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  First name: Alina Maria

  Surname: Cismaru

  Date and place of birth: 1976, January 1 st, Romania

  Education: 2000, M. Sc. in "Solid State Physics", Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest; 2003 – present, PhD. fellow Faculty of Psysics, University of Bucharest.

  Professional experience:

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) SAW devices (design and measurements).
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) modeling of a micromachined straight edge resonator (SER) by Microwave Office.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) calibrated measurements of a micromachined band pass and band stop SER resonators.

  Career: 1998 – present: National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies, scientific researcher .

  Stages abroad:

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) 2002 (four monts) research stage (CNR, M 2T - Microwave Microsystem Technology, Roma, Italy).
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) 2003 (three months) research stage (CNR, M 2T - Microwave Microsystem Technology, Roma, Italy).
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) 2004 (four months) research stage (CNR, M 2T - Microwave Microsystem Technology, Roma, Italy).
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes) 2004 (two weeks) summer school - International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" FROM NANOSTRUCTURES TO NANOSENSING APPLICATIONS.

  Present position: Researcher, Micromachined Structures, Microwave Circuits and Devices Departament .

  Research interests: Surfarce acoustic wave devices, microwave devices

  Past and current projects:

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)   (2000 - 2004) Ceramic Substrate with Controlled Piezoelectric Properties for Surface Acoustic Wave Applications,NATO Science for Peace Programme.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  (2002 – 2005) The biophysical study of cellular modifications/alterations induced by the microwave radiation in the GSM telephony range.PNCDI – Viasan Programme.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  ( 2003 - 2005) Micromachined devices for the selection of millimeter wave communications chanels, MATNANTECH.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  ( 2004- 2006) FBAR and SAW devices for biomedicine applications and pollution medium monitoring, MATNANTECH.

  Main scientific publications:

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)   G. Simion, V.Badilita, N. Nitescu, D. Vasilache, Alina Cismaru ."Non silicon structure materials for sensitive structures", presented at MEMSWAVE WORKSHOP Sinaia .
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  George Sajin, Romolo Marcelli, Alina Cismaru"Msw resonators on silicon bulk and on micromachined silicon membrane: a comparision" presented at the International Semiconductor Conference, CAS, Sinaia, Romania, Oct., 2001.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Romolo Marcelli,George Sajin, Alina Cismaru"Micromachined magnetostatic wave band pass resonators" accepted for comunication at INTERMAG Conference in Amsterdam (April 2002)
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  George Sajin, Romolo Marcelli, Florea Craciunoiu, Alina Cismaru"Tunable band-stop resonator on silicon micromachined membrane"presented at Milano, EuMC 2002.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  George Sajin, Romolo Marcelli, Florea Craciunoiu, Alina Cismaru, "Micromachined magnetostatic wave band stop resonator", presented at CAS, Sinaia 2002
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  George Sajin,Romolo Marcelli,Florea Craciunoiu, Alina Cismaru, "High band MSW resonators on micromachined silicon membrane", presented at MME, Sinaia 2002
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  George Sajin, Romolo Marcelli, Florea Craciunoiu, Alina Cismaru"Band stop magnetostatic wave resonators on micromachined silicon membrane" presented at Symposium on Micromachining and Microfabrication, SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, San Francisco, Feb. 2003
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  George Sajin, Romolo Marcelli, Florea Craciunoiu, Alina Cismaru"MSW resonators on micromachined silicon substrate" presented at IEEE MTT – S Intenational Microwave Symposium, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 2003
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  George Sajin, Romolo Marcelli, Alina Cismaru, Florea Craciunoiu, Cascaded band stop MSW resonators on micromachined silicon membrane”, presented at the International Semiconductor Conference CAS, Sinaia 2003
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Alina Cismaru , Romolo Marcelli, George Sajin, Florea Craciunoiu, Modelling of matched microstrip lines on bulk and micromachined silicon substrates”, presented at the International Semiconductor Conference CAS, Sinaia 2003
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  George Sajin, Romolo Marcelli, Alina Cismaru,Florea Craciunoiu, “Double YIG band stop resonators on silicon membrane”accepted presented at European Microwave Week, EuMW 2003
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Alina Cismaru , Romolo Marcelli, George Sajin, Florea Craciunoiu: Microstrip transducers optimisation for band pass micropackeged magnetostatic waves resonators, International Semiconductor Conference, CAS, Sinaia, Romania, Oct., 2004
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Romolo Marcelli, George Sajin, Alina Cismaru, Florea Craciunoiu : Band-stop magnetostatic waves micromachined resonators --- Applied Physics Letters, March 29, 2004, Vol.84, Issue 13, pp.2445 - 2447
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Romolo Marcelli, George Sajin, Alina Cismaru, Florea Craciunoiu : Band-stop magnetostatic waves micromachined resonators --- Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, March 29, 2004, Vol. 9, Issue 12
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Romolo Marcelli, George Sajin, Alina Cismaru : Band-pass magnetostatic wave resonators on micromachined silicon substrate --- Review of Scientific Instruments, April 01, 2004 , pp. 1127 – 1133
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Alina Cismaru , Romolo Marcelli, CPW Magnetostatic wave Band Stop Resonators, accepted for communication, European Microwave Week, EuMW 2005

  Member of professional associations:

  Additional information (expertise, prizes, etc.):

  Foreign languages: English (medium level-speak, read, write), French (basic level)

  Contact information:

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  E-mail:;
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Tel.: +40-21-490.84.12; fax: +40-21-490.82.38,



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Last update: May 25, 2005

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