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First name: Paula
Surname: Obreja
Date and place of birth:
06.02.1947, Turnu Magurele, Romania.
Education: PhD degree in Physical Chemistry from Politehnica University of Bucharest, B.S. and M.S degrees in Physical Chemistry from Bucharest University.
Professional experience:
New materials and process development for thin films: polymers, metals, CuInSe 2 and related semiconductor compounds.
Materials characterization : cyclic voltammetry, spectrophotometry, gas chromatography.
3D microfabrication and manufacturing of optoelectronic devices.
Career: 2000 – now: The National Institute for Research & Development in Microtechnologies
Present position : Senior Researcher in Micro-Photonic Laboratory, National Institute for Reseach and Development in Microtechologies (IMT- Bucharest), Romania
Dec. 1996 - present - senior researcher - National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies, Bucharest, Romania.
Nov. 1977 - Dec. 1996 - senior researcher in Optoelectronics and Sensors Department from Research Institute for Electronic Components (ICCE), Bucharest, Romania.
Aug.1969 - Nov. 1977 - research scientist in The Laboratory of "Materials research" from "Research and Design Center for Electronic Components" (CCPCE), Bucharest, Romania.
Research interests: Materials and structures simulation, design, lay-out and manufacturing of silicon microsensors
Development of new materials, processes and structures for MOEMS, photonic devices and chemo-optical sensors based on thin layers.
Past and current projects:
Technologies for MOEMS and sensors microstructures based on polymeric and hybride composites - National Programme " MATNANTECH", 2004-2006, Project Director.
Technologies for microphotonic components for optical interconnections and communications - National Programme " MATNANTECH", 2001-2004, member in work group.
Tunable microphotonic structures based on microcavities for optical communications – National Programme " MATNANTECH", 2002-2004, member in work group.
Technology for micromachined Fabry-Perot micro-interferometers integrated on silicon substrate - National Programme " MATNANTECH", 2001-2004, member in work group.
Optical microsensors on silicon substrate – new materials, components and technologies, National Project “RELANSIN”, 2000-2003- member in work group.
Development of new photonics devices for optical communications - National Project "ORIZONT 2000", 2000-2002, member in work group.
Centre of Excellence in Micro- and Nano-Photonics, National Programme " Relansin" (2001-2004).
Main scientific publications:
D. Cristea, R. Muller, F.Craciunoiu, M.Caldararu, M.Purica, E.Budianu, P.Obreja, I.Pavelescu, M.Modreanu, "Microphotonic Devices and Circuits for Opto-Electro-Mechanical Microsystems", in Micro and Nanostructures, Edited by Romanian Academy, Sept. 2001.
Papers in Periodical
Raluca Muller , Paula Obreja, V.Banu, I.Pavelescu, D.Dascalu, "Silicon-compatible waveguide used for an integrated opto-mechanical pressure sensor", Optical Materials, 17, 255-258, 2001.
D. Cristea, R. Muller, F. Craciunoiu, M. Caldararu, M. Purica, E.Budianu, P. Obreja, I.Pavelescu, M.Modreanu – "Microphotonic Devices and Circuits for Opto-Electro-Mechanical Microsystems" – in Micro and Nanostructures, Ed.Academiei, Bucharest, 2001.
R. Muller, V. Moagar Poladian, I. Pavelescu, E. Manea, D. Cristea, P.Obreja, "Technological processes and modelling of opto-electro-mechanical microstructures", Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing-a section of Solid State Electronics, 3(5-6), 427-431, 2000.
P.Obreja, R. Muller, E.Manea , "Silicon Elastomer as Protective Layer in 3D Microfabrication of MOEMS, Sensors and Actuators A, 74, 24-26, 1999.
Communications at International Conference:
P.Obreja, A.Obreja, D.Cristea, E.Budianu, “Optical properties of poly(vinyl-alcohol) based thin films for microphotonics”, E-MRS Spring Meeting 2004, Symp. A1, Strasbourg, France, 2004.
D.Cristea, P.Obreja, E.Manea, E.Budianu, R.Rebigan, M.Kusko, “ Microphotonic Structures Based on Poly(vinyl alcohol) Polymer for Chemo- and Bio-Sensors”, Advanced Topics on Optoelectronics Microelectronics and Nano Technologies Conf. (“ATOM-N 2004”), Bucuresti, Romania, Nov. 2004.
Paula Obreja, Dana Cristea, Elena Budianu, Raluca Gavrila, M. Kusko, V. Kuncser,“ Poly (vinyl-alcohol) Films for Microphotonics”, Proc. of the 16’th International Conference on Microelectronics, ICM’2004, Tunis, pg.676-679, Dec. 2004.
D.Cristea, P.Obreja, E.Manea – “New silicon waveguides fabrication process based on the anisotropic etching of Si <111>-oriented wafers”, E-MRS Spring Meeting 2002, Symposium H, Strasbourg, France, June 2002.
D.Cristea, M.Purica, E.Manea, P.Obreja, "ETCHING PROCESSES OF Si <111> WAFERS FOR FABRICATION OF MICROPHOTONIC COMPONENTS", Proccedings of 24th International Semiconductor Conference (CAS'2001), Sinaia, Romania, Volum 1, 197- 200, 2001.
D.Cristea, P.Obreja, M.Purica, E.Manea, “Experiments for microphotonic components fabrication using Si <111> etching techniques”, Proceeding of E-MRS Spring Meeting 2001, Strasbourg, France, June 2001, Published by European Material Research Society, pp. J-9.
Additional information (expertise, prizes, etc.):
Over 80 technical reports.
Foreign languages: French, English.
Contact information:
E-mail: paulao@imt.ro ; paulaobreja@yahoo.com
Tel: +40.21.490 84 12; +40.21.490 85 84; +40.21.490 82 12; Fax: +40.21.490 82 38
Normal mailing address: PO Box 38-160, 023573 Bucharest , Romania .
Fast mailing address : Laboratory of Micro-Photonics, National Institute for Reseach and Development in Microtechologies, 32B Erou Iancu Nicolae, 077190 Bucharest , Romania