CV Researchers home
First name: Rodica
Surname (Family name): Plugaru
Date and place of birth: 03.05.1956/Alexandria, Romania
2001 - 2003 Post doc research fellowship, Departamento de Física de
Materiales, Facultad de Físicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.
1997 Ph.D. Thesis in Solid State Physics, Institute of Atomic Physics, Bucharest, Romania.
Thesis subject: Investigation of structural defects in semiconductor materials.
1979 - 1980 M.Sc. Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, Romania.
1975 - 1979 B.Sc. Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, Romania.
Professional experience:
Semiconductor materials, nanomaterials, characterization of nano, and polycrystalline materials, porous materials, nanostructures, thin films, microscopy techniques, luminescence processes, surface, interface processes, optical properties, physics of defects, nanodevices.
Present position: Senior Researcher (CPI) Simulation, Modelling and Computer Aided Design Laboratory - L5 of IMT-Bucharest.
Research interests:
Growth process of semiconductor nano-structures. Investigation of their structural, optical, electrical, mechanical and magnetic properties. Interest in synthesis of nanostructures with a special, controlled topology for new materials integration and new functionalities. Experimental, modelling and theoretical development of multifunctional materials with tunable optical properties. Interest in electronic and optical properties modelling and simulation of nanomaterials and nanostructures by computational methods. Developement of nanodevices and sensors.
Post and Recent projects:
Advanced studies in optical characterization of semiconductor nanomaterials and devices. CEEX MCT- ANCS Project 2006-2008.
Characterization of semiconductor oxides for gas sensing applications. NATO-fellowship DC, 2003-Dept. Physics of Materials, Faculty of Physics, Complutense University, Spain.
Study of light emission processes of nanocrystalline semiconductors.Research grant SB 2000-0164, 2001-2003- Dept. Physics of Materials, Faculty of Physics, Complutense University, Spain.
Light emitting processes in nanocrystalline silicon. Romanian-Spanish scientific bilateral cooperation project. National Agency for Science Technology and Innovation- Spanish Ministry of Technology and Education. 1998 -2000.
Study of nanostructures of porous silicon by cathodoluminescence microscopy. NATO Collaborative Research Grant in High Technology. 1997-1998. CP Country Co-director.
Main scientific publications:
Papers in periodicals (selective list of the recent papers)
Effect of annealing in different atmospheres on the luminescence of polycrystalline TiO2, R. Plugaru, A. Cremades and J. Piqueras, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 16, S261-S268 (2004).
Resonant excitation of Er ions luminescence in nanocrystalline silicon matrix, J.A. García, R. Plugaru, B. Méndez, J. Piqueras, T.J. Tate, Eur. J. Phys.27, 75-79 (2004).
Electrical characterization of nanocrystalline Si films by scanning tunneling spectroscopy and beam-induced current in the scanning tunneling microscope, E. Nogales, B. Mendez, J. Piqueras, R. Plugaru, Nanotechnology 14, 65 (2003).
Study of termal treated a-Si implanted with Er and O, R. Plugaru, B. Mendez, J. Piqueras, T.J. Tate, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14, 13153 (2002).
Catodo- and photo-luminescence of erbium ions in nano-crystalline silicon: mechanism of excitation energy transfer, R. Plugaru, J. Piqueras, E. Nogales, B. Mendez, J.A. Garcia, T.J. Tate, J. Optical and Advanced Mat. 4 (4), 883 (2002).
Visible luminescence of erbium oxide layers grown on crystalline and amorphous silicon, E. Nogales, B. Méndez, J. Piqueras, R. Plugaru, A. Coraci, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 35, 295-298 (2002).
Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy of nanocrystalline silicon films, E. Nogales, B. Méndez, J. Piqueras, R. Plugaru, Semiconductor Science and Technology 16, 789-792 (2001).
Orthorombic microdefects in Si crystals, J. Borowsky, R. Nietubyc, J. Auleytner, R. Pluga ru, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 34, 1540-1544 (2001).
Cathodoluminescence from implanted and anodized polycrystalline silicon films. Rodica Plugaru, G. Craciun, N., Nastase, B. Mendez, A. Cremades, J. Piqueras, E. Nogales, Journal of Porous Materials, 7, 291- 294 (2000).
Conference Proceedings (selective list of the recent papers)
Photogenerated currents in pentacene field effect transistors.
R. Plugaru, C.Anghel, A.M. Ionescu
Proceedings of CAS-2006 International Semiconductor Conference , September 27-29, p.315-319,
Romania, 2006.
Contribution of surface defects to cathodoluminescence emission spectra of nanocrystalline titanium dioxide.
R. Plugaru
Proceedings of CAS-2006 International Semiconductor Conference , September 27-29, p.79-82,
Romania, 2006.
Growth of titanium oxide nanorods.
R. Plugaru, A. Cremades, J. Piqueras
Proceeding of CAS-2005 International Semiconductor Conference , October 3-5, p.51-54
Romania, 2005.
Resonant excitation of Er ions luminescence in nanocrystalline silicon matrix.
J.A. Garcia, R. Plugaru, B. Méndez, J. Piqueras, T.J. Tate
DRIP X (10th International Conference on Defects - Recognition, Imaging and Physics in Semiconductors), September 2003, Baltz sur Mer, France, 2003.
Effect of annealing in different atmospheres on the luminescence of polycrystalline TiO2.
R. Plugaru, A. Cremades, J. Piqueras
BIAMS (7th International Workshop on Beam Injection Assessment of Microstructures in Semiconductors) 2003
24-29 May 2003, Lille, France, 2003.
Surface reconstruction of polycrystalline TiO2 in oxygen atmosphere.
R. Plugaru, R. Vasilco, J. Piqueras, A. Cremades
Proceedings of CAS-2003 International Semiconductor Conference , September 28-October 2, p.327-341.Romania, 2003.
STM-REBIC study of nanocrystalline and crystalline silicon.
E. Nogales, B. Méndez, J. Piqueras, R. Plugaru
MRS Fall Meeting, 2-6 December 2002, Boston, USA, 2002.MRS Symp. Proc. 738, “Spatially Resolved Characterization of Local Phenomena in Materials in Nanostructures”, Editors: D.A. Bonnell, J. Piqueras, A.P. Shreve, F. Zypman, 143-149 (2003).
Effect of termal and mechanical treatments on the cathodoluminescence of tin and titanium oxides.
D. Maestre, R. Plugaru, A. Cremades, J. Piqueras
MRS Fall meeting, 2-6 December 2002, Boston, USA, 2002.
MRS Symp. Proc. 738, “Spatially Resolved Characterization of Local Phenomena in Materials in Nanostructures”, Editors: D.A. Bonnell, J. Piqueras, A.P. Shreve, F. Zypman, 143-149 (2003).
Investigation of light emission from nanocrystalline silicon doped with rare earth ions.
R. Plugaru, E. Nogales, B. Mendez, J. Piqueras
Congreso Nacional de Materiales, Madrid, Abstract books: Nanomateriales PS 270. 16-18 October 2002, Madrid, Spain, 2002.
Study of thermal treated a-Si implanted with Er and O ions.
R. Plugaru, B. Méndez, J. Piqueras, T.J. Tate
Extended Defects in Semiconductors-EDS 1-6 June 2002, Bolonia, Italy, 2002.
Characterization of erbium oxide grown on silicon and erbium implanted silicon by luminescence techniques.
E. Nogales, J. Piqueras, R. Plugaru, B. Méndez, J.A. García, T.J. Tate
Exmatec (Expert Evaluation and Control of Compound Semiconductor Materials and Technologies) 2002, 26-29 May 2002, Budapest, Hungary, 2002.
R. Plugaru, G. Craciun, M. Bercu, J. Rams, J. Piqueras, Optical absorption and luminescence study of the effect of thermal treatments on the porous silicon surface.
MRS Symp. Proc. 588, Optical Microstructural Characterization of Semiconductors, Editors: J. Piqueras, T. Sekiguchi, M.S. Unlu, N.M. Kalkhoran, 209-214 (2000).
Member of professional associations:
Member of the Material Reseach Society MRS-USA-1996, 1998.
Additional information (expertise, prizes, etc.):
Fellowships and research stages.
2005 June-2006 January: EPFL-STI-IMM-LEG2 Ecole Politechnique Federale de Lausanne- School of Engineering- Institute of Microelectronics and Microsystems-Electronic Laboratory, Switzerland. Academic guest.
Projects: Optimization of growth processes of organic thin films in silicon integrated devices technology.
Development of technological processes for tunneling diodes integration in optical devices.
2001 February-May: Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, Japan. Visiting professor.
Project title: Study of physical and chemical properties of porous silicon for applications.
Foreign languages:
Contact information:
rplugaru@imt.ro, rodica.plugaru@yahoo.com;
Tel: +40-21-490.84.12, Fax: +40-21-490.82.38.