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First name: Florentina-Adina
Surname: Bragaru
Date and place of birth: September 19, 1977, Focsani
Education :
2000 University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry
2000 - 2002 Master of “Control of environmental quality”
2002 - Ph.D. programme – “Functionalization of nanostructured surfaces with applications in nano and biotechnologies”
Professional experience: fabrication of porous silicon;
Career: January 2002 - present, National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies (IMT-Bucharest), “Center of Nanotechnologies”
November 2002 - course “Micro and Nanoengineering”, IMT-Bucharest;
2003: European Summer University 2003, Strasbourg: “Fundamentals of Nanoscience”;
Present position: assistant researcher, National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies (IMT-Bucharest), Center of Nanotechnologies
Research interests: new materials biological applications; microchemistry; functionalization of nanostructurated surfaces
Past and current projects:
“Selective growth of carbon nanotubes on silicon nanoelectrode array”, Bilateral Romanian-French “Brancusi” Project ( 2003-2005);
“Microchip for DNA identification” MATNANTECH National Program (2003- 2005 );
“Nanostructurated silicon membranes for pharmaceutical microdevices”, MATNANTECH National Program (2003- 2005 );
“Microsystems for controlled drug delivery”, MATNANTECH National Program (2003- 2005 );
“Silicon lab-on-chip for biomedical applications”, National “Nucleu” Program (2003- 2005 );
“Technology to obtain nanostructurated materials by physico- chemical techniquesfor microsystems applications”, National “Nucleu” Program (2003- 2005 );
“Dielectrophoretic microdevice for size separation of functional biological molecules”, National “Nucleu” Program (2003- 2005);
“Center of Excellence in Nanotechnology- NANOTECH, National RELANSIN Programm (2001-2004);
“Porous silicon matrix for bio-medical applications”- National Programme Matnantech (2001-2004);
“Bio-chip for electronic activity of biological media” - National Programme Matnantech (2001-2002);
“Consultance center for nanotechnologies, nanomaterials and nanostructures” - National Programme Matnantech (2001-2004);
“Detection and analysis of heavy metals from rivers, lakes and Danube Delta” - National R&D Program (2000-2002);
Main scientific publications:
M. Miu, I. Kleps, A. Angelescu, , A. Bragaru, T. Ignat, M. Simion, “Porous Silicon- a nanostructurated biomaterial”, Advances in Micro and Nanoengineering, Editura Academiei, Seria: “Micro and Nanoengineering”, eds. Irina Kleps, Dan Dascalu si Jose Kenny, 2004;
A. Angelescu, I. Kleps, M. Miu, L. Zdrentu, S. Petrescu, M. Simion, A. Bragaru, T. Neghina -“Nanostructured silicon: from material to devices for biomedical applications”, “Nanoscience and Nanotechnology” 4, Heron Press, Sofia, 2004, pp 280-283;
I. Kleps, A. Angelescu, , M. Miu, M. Simion, A. Bragaru, M. Avram, T. Tsakalakos et al. (eds), 639- 648, “Nanostructures: Synthesis, Functional Properties and Applications, 2003, Kluwer Academic Plubisher;
M. Miu, A. Angelescu I. Kleps, , M. Simion, A. Bragaru, T. Neghina, M. Modreanu, D. Iacopino, P. Rosengrave, “Porous silicon as mineral microreservoir”, vol. 1, 26th edition, 28 sept.- 2 oct., 2003, p. 99-102;
M. Miu, I. Kleps, A. Angelescu, M. Simion, A. Bragaru, “Photoluminescence of the nanocrystallites embedded in silicon oxide films”, CAS 2002 Proceedings, vol. 1, 25th edition, oct. 8-12, 2002, p. 139-14
Irina Kleps, Anca Angelescu, Mihaela Miu, Monica Simion, Marioara Avram, Adina Bragaru, “Silicon etching processes for nanostructure fabrication”4th EC / NSF Workshop on Nanotechnology: Tools and Instruments for Research and Manufacturing, 12-13 June 2002 – Grenoble (France).
M. Simion, E. E. Iorgulescu, I Kleps, M. Miu, A. Angelescu, A. Bragaru, “Micro and nanoelectrode calibration for voltammetric measurements”, CAS 2002 Proceedings, vol. 1, 25th edition, oct. 8-12, 2002, p 123-127.
M. Miu, I. Kleps, A. Angelescu, M. Simion, A. Bragaru, “Optical and structural characterization of silicon nanocrystallite embedded in silicon oxide films”, NATO-ARW “Towards the first silicon laser”, September 21-26, Trento, Italy.
M. Miu, I. Kleps, A. Angelescu, M. Simion, A. Bragaru, “The thermal treatment influence on photoluminescence properties of silicon nanostructural materials”, NSF Workshop on Communication and Integration in Nanomaterials, Brasov, 30 sept. – 2 oct. 2002.
Member of professional associations: “Network of Excellence in Nanoelectronics-PHANTOMS”
Additional information: computer skills- Microsoft Office, Excel, Power Point, Internet Explorer
Foreign languages: english- fluently
Contact information: adinab@imt.ro; phone:+40-1-4908412/33, fax: +40-1-490823