International Projects
Bilateral Cooperation Project Romania - France (Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble-INP: Grenoble-INP), Integrated Action Program Brancusi, PN-III P3-3.1-PM-EN-FR-2016 (2016-2017), "DNA Biosensing with Silicon-on-Insulator Substrates - BIS-SOI", Project director: Dr. Monica Simion
Bilateral Cooperation Project Romania –Ukraine (National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute") (2016-2017), "New photosensitive materials based on silicon films with various rare-earth metals for sensors and optoelectronic devices applications” / „Noi materiale fotosensibile pe baza de siliciu dopat cu pamanturi rare cu aplicatii in domeniul senzorilor si dispozitivelor optoelectronice”,
Project director: Dr. Mihaela Kusko
Large-scale Integrating Collaborative FP7 Project –“Development of reference methods for hazard identification, risk assessment and LCA of engineered nanomaterials – NanoValid” (2011 – 2015) – IMT resp. M. Kusko > THEME NMP.2010.1.3-1 Reference methods for managing the risk of engineered nanoparticles
NanoValid has been launched as one of the "flagship" nanosafety projects. The project consists of 24 European partners from 14 different countries and 6 partners from Brazil, Canada, India and the US and will run from 2011 to 2015, with a total budget of more than 13 mio EUR (EC contribution 9.6 mio EUR). It is devoted to validation of the measurements and test methods for testing toxicity. In cooperation with international standardization bodies and the industry, advanced physical-chemical characterization methods for organic and inorganic nanomaterials are studied, aiming at developing a set of reliable reference methods and materials for the fabrication, hazard identification and exposure assessment of engineered nanomaterials. |
NanoValid Videoclip (EuroNanoForum 2015)
LIFE+ (Environment Policy and Governance) Project – “Development of an interactive tool for the implementation of environmental legislation in Nanoparticle manufacturers – i-NanoTool” (2013 – 2015) - IMT resp. M. Kusko
i-NanoTool aims to support the European nanoparticles manufacturers with the implementation and enforcement of environmental laws, to facilitate these companies, the updated information regarding the environmental impact of its activities and legislation and also to give information about the existing methods for the assessment of the environmental impact of the nanoparticles.
e-tool video
COST (European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research) Project - “Raman-based applications for clinical diagnostics (Raman4clinics)” (2014-2018) - IMT resp. Dr. Mihaela Kusko
Bilateral Cooperation Project Romania – Argentina (Instituto de Investigaciones en Fisicoquímica de Córdoba (INFIQC), Departmento de Química Orgánica. Facultad of Ciencias Químicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba) – „Development of analytical methods based on supramolecular systems to detect and quantify nanomaterials – DAMS” (2013 – 2015) – IMT resp. M. Kusko.
The general goal of the DAMS project is to develop analytical methods for engineered nanomaterials based on physicochemical changes due to the interaction with supramolecular systems like pseudorotaxanes.
Collaborative Small or Medium-scale Focused FP7 Research Project – „Development of sustainable solutions for nanotechnology based products based on hazard characterization and LCA - NanoSustain” (2010-2013) – IMT resp. D. Dascalu > THEME 4 NMP - Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies,Materials and new Production Technologies and THEME 6 Environment, including Climate Change
The NanoSustain consortium consists of 12 partners from 8 different countries, coordinated by Rudolf Reuther - NordMiljö AB (NOMI), Sweden. The project is focused on developing innovative solutions for the sustainable design, use, recycling and final treatment of nanotechnology-based products, namely:
◘ nanocellulose based materials and products (e.g. paper additive); ◘ nanoTiO2 based products (paint application); ◘ nanoZnO based composites (glass coatings); ◘ MWCNT based products (epoxy plates; solar cells)
MNT ERA-NET project – “Nanostructural carbonaceous films for cold emitters – NANOCAFE” (2009-2011) – IMT resp. F. Craciunoiu
MNT ERA-NET project – “A ‘system-in-a-microfluidic package’ approach for focused diagnostic DNA microchips – DNASiP” (2008-2010) – IMT resp. M. Simion
Romania-France Brancusi Bilateral project (Institute for Nanoscience, Paris) “Development of plasmonic biosensor based on metals- silicon nanoassemblies - BIOSENS” (2008-2010) – IMT resp. I. Kleps
National Projects
PN-III-P4-ID-PCE2020-1712„ Engineering low dimensional heterostructures for boosting the performances of on-chip 3D energy storage / power delivery device - EgiDe” (2021-2023); Project director: Dr. Mihaela Kusko,
PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2019-0924 “Advanced processing for stability improvement in SiC-MOS devices - SiC-MOS” (2020-2022); Project director: Dr. Razvan Pascu,
PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2019-1081 “Innovative flexible systems based on vertical silicon nanowires for multi-wavelength photodetection - FlexSiNoW” (2020-2022); Project director: Dr. Iuliana Mihalache,
PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0820: „New methods of pregnancy monitoring and prenatal diagnosis – MiMoSa” (2018-2020), Project manager: Dr. Monica Simion
PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017- 0419: „Sensors and Integrated Electronic and Photonic Systems for people and Infrastructures Security” (2018-2020), Project manager: Dr. Carmen Moldovan
2nd constituent Project: „SiC-based hydrocarbons sensors for security in hostile industrial environments”
IMT team leader: Dr. Razvan Pascu
PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2016-0618 „Challenges and issues in engineering nano-systems based on graphene-like materials for supercapacitors – EnGraMS” (2017-2019); Project director: Dr. Mihaela Kusko,
PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-0974 „Microscale hybrid energy storage devices for integrated portable electronics – MiStorE” (2017-2019); Project director: Dr. Mihaela Kusko,
PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-0510 – „Dye-sensitised solar cells by molecular engineering of phenoxazine- or phenotiazine- based sensitizers” - coordinator: Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry "Petru Poni" Iasi; Resp. IMT – Dr. Mihai Mihaila
PNII- PCCA project “Improved production methods to minimize metallic nanoparticles' toxicity – less classic, more green – LesMoreNano” – coordinator IMT, project director Dr. Monica Simion/Dr. Adina Boldeiu (2014-2016)
PNII- PCCA project “Multiplexed platform for HPV genotyping – MultiplexGen” – coordinator IMT, project director Dr. Mihaela Kusko (2014-2016)
PNII- PCCA project “Identification of new modulators of calcium-regulated processes using genomic and chemogenomic screens in yeast – CalChemGen” – resp IMT Dr. Monica Simion (2014-2016)
PNII- PCCA project “Dispozitiv RFID pentru trasabillitatea alimentară - Food Track” – resp IMT Dr. Mihaela Kusko (2014-2016)
PNII- PCCA project “Array structures for prevention, individualized diagnosis and treatment in cancers with high risk of incidence and mortality” – IMT resp. A. Bragaru (2012-2014)
PNII- PCCA project “High Temperature Silicon Carbide (SiC) Smart Sensor for Harsh Environment Industrial Applications” – IMT resp. F. Craciunoiu (2012-2014)
PNII- PCCA project “Environmental toxic and flammable gas detector based on silicon carbide MOS sensor array” – IMT resp. F. Craciunoiu (2012-2014)
PN-II-Ideas Project “Study of silicon protein type biohybride nanostructured surfaces with applications in bio(nano)senzing” (2007-2010) - project director I. Kleps
PN-II-Ideas Project “Study of membrane - electro-catalyst nanocomposite assemblies on silicon for fuel cell application” (2007-2010) - project director M. Kusko (Miu)
PNII- Partnership project “Multi Alergen Biochip realized by MicroArray technology – MAMA” (2007-2010) – project director M. Simion
PNII- Partnership project “Miniaturised power source for portable electronics realised by 3D assembling of complex hybrid micro- and nanosystems – MiNaSEP” (2007-2010) - project director M. Kusko (Miu)
PNII- Partnership project “Silicon based multifunctional nanoparticles for cancer treatment - NanoSiC” (2007-2010) - project director I. Kleps |