for biomedical applications” A. Angelescu, I. Kleps, M. Miu, L. Zdrentu, S. Petrescu, M. Simion, A. Bragaru, T. Neghina, “Nanoscience and Nanotechnology” 4, Heron Press, Sofia, 2004, pp 280-283;
“Porous silicon – a nanostructured biomaterial”, M. Miu, I. Kleps, A. Angelescu, T. Ignat, A. Bragaru, M. Simion, S. Petrescu, L. Zdrentu, N. Moldovan, M. Modreanu, P. Rosengrave, “Nanoscience and Nanoengineering” Vol., Series in “Micro and Nanoengineering”, Romanian Academy Editure, Bucuresti 2004, pp. ;
„Micro fluidic Biochip for Bio-medical Application”, M. Simion, A. Angelescu, I. Kleps, M. Miu, O. Nedelcu, F. Craciunoiu, T. Ignat, A. Bragaru, Special Issue of the Microelectronics Journal, 2004,
„Investigation methods of cell attachement on porous silicon matrix”, M. Miu, A. Angelescu, I. Kleps, S. Petrescu, L. Zdrentu, F. Craciunoiu, M. Simion, T. Ignat, A. Bragaru, Proceedings of 27th International Semiconductor Conference - CAS, Sinaia, Romania, Oct., 2004, pp. 63-67;
“Micro and nanoelectrode systems for trace elements detection – study of heavy metals presence in liquid food”, M. Miu, T. Ignat, I. Kleps, A. Angelescu, M. Simion, A. Bragaru “Second International Symposium on Trace Elements and Minerals in Medicine and Biology”, May 10-15 2004, Munich, Germany;
“New silicon nanotechnologies for biomedical applications” A. Angelescu, M. Miu, I. Kleps, T. Ignat, S. Petrescu, L. Zdrentu, M. Simion, A. Bragaru "Biotechnology for health" Workshop, Timisoara 2-4 iunie 2004;
„Metal-porous silicon composite layers for biomedical applications”, A. Angelescu, I. Kleps, M. Miu, T. Neghina, M. Simion, A. Bragaru, M. Giurginca, „European Micro and Nanosystems 2004 (EMN04), Paris, Franta, 20-21 octombrie, 2004;
“X-Ray Structural Characteristics Of nc-Si Obtained By Thermal Annealing Of a-Si And SiOx Layers”, I.Kleps, M. Danila, A. Angelescu, M. Miu, M. Simion, A. Bragaru, T. Ignat, Proceeding of 27th International Semiconductor Conference- CAS, Sinaia, Romania, Oct., 2004, pp. 89-93;
"Porous silicon matrix for applications in biology”, A. Angelescu, I. Kleps, M. Miu, M. Simion, T. Neghina, A. Bragaru S. Petrescu, C. Paduraru, A. Raducanu, N. Moldovan, Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci. 5 (2003) 34-40;
“Porous silicon matrix as mineral microreservoir”, M. Miu, A. Angelescu, I. Kleps, M. Simion, A. Bragaru, T. Neghina, M. Modreanu, D. Iacopino, P. Roseingrave, CAS 2003 Proceedings, vol. 1, 26th edition, oct. 8-12, 2003, p. 99-105;
Member of professional associations: "Network of Excellence in Nanoelectronics-PHANTOMS"
Additional information: computer skills- Microsoft Office, Excel, HyperChem
Best poster award: Mihaela Miu, Irina Kleps, Anca Angelescu, Monica Simion, Florin Craciunoiu, Adina Bragaru, Teodora Neghina, for “Micro and nanoelectrode systems for heavy metal detection in liquid food”, Balkanic Environment Association Workshop on “A healthy environment for food quality and safety”, Bucuresti, Feb. 2003;
Foreign languages: English- fluently; French- fluently
Contact information: teodoran@imt.ro, phone: +40-1-4908412/33, fax: +40-1-4908238