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First name: Florentina-Adina
Surname: Bragaru
Date and place of birth: September 19, 1977, Focsani
Education :

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) 2000 University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) 2000 - 2002 Master of “Control of environmental quality”
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) 2002 - Ph.D. programme – “Functionalization of nanostructured surfaces with applications in nano and biotechnologies”
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) Professional experience: fabrication of porous silicon;
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) Career: January 2002 - present, National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies (IMT-Bucharest), “Center of Nanotechnologies”


wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) November 2002 - course “Micro and Nanoengineering”, IMT-Bucharest;
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) 2003: European Summer University 2003, Strasbourg: “Fundamentals of Nanoscience”;
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) Present position: assistant researcher, National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies (IMT-Bucharest), Center of Nanotechnologies
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) Research interests: new materials biological applications; microchemistry; functionalization of nanostructurated surfaces

Past and current projects:

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) “Selective growth of carbon nanotubes on silicon nanoelectrode array”, Bilateral Romanian-French “Brancusi” Project ( 2003-2005);
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) “Microchip for DNA identification” MATNANTECH National Program (2003- 2005 );
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) “Nanostructurated silicon membranes for pharmaceutical microdevices”, MATNANTECH National Program (2003- 2005 );
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) “Microsystems for controlled drug delivery”, MATNANTECH National Program (2003- 2005 );
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) “Silicon lab-on-chip for biomedical applications”, National “Nucleu” Program (2003- 2005 );
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) “Technology to obtain nanostructurated materials by physico- chemical techniquesfor microsystems applications”, National “Nucleu” Program (2003- 2005 );
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) “Dielectrophoretic microdevice for size separation of functional biological molecules”, National “Nucleu” Program (2003- 2005);
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) “Center of Excellence in Nanotechnology- NANOTECH, National RELANSIN Programm (2001-2004);
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) “Porous silicon matrix for bio-medical applications”- National Programme Matnantech (2001-2004);
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) “Bio-chip for electronic activity of biological media” - National Programme Matnantech (2001-2002);
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) “Consultance center for nanotechnologies, nanomaterials and nanostructures” - National Programme Matnantech (2001-2004);
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) “Detection and analysis of heavy metals from rivers, lakes and Danube Delta” - National R&D Program (2000-2002);
Main scientific publications:
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) M. Miu, I. Kleps, A. Angelescu, , A. Bragaru, T. Ignat, M. Simion, “Porous Silicon- a nanostructurated biomaterial”, Advances in Micro and Nanoengineering, Editura Academiei, Seria: “Micro and Nanoengineering”, eds. Irina Kleps, Dan Dascalu si Jose Kenny, 2004;
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) A. Angelescu, I. Kleps, M. Miu, L. Zdrentu, S. Petrescu, M. Simion, A. Bragaru, T. Neghina -“Nanostructured silicon: from material to devices for biomedical applications”, “Nanoscience and Nanotechnology” 4, Heron Press, Sofia, 2004, pp 280-283;
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) I. Kleps, A. Angelescu, , M. Miu, M. Simion, A. Bragaru, M. Avram, T. Tsakalakos et al. (eds), 639- 648, “Nanostructures: Synthesis, Functional Properties and Applications, 2003, Kluwer Academic Plubisher;
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) M. Miu, A. Angelescu I. Kleps, , M. Simion, A. Bragaru, T. Neghina, M. Modreanu, D. Iacopino, P. Rosengrave, “Porous silicon as mineral microreservoir”, vol. 1, 26th edition, 28 sept.- 2 oct., 2003, p. 99-102;
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) M. Miu, I. Kleps, A. Angelescu, M. Simion, A. Bragaru, “Photoluminescence of the nanocrystallites embedded in silicon oxide films”, CAS 2002 Proceedings, vol. 1, 25th edition, oct. 8-12, 2002, p. 139-14
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) Irina Kleps, Anca Angelescu, Mihaela Miu, Monica Simion, Marioara Avram, Adina Bragaru, “Silicon etching processes for nanostructure fabrication”4th EC / NSF Workshop on Nanotechnology: Tools and Instruments for Research and Manufacturing, 12-13 June 2002 – Grenoble (France).
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) M. Simion, E. E. Iorgulescu, I Kleps, M. Miu, A. Angelescu, A. Bragaru, “Micro and nanoelectrode calibration for voltammetric measurements”, CAS 2002 Proceedings, vol. 1, 25th edition, oct. 8-12, 2002, p 123-127.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) M. Miu, I. Kleps, A. Angelescu, M. Simion, A. Bragaru, “Optical and structural characterization of silicon nanocrystallite embedded in silicon oxide films”, NATO-ARW “Towards the first silicon laser”, September 21-26, Trento, Italy.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) M. Miu, I. Kleps, A. Angelescu, M. Simion, A. Bragaru, “The thermal treatment influence on photoluminescence properties of silicon nanostructural materials”, NSF Workshop on Communication and Integration in Nanomaterials, Brasov, 30 sept. – 2 oct. 2002.

Member of professional associations: “Network of Excellence in Nanoelectronics-PHANTOMS”
Additional information: computer skills- Microsoft Office, Excel, Power Point, Internet Explorer
Foreign languages: english- fluently
Contact information:; phone:+40-1-4908412/33, fax: +40-1-490823



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Last update: May 25, 2005

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