Project title (acronim): Microfluidic Factory for “Assisted Self-Assembly” of Nanosystems (MICRONANOFAB) |
Project thematic area: Innovative materials, products and processes |
Operational programme: POS CCE |
Priority Axis: AP2: Competitivitate prin Cercetare, Dezvoltare Tehnologica si Inovare 2 – Research, Technological Development and Innovation for Competitiveness |
Intervention field: KAI2.1 „R&D partnerships between universities/ research institutes, and enterprises for generating results directly applicable in economy” |
ID/COD SMIS/No. and contract data : 665/12609/209/20.07.2010 |
Operation: O.2.1.2 "Complex research projects fostering the participation of high-level international experts" |
State-aid scheme: RDI aid scheme excepted from notification „Financing research-development and innovation (RDI) projects via the Sector Operational Program for the Increase in Economic Competitiveness (SOP-IEC)” approved by OM no. 3388/2008 |
Project total value /The amount of financial assistance grants: 7.071.000/5.900.000 lei |
Duration of contract: 42 months |