CV Researchers home
First name:
Gheorghe Ioan
Surname: Sajin
Date and place of birth:
December 19, 1948, Fagaras, Jud. Brasov, Romania
Education: M.Sc. in Electronics and Telecommunications, Polytechnic University of Bucharest; year of graduation: 1972.
Doctor in electronics (Ph.D.) since 1990, specialization Radiotechnics and Radiocommunications, with a thesis entitled: "Contributions to the study of the microwave microstrip components on magnetically polarised ferritic substrate";
Professional experience:
Microwave electronics, mainly in the domain of non-reciprocal ferrite devices;.
Biological effects and medical use of electromagnetic waves.
1972 – 1996: Research Institute for Electronic Components, engineer, researcher and senior scientist in microwave electronics.
1997 – present: National Research Institute for Microtechnologies, senior scientist in microwave electronics.
Stages abroad:
November 25 -- December 20, 1996, Istituto di Elettronica dello Stato Solido del CNR, Roma, Italy; Project no.9: Soliton propagation in magnetic films.
May 04 – 17, 1998; M 2T Microwave Microsystem Technology -- CNR, Roma, Italy, Project no. 9: Soliton propagation in magnetic films.
July 19 – 30, 1999; M 2T Microwave Microsystem Technology -- CNR, Roma, Italy, Project no. 9: Soliton propagation in magnetic films.
November 27 – December 11, 2000, M 2T Microwave Microsystem Technology -- CNR, Roma, Italy, Project no. 29: Soliton propagation in magnetic films.
May 13 – 26, 2002, M 2T Microwave Microsystem Technology -- CNR, Roma, Italy, Project no. 24: Linear and nonlinear microwave signal processing by means of micromachined magnetostatic wave devices.
June 01 … 30, 2004, M 2T Microwave Microsystem Technology -- CNR, Roma, Italy, Project no. 24: Linear and nonlinear microwave signal processing by means of micromachined magnetostatic wave devices.
04 … 16 noiembrie 2006, Microwave Microsystem Technology -- CNR, Roma, Italy, Project no. 24: (Electomagnetic band gap (EMBG) materials and devices for microwave and millimeter wave applications
Present position:
Senior Scientist.
Research interests:
Frontier domain between microwave electronics and medicine and biology. Biological effects of microwaves. Application in medicine and biology. Radiation hazard assignement
Micro--- and nanotechnology applied in microwave domain.
Past and current projects:
Project NATO SfP 974130 - Acoustic Waves: Ceramic Substrate with Controlled Piezoelectric Properties for Surface Acoustic Waves Applications. 2000 – 2004, co-director of the project.
Substrate ceramice cu proprietati piezoelectrice controlate pentru aplicatii cu unde acustice de suprafata. Contract nr. 108/2001 with ICPE - CA.
Study of biophysical cellular modifications / alterations induced by microwaves in the GSM telephony frequency range. Project VIASAN 177/1/2002 with University of Medicine and Pharmacy «Carol Davila» -- Bucharest .
Devices with surface and bulk accoustic waves for applications in bio-medicine and environment. Project MATNANTECH 254 (408)/2004.
Microwave and millimeter wave on PBG media micromachined in ceramics and semiconductors. Grant of CNCSIS/2005 – 2007.
Microwave structures and devices on microprocessed media with frequency selectivity, Project INFOSOC nr.31 CEEX 103 / 2005
Researches concerning bio-electromagnetical interaction and biological impact of human exposure to radiofrequencies and microwave electromagnetic fields – Partner in the Project CERES nr. CEEX 05-D11-54-P3 / 2005
Millimeter wave devices on metamaterials microprocessed by laser ablation – METALASER. Project PNCDI-2 nr. 11-010 / 2007
Advanced femtosecond laser system for metamaterials and photonic crystals nanostructuring – FEMAT. Partner of INFLPR in the Project PNCDI-2
Main scientific publications:
ZAMFIRESCU G., SAJIN G., RUSU I., SAJIN MARIA, KOVACS EUGENIA.: Efecte biologice ale radiatiilor electromagnetice de radiofrecventa si microunde (Biological effects of RF and microwave electromagnetic radiations), Editura Medicala, ISBN 973-39-0426-0, Bucuresti, 2000, 310 pag.
GHEORGHE SAJIN, GHEORGHE GAVRILOAIA, MARIA SAJIN, ION RUSU: Absorbtia campului electromagnetic in zona capului uman (Absorption of electromagnetic radiation in human head), Editura Academiei Tehnice Militare, ISBN 973-8290-33-3, Bucuresti,2002, 250 pag.
Gheorghe Sajin, Maria Sajin, GHEORGHE GAVRILOAIA: Absorbtia si efectele undelor milimetrice in mediile biologice (Absorption and biological effects of millimeter waves in biological media), Editura Academiei Tehnice Militare, ISBN 973-8290-59-7, Bucuresti, 2002, 180 pag.
Gheorghe Sajin, Maria Sajin, Ion Mogos, Mihai Mogos: Termografia Clinica si experimentala. Vol.1: Absorbtia termica si atermica a energiei electromagnetice in corpul uman (Clinical and experimental thermography. Vol I: Thermal and athermal absorption of electromagnetic energy in human body), Editura GENEZE, ISBN 973-9099-09-2, Bucuresti, 2002, 290 pag.
Gheorghe Sajin, Maria Sajin, Gheorghe Gavriloaia: Aplicatii biologice ale radiatiilor electromagnetice, (Biological applications of electromagnetic waves), Editura Academiei Tehnice Militare, 308 pag., Bucuresti, 2003 ISBN 973-640010-7.
Papers in periodicals
Stefan Simion, Romolo Marcelli, GIANCARLO BARTOLUCCI, George Sajin: Design, Fabrication and On-Wafer Characterization of a Meta-Material Transmission Line Coupler, International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology, Vol.3, Nr.3, July 2008, pp. 363 – 369. ISSN 1553-0396.
S. Simion, g. Bartolucci, r. Marcelli, g. Sajin: Tunable mems band-stop filters, in Emerging Technologies for RF and Millimeter Waves Circuits, Ed. Academiei Romane, 2007, pp. 80 – 88. ISBN 978-973-27-1524-6.
M. Zamfirescu, R. Dabu, M. Dumitru, g. Sajin, F. Craciunoiu, A. Dinescu: Composite Right/Left-Handed Structures Fabricated on Gold Thin Films by Using Ultra-Short Laser Pulses, in Progress in Nanosciences and Nanostructures, Ed. Academiei Romane, 2007, pp. 258 – 266, ISBN 978-973-27-1576-5.
Simion S.; Marcelli R.; Sajin G.: Small-size CPW silicon resonating antenna based on transmission-line meta-material approach, Electronics Letters, Vol.43, Issue 17, 16 Aug. 2007, pp. 908-909. ISSN 0013-5194.
Romolo Marcelli, George Sajin, Alina Cismaru: Micropackaged Magnetostatic Wave Resonators in Microstrip and CPW Configurations, in Advanced MEMS for RF and Millimeter Wave Communications, Ed. Academiei Romane, 2005, pp. 230 – 240, ISBN 973-27-1196-5.
G. Sajin, A.M. Moisin, F. Craciunoiu, A.I. Dumitru: Controlled Properties Piezo-Ceramics as Support for Surface Acoustic Waves Resonators, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, ROMJIST, Ed. Academiei Romane, pp. 223 – 235, Volume 8, Number 3, 2005. ISSN 1453-8245.
Romolo Marcelli, George Sajin, Alina Cismaru: Band-pass magnetostatic wave resonators on micromachined silicon substrate. Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 75, April 01, 2004, pp. 1127 – 1133, ISSN 0034-6748.
Romolo Marcelli, George Sajin, Alina Cismaru, Florea Craciunoiu: Band-stop magnetostatic waves micromachined resonators. Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, March 29, 2004, Vol. 9, Issue 12
Romolo Marcelli, George Sajin, Alina Cismaru, Florea Craciunoiu: Band-stop magnetostatic waves micromachined resonators. Applied Physics Letters, March 29, 2004, Vol.84, Issue 13, pp. 2445 – 2447, ISSN 0003-6951.
Roxana Pologea-Moraru, Eugenia Kovacs, Karina Roxana Iliescu, Violeta Calota, Gheorghe Sajin, (2002), The effect of low level microwaves on the fluidity of photoreceptor cell membrane. Bioelectrochemistry 56(2002), Nr.1, 15 May 2002, pp. 223 - 225, ISSN 1567-5394/02/$.
SAJIN G., KOVACS EUGENIA, MORARU POLOGEA ROXANA, SAVOPOL T., SAJIN MARIA, (2000), Cell membrane permeabilization of human erythrocytes by athermal 2450 MHz microwave radiation. IEEE Transactions on MTT, Vol MTT 48 (2000), November 2000, pp. 2072 - 2075, ISSN 0018-9480.
MATEI ELENA, GEORGE SAJIN, (2000), S parameters for magnetostatic wave transducers on silicon microstructures. Microelectronic Engineering, 51–52(2000), pp. 479 –483, ISSN 0167-9317.
SAVOPOL T., MORARU R., DINU AL., KOVACS EUGENIA, SAJIN G. Membrane damage of human red blood cells induced by low power microwave irradiation. Electro-- and Magnetobiology, 14(2), 1995, pp. 99 – 105.
Other contributions in the last five years:
S. Simion, G. Sajin, R. Marcelli, G. BarTolucci: On wafer experimental characterization for a 4-port circuit using a two-port vector network analyzer, Proceedings of the 31rst International Semiconductor Conference, CAS, 13 – 15 October, 2008, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 223 – 226. ISBN 978-1-4244-2004-9; ISSN 1545-827X; IEEE Catalog Number CFP08CAS-PRT.
S. Simion, R. Marcelli, G. Bartolucci, G. Sajin, F. Craciunoiu: Nonlinear composite right/left-handed transmission line for frequency doubler and short pulse generation, Second International Congress of Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwave and Optics, METAMATERIALS 2008, Pamplona, Spain, 21 – 26 September 2008, Proceedings electronic nepaginat. ISBN 978-84-9769-229-8.
Stefan Simion, George Sajin, Romolo Marcelli, Florea Craciunoiu, GIANCARLO BARTOLUCCI: Microwave Directional Coupler with CRLH cells on Silicon Substrate, Proceedings of the 50th International Symposium “Electronics in Marine” ELMAR-2008, Zadar, Croatia, 10 – 13 Sept. 2008, pp. 195 – 198; ISSN 1334-2630; ISBN 978-953-7044-06-0; IEEE Catalog Number CFP08825-PRT.
George Sajin, Stefan Simion, Romolo Marcelli, Florea Craciunoiu: Microwave antennas with crlh cells on silicon substrate, Proceedings of the 50th International Symposium “Electronics in Marine” ELMAR-2008, Zadar, Croatia, 10 – 13 Sept. 2008, pp.211 – 214. ISSN 1334-2630; ISBN 978-953-7044-06-0; IEEE Catalog Number CFP08825-PRT.
Stefan Simion, George Sajin, Romolo Marcelli: On-wafer method for experimental characterization of MEMS matrix, using a two-port Vector Network Analyzer, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on RF MEMS and RF Microsystems, MEMSWAVE 2008, Heraklion, Greece, 30 June – 03 July 2008.
T. Sandulescu, G. Sajin, Victoria Moraru: Interaction between non-thermal power levels microwaves and malignant cells, International Fröhlich’s Symposium “Biophysical aspects of cancer electromagnetic mechanism” -BACEM-2008, July 1- 3, 2008, Praga, Czech Republic.
Stefan Simion, Romolo Marcelli, Giancarlo Bartolucci, Gheorghe Sajin: Silicon CPW coupled-lines metamaterial coupler and on-wafer characterization using a 2-port vector network analyzer. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications MIKON-2008, Wroclaw, Poland, 19 – 23 May 2008, pp. 65 – 68. ISBN 83-906662-7-8, IEEE Catalog number CFP08784-PRT.
MULLER A., NECULOIU D., KONSTANTINIDIS G., DINESCU A., MOROSANU C., VASILACHE D., KOSTOPOULOS A., STAVRINIDIS A., DRAGOMAN M., SAJIN G., PANTAZIS A., CISMARU ALINA: New development on AlN based FBAR and SAW structures for applications in the GHz range, Proceedings of the 2008 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, Moscone West, San Francisco, 24 – 28 March 2008, p. 135.
S. Simion, R. Marcelli, G. Bartolucci, G. Sajin: Electromagnetic analysis of CPW CRLH TL directional coupler, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Microwave and Optical Technology, ISMOT 2007, Monte Porzio Catone, Roma, Italy, December 17 – 21, 2007, pp. 567 – 570. ISBN 978-88-548-1476-9.
G. Sajin, S. Simion, F. Craciunoiu, R. Marcelli, G. Bartolucci: Silicon supported microwave zeroth-order resonance antenna on metamaterial approach,Proceedings of the 2007 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, APMC 2007, Bangkok, Thailanda, 11 – 14 decembrie 2007, pp. 221 – 224. ISBN 1-4244-0748-6; IEEE Catalog number 07TH8926;
Sajin Maria, Petrescu D., Sajin G., Craciunoiu F., Gavrila Raluca: High Frequency Micromixing Applications: Interactions between Piezoelectric Ceramic and Biological Media, Proceedings of the 2007 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, APMC 2007, Bangkok, Thailanda, 11 – 14 decembrie 2007, pp. 2437 – 2440. ISBN 1-4244-0748-6; IEEE Catalog number 07TH8926;
S. Simion, G. Sajin, F. Craciunoiu, R. Marcelli, G. Bartolucci: CPW composite right/left-handed zeroth-order resonance antenna on silicon substrate, Proceedings of the First International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials for Microwave and Optics – METAMATERIALS 2007, Rome, Italy, 22 – 26 October 2007, pp. 373 – 376.
S. Simion, G. Sajin, F. Craciunoiu, R. Marcelli, G. Bartolucci: Silicon CPW composite right/left-handed coupled lines directional coupler, Proceedings of the First International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials for Microwave and Optics – METAMATERIALS 2007, Rome, Italy, 22 – 26 October 2007, pp. 369 – 372.
G. Sajin, D. Petrescu, M. Sajin, F. Craciunoiu, R. Gavrila: Interactions between biological media and piezoelectric ceramic in micromixing applications, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, ROMJIST, Ed. Academiei Romane, Volume 10, Number 3, 2007, pp. 279 – 289. ISSN 1453-8245.
A. Müller, A Dinescu, G. Konstantinidis, D Vasilache, M Dragoman, C. Morosanu, G. Sajin, D. Neculoiu: Wide band gap semiconductor SAW type devices for GHz applications, manufactured using nano-lithographic techniques, Proceedings of the 30th International Semiconductor Conference, CAS, 15 – 17 Oct., 2007, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 255 – 258. ISBN 1-4244-0847-4; ISSN 1545-827X; IEEE Catalog Number 07TH8934.
George Sajin, Stefan Simion, Romolo Marcelli, Florea Craciunoiu, Giancarlo Bartolucci: Silicon supported microwave directional coupler metamaterial approach, Proceedings of the 30th International Semiconductor Conference, CAS, 15 – 17 Oct., 2007, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 241 – 244. ISBN 1-4244-0847-4; IEEE Catalog Number 07TH8934.
S. Simion, G. Sajin, R. Marcelli, F. Craciunoiu, G. Bartolucci: Silicon Resonating Antenna Based on CPW Composite Left/Right-Handed Transmission Line, Proceedings of the European Microwave Week – European Microwave Conference, EuMW-EuMC 2007, Munchen, Germany, 8 – 12 October 2007, pp. 478 – 481; ISBN 978-2-87487-000-2; CD-ROM Issue.
M. Moisin, A.I. Dumitru, G. Sajin, C. Miclea, A. Iuga, S. Hodorogea: The Influence of Dopant on the Structure and Dielectric Properties of Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-Ln(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3 System, Proceedings of the the 11th European Meeting on Ferroelectricity, EMF-2007, 03 – 07 September 2007, Bled, Slovenia.
S. Simion, G. Sajin, F. Craciunoiu, R. Marcelli, G. Bartolucci: CPW antenna fabricated on silicon substrate, based on transmission line metamaterial approach, Proceedings of the 10th Edition of Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA 2007, Torino, Italy, 17 – 21 September 2007. IEEE Catalog Number 07EX1603C; ISBN 1-4244-0767-2; CD-ROM Issue.
S. Simion, G. Sajin, F. Craciunoiu, R. Marcelli, G. Bartolucci: Design and fabrication of MMIC coupled lines coupler consisting of Composite Right/Left-Handed transmission lines, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer as a Tool, EUROCON 2007, Warszawa, Poland, 09 – 12 Sept. 2007, pp. 2073 – 2077. CD-ROM Issue; IEEE Catalog Number 07EX1617C; ISBN 1-4244-0813-X.
S. Simion, G. Sajin, F. Craciunoiu, R. Marcelli, G. Bartolucci: CPW Silicon Directional Coupler Based on Composite Right/Left-Handed Transmission Lines Proceedings of the Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, MMS 2007, Budapest, Hungary, 14 – 16 May 2007, pp. 307 – 310. CD-ROM Issue; ISBN 978-963-87244-4-1.
G. Sajin, S. Simion, F. Craciunoiu, R. Marcelli: CPW Silicon Zeroth-Order Resonance Antenna Using Composite Right/Left-Handed Transmission Lines, Proceedings of the Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, MMS 2007, Budapest, Hungary, 14 – 16 May 2007, pp. 65 – 68. CD-ROM Issue; ISBN 978-963-87244-4-1.
G. Sajin, T. Savopol, Maria Sajin, Eugenia Kovaks, Irina Miron: Influence of microwave radiation on cell membrane stiffening, Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on the Biological Effects of the Electromagnetic Fields, Crete, Greece, 16 – 20 October 2006, pp. 353 – 360. SET 960-233-171-2; ISBN 960-233-172-0.
Sajin Gh., Petrescu D., Sajin Maria, Craciunoiu F., Raluca Gavrila: Study of the piezoceramic influence on biological media in microfluidic applications, Proceedings of the 29th International Semiconductor Conference, CAS, 04 – 07 Oct., 2006, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 219 – 222. ISBN 1-4244-0109-7; IEEE Catalog Number 06TH8867.
S. Simion, G. Sajin, F. Craciunoiu: Full-wave electromagnetic analysis and design of broadband couplers consisting of PI crlh structures, Proceedings of the 29th International Semiconductor Conference, CAS, 04 – 07 Oct., 2006, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 123 – 126. ISBN 1-4244-0109-7; IEEE Catalog Number 06TH8867.
Ana Maria Moisin, Alina-Iulia Dumitru, G. Sajin, F. Craciunoiu: Substituted Lead Titanate Piezoelectric Ceramics Substrate for SAW Resonators, 8th European Conference on Applications of Polar Dielectrics, ECAPD VIII, Metz, France, 05 – 08 Sept. 2006, Abstract Book p.247.
Sajin Gh., Petrescu D., Sajin Maria, Craciunoiu F., Raluca Gavrila: Testing the biocompatibility of the piezoelectric ceramics and biological media. Proceedings of the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering “Imaging the Future Medicine”, 27 August – 01 Sept. 2006, Seoul, Korea, pp. 3179 – 3182. CD-ROM Issue ISSN 1727 – 1983; ISBN 3-540-36839-6.
S.Simion, G.Bartolucci, R.Marcelli, G.Sajin: Design and full-wave analysis of tunable MEMS band-stop filter – Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on RF MEMS and RF Microsystems, MEMSWAVE 2006, 27 – 30 June 2006, Orvieto, Italy, pp. 46 – 49.
George SAJIN, Tudor SAVOPOL, Eugenia KOVACS, Maria SAJIN, Irina MIRON: Exposure of Human blood cells to 1800 MHz GSM Radiation – Effects on Membrane Anisotropy. Proceedings of 13-th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON 2006, Malaga, Spain, May 16 – 19, 2006, pp. 982 – 985, ISBN 1-4244-0087-2. Baza de date IEEE.
R.M.Piticescu, L.Grigorieva, E.Vasile, G.Sajin: Electrical and luminescence properties of the hydrothermal synthesised BST nanomaterials. POLECER International Conference “Piezoceramics for end-users II”, 05 – 08 March 2006, Lillehammer, Norway. Paper nr. OA10.
George SAJIN, Tudor Savopol, Eugenia Kovacs, Irina Miron: 1800 GSM radiation effects on human blood monocytes membrane anisotropy, Proceedings of the 17th Asia_Pacific Microwave Conference, Suzhou, China, 4 – 7 December 2005. Baza de date IEEE.
George Sajin, Tudor Savopol, Eugenia Kovacs, Irina Miron: Human blood monocytes membrane anisotropy decrease following microwave radiation. Proceedings of the 3rd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference, Praga, Czech Republic, 20 – 25 Nov. 2005. CD-ROM Issue; ISSN 1727-1983.
George Sajin, Ana Maria Moisin, Florea Craciunoiu, Alina-Iulia Dumitru: SAW Resonators on ceramics with controlled piezoelectric properties,Proceedings of the 28th International Semiconductor Conference, CAS, Sinaia, Romania, 03 – 04 Octombrie, 2005, p. 95 – 98. ISBN 0-7803-9214-0, IEEE Catalog Number 05TH8818.
George Sajin, Tudor Savopol, Eugenia Kovacs, Irina Miron: Effects of 1800 GSM radiation on human monocytes and trombocytes membrane anisotropy. Proceedings of the 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE – EMB, Shanghai, China, 01 – 04 September 2005, pp.7313 - 7316. CD-ROM Issue. ISBN 0-7803-8740-6.
Alina Cismaru, Romolo Marcelli, George Sajin, Florea Craciunoiu: Microstrip transducers optimization for band-pass micropackaged magnetostatic wave rezonators. Proceedings of the 27th International Semiconductor Conference, CAS, Sinaia, Romania, 04 – 07 Oct., 2004, pp. 173 – 176, ISBN 0-7803-8499-7, IEEE Catalog Number 04TH8748; Library of Congress 2004105104. Baza de date IEEE.
Romolo Marcelli, George Sajin, Alina Cismaru: Micropackaged Magnetostatic Wave Resonators in Microstrip and CPW Configurations. Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on MEMS for Millimeter Wave Communications, MEMSWAVE, 30.06 – 02.07 2004, Uppsala, Sweden, pp. I25 – I28.
Alina Cismaru, Romolo Marcelli, George Sajin, Florea Craciunoiu: Modeling of microstrip lines on micromachined silicon substrates. Proceedings of the SPIE's 2004 Conference 5455 on MEMS, MOEMS and Micromachining, Strassbourg, France, 29 – 30 April 2004.
Citations in scientific literature
T. Savopol, R. Moraru, A. Dinu, E. Kovács, G. Sajin: Membrane damage of human red blood cells induced by low power microwaves irradiation. --- Electro- and Magnetobiology, 14, 1995, 99 – 106, cited by: A Hategan, D Martin, A Popescu, et al.: "Accelerated electrons and microwave irradiation effects on the human erythrocyte membranes", Czech J. Phys 49: 541-545 Part 1 Suppl. 1 1999.
T. Savopol, R. Moraru, A. Dinu, E. Kovács, G. Sajin: Membrane damage of human red blood cells induced by low power microwaves irradiation. --- Electro- and Magnetobiology, 14, 1995, 99 – 106, cited by: GJ Hyland: "Physics and biology of mobile telephony", Lancet 356, 2000, 1833-1836
Savopol T, Moraru R, Dinu A, Kovacs E, Sajin G:Membrane damage of human red-blood-cells induced by low-power microwave irradiation --- Electro- and Magnetobiology 14 (2), 99-105, 1995 cited by: Baciu C, Salus HP, Berg H.: „Electromagnetic permeabilization of yeast cell membranes yielding enhanced photodynamic action:A synergism",Electro- and Magnetobiology, 20 (3), 363-369, 2001.
Savopol T, Moraru R, Dinu A, Kovacs E, Sajin G:Membrane damage of human red-blood-cells induced by low-power microwave irradiation --- Electro-- and Magnetobiology 14 (2), 99-105, 1995 cited by: European Parliament, Directorate General for Research, Directorate A, Division Industry, Research and Energy, STOA, Scientific and Technological Options Assessment: "The Physiological and Environmental Effects of Non-Ionising Electromagnetic Radiation - Final Study".
Savopol T, Moraru R, Dinu A, Kovacs E, Sajin G:Membrane damage of human red-blood-cells induced by low-power microwave irradiation --- Electro- and Magnetobiology 14 (2), 99-105, 1995 cited by: Roxana Pologea-Moraru et.al.: The effects of low level microwaves on the fluidity of photoreceptors cell membrane", Bioelectrochemistry 56, (2002) 223 – 225.
Member of professional associations:
member of IEEE - MTT, number 40112360.
member of General Assembly of European Microwave Association, EuMA, number AM 756.
Additional information (expertise, prizes, etc.):
Scientific referent for international reviews and conferences:
- IEEE Transactions On MTT
- Archives on Physiology and Biochemistry
- Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology.
- International Advisory Committee of European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC-2005)
- Romanian Journal of Biophysics, 2007.
- Acta Technica Napocensis, 2007;
- RAM Medica, 2007
- Asia – Pacific Microwave Conference, 2008.
Associate professor of "Politehnica" University in Bucharest
Expert evaluator of CNCSIS
Foreign languages:
English , French
Contact information:
E-mail: gheorghe.sajin@imt.ro; g_sajin@yahoo.com
Tel.: +40-21-490.84.12; fax: +40-21-490.82.38, www.imt.ro