CV Researchers home


  First name: Alexandru

   Surname: Müller

   Date and place of birth: 2 October 1949, Bucharest


  M.Sc. in Solid State Physics, University of Bucharest, 1972
  Ph.D. in semiconductor Physics, 1990

   Professional experience

  design and manufacturing of first Romanian pin, varactor and step-recovery diodes;
  design and manufacturing of first Romanian microwave GaAs diodes (Schottky, Schottky-varactor, Gunn);
  contribution to the manufacturing of a 2-18GHz modulator/detector device;
  a new model for a switching behaviour of a narrow base pin diodes, with practical results in the obtaining of high efficiency step recovery diodes;
  new modelling of heavily doping parameters in silicon and GaAs;
  design and technological project for a nonlinear transmission line, based on Schottky array (a GaAs MMIC);
  technological process in GaAs MMICs;
  acoustic devices on Wide band Gap (WGB) materials (GaN, AlN) (since 2006)


micromechanics on silicon and GaAs;
design and manufacturing of microwave pasive circuits supported on membranes (1997)-European priority
design and manufacturing of membrane supported millimeter wave filters, antennae and receiver modules on silicon as well as on GaAs micromachined substrate
Micromachining of WBG semiconducrors for microwave applications


  1972- present Senior Research Scientist at Research Institute for Electronic Components, Bucharest (now included in National Research and Development Institute of Microtechnology- IMT Bucharest)
  1976 - 1996 Microwave Semiconductor Device, Group Head
  1996- present Micromachined Structures for Microwave Applications, Lab. Head
  1999- 2011 present President of the scientific council of IMT Bucharest

   Stages abroad:

  1991- IMEC Leuven – six month stage in the III-V based devices group;
  1994-2003: stages on bilateral cooperations with: CNR Rome, IRST Trento, FORTH Heraklion, HAS Budapest.
  2001; 2002 IMPACT Project LAAS Toulouse

   Present position: Senior Research scientist- Micromachined Structures for Microwave Applications, Lab. Head

   Research interests: Microwaves, RF-MEMS, Micromachined microwave and millimeter wave circuits; micromachining technologies for silicon and III V's.

   Past and current European projects:

Coordinator the Romanian team in FP7 IP project SMARTPOWER (2011-1014):« Smart integration of high power electronics for industrial and RF applications » - FP7-ICT-2011-7, Coordinator Thales Research & Technology, France, 15 partners;

Coordinator Romanian team in FP7 IP project NANOTEC (2011-2014):  “Nanotechnology for Adaptive Communication and Imaging Systems based on RF-MEMS”- FP7-ICT-2011-7, Coordinator Thales Research & Technology, France, 17 partners

Coordinator the Romanian team in ENIAC Call 2009 (ENIAC-2008-1) “Micro and nano technologies based on wide band gap materials for future transmitting receiving and sensing systems – MERCURE” Coordinator: Thales Research and Technology, France;11 partners financed 2010-2013

Coordinator the Romanian team in ENIAC Call 2008 “Nanoelectronics for Safe, Fuel Efficient and Environment Friendly Automotive Solutions ” – SE2A (2008-2012)- Coordinator: NXP Semiconductor, The Netherlands.

Coordination of the FP7 MIMOMEMS project „ European Centre of Excellence in Microwave, Millimeter Wave and Optical Devices, based on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems for Advanced Communication Systems and Sensors”, REGPOT call 2007-1, no. 202897, 2008-2011, Coordinator: IMT-Bucharest

  Coordinator of the FP4 IST EC project 977131 – "Micromachined Circuits for Microwave and Millimeter Wave Applications" MEMSWAVE 1998-2001- coordinator, Partners :IMT Bucharest, Uppsala Univ Forth heraklion, ITC Trento, CNR Rome, Has Budapest Tor Vergata Univ Rome ISP&Microsensor Kiev .

“MEMSWAVE” was nominated in 2002 between the first 10 European research projects at the competition for DESCARTES prize of the EC, for excellence in research. .  

FP6 EC Network of Excellence in RF MEMS “AMICOM - Advanced MEMS for RF and Millimeter Wave Communications”, Contract no.: 507352 , (coordinator LAAS Toulouse,) 2004-2006, Dr A Muller is the leader of the Romanian team and a Member of Directory Board.of the project.

  Bilateral cooperations with:

  CNR Rome (1996-2000)
  FORTH IESL Heraklion (1997-2000)
  IRST Trento (2000-2004)
  FORTH IESL Heraklion (2000-2002)
  FORTH IESL Heraklion (2003-2005)
  HAS-MFA Budapest (interacademic cooperation) 1995-2003

Other important projects

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)   Brancusi Project 2003-2004 with LAAS Toulouse
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)   RF-MEMS Center of Excellence- 2002-2005-National Project MATNANTECH
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)   COMPOLYMEMS- 2001-2004 - National Project MATNANTECH (micromachined mm wave receivers)
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)   SIRMEMS-2002-2004- National Project MATNANTECH ( membrane supported antennae )
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)   FIREMEMS 2004 – 2006 National Project MATNANTECH ( reconfigurable filters)

   Main scientific publications:

Papers in periodicals (selection):

A. Muller, G. Konstantinidis, V. Buiculescu, A. Dinescu, A. Stavrinidis,A. Stefanescu, G. Stavrinidis, I. Giangu, A. Cismaru, A. Modoveanu, “GaN/Si based single SAW resonator temperature sensor operatingin the GHz frequency range”, Sensors and Actuators A 209 (2014) 115–123
A Cismaru, A Muller, G Konstantinidis, F Comanescu, M Purica, A Stefanescu, A Stavrinidis, A Dinescu, A Moldoveanu, Residual stress distribution and deflection analysis of very thin GaN membrane supported devices”.J. Micromech. Microeng. 23 (2013) 015010 (7pp)
Alexandru Müller , George Konstantinidis , Maria Androulidaki , Adrian Dinescu, Alexandra Stefanescu , Alina Cismaru , Dan Neculoiu , Emil Pavelescu , Antonis Stavrinidis “Front and backside-illuminated GaN/Si based metal–semiconductor–metal ultraviolet photodetectors manufactured using micromachining and nano-lithographic technologies”, Thin Solid Films 520 (2012) pp 2158-2161;
Andrei A. Muller, Dan Neculoiu, Alina Cismaru, Patrik Pons, Robert Plana, Dan Dascalu, Alexandru Muller  “Novel micromachined lumped bandpass-filter for 5.2GHz WLAN applications “ Int Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEÜ) 65 (2011) 1050-1053
Alexandru Müller, Dan Neculoiu, , George Konstantinidis, George Deligeorgis,  Adrian Dinescu, Antonis Stavrinidis, Alina Cismaru, Mircea Dragoman, Alexandra Stefanescu "SAW devices manufactured on GaN/Si for frequencies beyond 5 GHz," Electron Devices Lett. 2010, vol 31, no. 12, pp1398-1400
A. Muller , G. Konstantinidis , M. Dragoman , D. Neculoiu , A. Dinescu , M. Androulidaki , M. Kayambaki, A. Stavrinidis, D. Vasilache, C. Buiculescu, I. Petrini, A. Kostopoulos, D. Dascalu, “GaN membrane-supported UV photodetectors manufactured using nanolithographic processes” Microelectronics Journal, 40 (2009), pp. 319-321
Alexandru Müller, Dan Neculoiu, George Konstantinidis, Antonis Stavrinidis, Dan Vasilache, Alina Cismaru, Mihai Danila, Mircea Dragoman, George Deligeorgis and Katerina Tsagaraki “6.3 GHz Film Bulk Acoustic Resonator Structures Based on a Gallium Nitride/Silicon Thin Membrane” Electron Devices Letters, vol 30, no 8, August 2009, pp 799-801,
D. Neculoiu, A. Müller, G. Deligeorgis, A. Dinescu, A. Stavrinidis, D. Vasilache, A. Cismaru, G. E. Stan and G. Konstantinidis, “AlN on silicon based Surface Acoustic Wave resonators operating at 5 GHz” Electron. Lett. 45, 1196 (2009)
Pekka Pursula, Tauno Vaha-Heikkila, Alexandru Muller, Dan Neculoiu, George Konstantinidis, Aarne Ojaand Jussi Tuovinen  “Millimetre Wave Identification —  A new short range radio system for low power, high data rate applications”  IEEE Trans on MTT, vol 56, No 10, Oct 2008, pp 2221-2228
. A. Müller, G. Konstantinidis, M. Dragoman, D. Neculoiu, A. Kostopoulos, M. Androulidaki, M. Kayambaki and D. Vasilache „GaN membrane metal–semiconductor–metal ultraviolet photodetector” Applied Optics, Vol. 47, No. 10, 2008, pp 1453-1456
F Coccetti, D. Peyrou, M Al Ahmad, V Puyal, P Pons, H Aubert, A Muller, M. Dragoman and R Plana “RF MEMS status and perspective”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 5, No 12, 3822-3827 (2008)/DOI 10.1002/pssc.200780189
A. Takacs, D. Neculoiu, D. Vasilache, A. Muller, P. Pons, L. Bary, P. Calmon, H. Aubert and R. Plana  “Tunable bandstop MEMS filter for millimetre-wave applications” Electronics Letters, Vol43 No12, June 2007, p. 676-677
A. Muller, D. Neculoiu, D. Vasilache, D. Dascalu, G. Konstantinidis, A. Kosopoulos, A. Adikimenakis, A. Georgakilas, K. Mutamba, C. Sydlo, H.L. Hartnagel, A. Dadgar, “GaN micromachined FBAR structures for microwave applications”, Superlatices &Microstructures,40, 2006, pp426-431
G. J. Papaioannou, M. Exarchos, and V. Theonas, J. Psychias and G. Konstantinidis, D. Vasilache, A. Muller, and D. Neculoiu, “Effect of space charge polarization in radio frequency microelectromechanical system capacitive switch dielectric charging”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 89, 103512 _2006
M. Dragoman, A. Muller, D Neculoiu, D Vasilache, G Konstantinidis, K Grenier, D Dubuc, L Bary, R. Plana, "High Performance thin film bulk acoustic resonator covered with carbon nanotubes" Appl Phys Lett. 89,143122, 2006
 M Saadaoui, P Pons, R Plana, L Bary, D Dubreuil, D Bourrier, D Vasilache, D Neculoiu and A. Müller “Dry followed by wet backside etching processes for micromachined endfire antennae” , Journal of Micromechnics and Microengineering, vol.15, no.8, 2005.
 A Pantazis, D Neculoiu, Z Hazopulos, D Vasilache, M Lagadas, M Dragoman, C Buiculescu, I Petrini, G Konstantinidis and A. Müller “Millimeter-wave passive circuit elements based on GaAs micromachining”, Journal of Micromechnics and Microengineering, vol.15, no.8, 2005.
  D. Neculoiu, G.Bartolucci, P. Pons, L. Bary, D. Vasilache, A. Müller and R. Plana, “Compact membrane-supported bandpass filter for millimeter-wave applications”, Electronics Letters, vol.40, No.3, pp.180-182, Feb.2004
  D. Neculoiu, P. Pons, L. Bary, M. Saadaoui, D. Vasilache, K. Grenier, D. Dubuc, A. Müller and R. Plana “Membrane Supported Yagi-Uda Antennae for Millimeter-Wave Applications, IEE Microwave, Antennas and Propagation, Vol 151, No. 4, August 2004, pp.311-314
  G. Constantinidis, A. Müller, "GaAs Micromachined millimeter wave receiver structures", Journal Micromech. Microeng. Vol 13, pp 353-358, 2003.
  A. Müller , G. Constantinidis, F. Giaccomozzi, M. Lagadas, G. Deligeorgis, S. Iordanescu, I. Petrini, D. Vasilache, R. Marcelli, G. Bartolucci, D. Neculoiu, C. Buiculescu, P. Blondy, D. Dascalu. "Micromachined filters for 38 and 77 GHz supported on thin membranes", Journal Micromech. Microeng. 11 (2001) pp. 1-5..
  A. Müller , S. Iordanescu, I. Petrini, V. Avramescu, G. Simion, D.Vasilache, V. Badilita, D. Dascalu, G. Konstantinidis, R. Marcelli, G. Bartolucci, "Polyimide based GaAs micromachined millimeter wave structures", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 10 (2000), pp.130-135.
  I. Petrini, A. Müller, V. Avramescu, G. Simion, N. Nitescu, D.Vasilache, D. Dascalu, G. Konstantinidis, "Resistive pressure sensing structures on polyimide membranes on GaAs substrate", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 10 (2000), pp. 218-222.
  Ioana Petrini, A. Müller, V. Avramescu, S. Iordanescu, D. Dascalu, "Microwave micromachined structures on <100> silicon substrate using polyimide supported pads", Microelectronic and Engineering, Elsevier Science, 51-52 (2000), pp. 595-600.
  F. Giacomozzi, V. Guarnieri, B. Margesin, A. Müller, M. Zen, F. Riesz, "Micromachined Dielectric Membranes for Microwave Applications", Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp 29-37, 2000
  A. Müller , S. Iordanescu, "Membrane supported microwave circuits", Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, vol. 2, no. 1-2, pp. 117-128, 1999.
  A. Müller , R. Marcelli, I. Petrini, V. Avramescu, S. Iordanescu, S. Petrocco, L. Scopa, C. Risi, D. Vasilache, "Dielectric membrane support", European Semiconductor, vol. 11, no. 9, pp. 27-28, Oct. 1997.

   Contributions in this volume:

  A.Müller , G. Konstantinidis, D. Neculoiu, D. Vasilache, M. Lagadas, G. Deligeorgis, “GaAsmicromachining for millimeter wave applications”, pp 25-33
  D. Neculoiu, G. Bartolucci, M. Dragoman, R. Marcelli, F. Giacomozzi A. Müller – “Computer aided design of membrane supported mm-wave circuits” , p 79-86
  R. PLANA, A. MULLER, D. DASCALU (editors) “MEMS TECHNOLOGIES FOR MILLIMETER WAVE DEVICES AND CIRCUITS” Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, Series in "Micro and Nanoengineering", Bucharest, 2004.
D. Neculoiu, G.Bartolucci, P.Pons, L. Bary, D. Vasilache, G. Konstantinidis, A. Muller and R. Plana, “Membrane-supported coupled-line filters for the 45 GHz frequency band”, pp. 24-30
M. Saadaoui, A. Muller, P. Pons, L. Bary, D. Neculoiu, F. Giacomozzi,D. Dubuc, K. Grenier, L.Rabbia, D. Vasilache and R. Plana, “Fabrication of silicon based micromachined antennas for millimeter-wave applications” , pp. 43-49

  Member of professional associations: IEEE, EUMA, NEXUS USC-T

  Additional information:

  Coordinator of the INCO-COPERNICUS Project 977131 - MEMSWAVE 1998-2001 (IT project)-nominated between the first 10 European research projects for the EU DESCARTES prize 2002 in Scientific Excellence
  Participation in the IMPACT project of LAAS Toulouse 2001, 2002 in the frame of FP5 programme of EC
  Coordinator of bilateral cooperation agreements with: CNR Rome, IRST Trento, FORTH Heraklion, HAS Budapest
  Organizer of MME’2002 Workshop (Sinaia, Romania)
  Member of the Programme Committee of the MEMSWAVE Workshop

 Member of Directory Board AMICOM, NoE in FP6

Foreign languages:


Contact information:

  E-mail:, Tel:  +40-21-269.07.70; (int 34); Fax: +40-21-269.07.72; +40-21-269.07.76
  Fast mailing address : 126A Erou Iancu Nicolae Street, Bucharest, R-077190, Romania