


Beam-steering antenna arrays based on nanostructured graphene/graphite for advanced microwave communications

Project duration: 02.06.2022- 31.12.2024
Project budget: 1.200.000 RON
Domain project: (Micro- and nano-) electronics, optoelectronics and photonic components, thin films



2024 2023 2022



Jurnale (Journals):

  1. E. Pavoni, E. Laudadio, C. H. Joseph, G. M. Zampa, P. Russo, E. Mohebbi, D. Mencarelli, M. Dragoman, P. Stipa, L. Pierantoni, M. Aldrigo, “Quantum tunnelling in hafnia-based metal-insulator-metal diodes: atomistic-to-continuum modelling approach and experimental validation,” Phys. Scr. (IOP Publishing Ltd/ IF = 2,6/ AIS = 0,395), Vol. 99, No. 2, Art. No. 025511, 1 Feb. 2024; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1402-4896/ad1976.
  2. M. Aldrigo, M. Dragoman, A. Dinescu, D. Vasilache, S. Iordanescu, L. A. Dinu, D. Dragoman, E. Laudadio, E. Pavoni, L. Pierantoni, and D. Mencarelli, “Demonstration of Microwave Harvesting Through Pyroelectricity in Cryogenic Conditions: A Quantum-to-Experimental Approach,” IEEE MWTL (IEEE/ IF = 2,9/ AIS = 0,784), Vol. 34, No. 6, pp. 853–856, Jun. 2024; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/LMWT.2024.3391214.
  3. M. Dragoman, A. Dinescu, M. Aldrigo, D. Dragoman, “Quantum graphene asymmetric devices for harvesting electromagnetic energy,” Nanomaterials (MDPI/ IF = 4,4/ AIS = 0,683), Vol. 14, No. 13, Art. No. 1114, Jul. 2024; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/nano14131114.
  4. M. Dragoman, A. Dinescu, M. Aldrigo, D. Dragoman, E. Mohebbi, E. Pavoni, E. Laudadio, “Graphene Monolayer Nanomesh Structures and Their Applications in Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting for Solving the Matching Conundrum of Rectennas,” Nanomaterials (MDPI/ IF = 4,4/ AIS = 0,683), Vol. 14, No. 19, Art. No. 1542, Oct. 2024; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/nano14191542.
  5. M. Aldrigo, G. M. Zampa, M. Dragoman, L. A. Dinu, F. Nastase, C. Romanitan, C. Pârvulescu, O. Brincoveanu, S. Iordanescu, S. Vulpe, E. Laudadio, E. Mohebbi, E Pavoni, “Unveiling pyroelectricity in ferroelectric planar capacitors with area-selective wet etched hafnium zirconium oxide: from ab initio and multiphysics simulations to experiments,” J. Phys. Energy (IOP Publishing Ltd/ IF = 7/ AIS = 1,47), Vol. 6, No. 4, Art. No. 045005, Nov. 2024; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/2515-7655/ad8aec.

Conferinte (Conferences):

  1. M. Aldrigo, M. Dragoman, A. Dinescu, D. Vasilache, S. Iordanescu, L. A. Dinu, D. Dragoman, E. Laudadio, E. Pavoni, L. Pierantoni, D. Mencarelli, “Demonstration of Microwave Harvesting Through Pyroelectricity in Cryogenic Conditions: A Quantum-to-Experimental Approach,” IEEE MWTL, Vol. 34, No. 6, pp. 853–856, Jun. 2024; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/LMWT.2024.3391214 – oral presentation at IMS 2024, 16-21 Jun. 2024, Washington DC, USA.
  2. O.-G. Simionescu, C. Romanitan, O. Brancoveanu, M. Stoian, O. Ligor, C. Pachiu, S. Vulpe, F. Nastase, “Integration of PECVD growth processes of carbon materials in the development of devices based on metal oxides,” 2nd International Conference on Laser, Plasma and Radiation – Science and Technology (ICLPR-ST), 16-21 Jun. 2024, Delta Dunarii, Romania.



  1. M. Dragoman, D. Dragoman, A. Dinescu, A. Avram, S. Vulpe, M. Aldrigo, T. Braniste, V. Suman, E. Rusu, I. Tiginyanu, “Ultralow voltage (1 μV) electrical switching of SnS thin films driven by a vertical electric field,” Nanotechnology (IOP Publishing Ltd, IF 3.5, AIS 0.555), Vol. 34, No. 17, Art. No. 175203, Feb. 2023; DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/acb69e – corresponding author.

  2. M. Dragoman, M. Aldrigo, A. Dinescu, D. Vasilache, S. Iordanescu, D. Dragoman, “Nanomaterials and Devices for Harvesting Ambient Electromagnetic Waves,” Nanomaterials (MDPI, IF 5.3, AIS 0.712), Vol. 13, No. 3, Art. No. 595, Feb. 2023; DOI: 10.3390/nano13030595 – corresponding author.

  3. M. Dragoman, M. Aldrigo, A. Dinescu, D. Vasilache, S. Iordanescu, D. Dragoman, E. Laudadio, E. Pavoni, “Harvesting microwave energy using pyroelectricity of nanostructured graphene/zirconium-doped hafnium oxide ferroelectric heterostructures,” Nanotechnology (IOP Publishing Ltd, IF 3.5, AIS 0.555), Vol. 34, No. 20, Art. No. 205202, Mar. 2023; DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/acbcd9 – corresponding author.

  4. E. Pavoni, E. Mohebbi, P. Stipa, L. Pierantoni, D. Mencarelli, M. Dragoman, M. Aldrigo, E. Laudadio, “First-principle investigation of interface phenomena in hafnium-based metal-insulator-metal diodes,” Nanoscale Adv. (with Front cover)(Royal Soc. Chemistry, IF 4.7, AIS 0.856), Vol. 5, No. 10, pp. 2748–2755, May 2023; DOI: 10.1039/D2NA00739H – corresponding author.

  5. M. Dragoman, M. Modreanu, B. Sheehan, S. Vulpe, C. Romanitan, M. Aldrigo, A. Dinescu, A. B. Serban, Daniela Dragoman, “Field-induced reversible insulator-to-metal transition and the onset of the ferroelectricity in molybdenum trioxide films,” J. Appl. Phys. (AIP Publishing, IF 3.2, AIS 0.618), Vol. 133, No. 21, Art. no. 215101, Jun. 2023; DOI: 10.1063/5.0151117.

  6. L. A. Dinu, C. Romanitan, M. Aldrigo, C. Parvulescu, F. Nastase, S. Vulpe, R. Gavrila, P. Varasteanu, A. B. Serban, R. Noumi, O. M. Ishchenko, “Investigation of wet etching technique for selective patterning of ferroelectric zirconium-doped hafnium oxide thin films for high-frequency electronic applications,” Materials & Design (Elsevier Sci. Ltd, IF 8.4, AIS 1.442), Vol. 233, Art. No. 112194, Sep. 2023; DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2023.112194 – corresponding author.

  7. M. Aldrigo, A. C. Tasolamprou, D. Vasilache, M. Kafesaki, S. Iordanescu, F. Nastase, M. Dragoman, “Tunable microwave dual-band patch antenna through integration of metamaterials and nanoscale ferroelectrics,” Phys. Rev. Applied (Amer. Physical Soc., IF 4.6, AIS 1.401) 20, 044067; DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.20.044067 – corresponding author.


  1. A. Cismaru, M. Aldrigo, S. Iordanescu, M. Dragoman, C. Parvulescu, D. Mladenovic, “Miniaturization of microwave antennas through metamaterials with enhanced radiation performance,” Symposium on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP) 2023, 28-31 May 2023, Valletta, Malta; DOI: 10.1109/DTIP58682.2023.10267942.

  2. D. Mencarelli, G. M. Zampa, L. Pierantoni, M. Dragoman, F. Nastase, S. Vulpe, M. Aldrigo, “High-frequency investigation of polarization effects in nanoscale hafnium-based ferroelectrics,” IEEE 23rd International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO) 2023, pp. 55-58, 2-5 Jul. 2023, Jeju City, Republic of Korea; DOI: 10.1109/NANO58406.2023.10231168“Best Student Paper Award”

  3. M. Aldrigo, M. Dragoman, A. Dinescu, D. Vasilache, S. Iordanescu, S. Trovarello, D. Masotti, A. Costanzo, D. Dragoman, E. Laudadio, E. Pavoni, “New perspectives for microwave energy harvesting,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2023, 2-6 Jul. 2023, Prague, Czech Republic (invited oral presentation).

  4. A. Cismaru, M. Aldrigo, M. Dragoman, C. Obreja, S. Iordanescu, C. Parvulescu, D. Mladenovic, M. Carp, “Metamaterial-based antennas functionalized with carbon nanotubes for gas sensing applications,” 21st International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics and Materials Science, 11-14 July 2023, Constanta, Romania (oral presentation).

  5. M. Aldrigo, M. Dragoman, S. Iordanescu, A. Avram, O.-G. Simionescu, C. Parvulescu, H. El Ghannudi, S. Montori, L. Nicchi, S. Xavier, and A. Ziaei. “Nanocrystalline graphite for tunable microwave antennas,” 33rd International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials (ICDCM) 2023, 10-14 Sep. 2023, Palma, Mallorca, Spain (oral presentation).

  6. O.-G. Simionescu, M. Stoian, O. Brîncoveanu, C. Pachiu, S. Vulpe, M. Aldrigo, A. Avram, O. Buiu, R. Popa, “Nanocrystalline graphite grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition for nanotechnology applications,” 33rd International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials (ICDCM) 2023, 10-14 Sep. 2023, Palma, Mallorca, Spain (poster presentation).

  7. S. Trovarello, A. Di Florio Di Renzo, M. Aldrigo, D. Masotti, M. Dragoman, A. Costanzo, “Nonlinear Modelling of Steerable Antenna Array by Ferroelectric Capacitors Based on Nanoscale Layers of HfZrO,” 53rd European Microwave Conference (EuMC) 2023, pp. 524-527, 19-21 Sep. 2023, Berlin, Germany; DOI: 10.23919/EuMC58039.2023.10290218.

  8. A. Cismaru, M. Aldrigo, M. Dragoman, S. Iordanescu, D. Mladenovic, C. Parvulescu, “Multiband metasurface-based antennas with improved radiation characteristics in the X band,” 46th International Semiconductor Conference (CAS) 2023, pp. 275–278, 11-13 Oct. 2023, Sinaia, Romania (poster presentation).

  9. O.-G. Simionescu, O. Brîncoveanu, C. Pachiu, O. Ligor, A. Avram, M. Aldrigo, “An empirical study of nanocrystalline graphite’s morpho-structural and electrical properties as a function of substrate temperature during PECVD synthesis,” 46th International Semiconductor Conference (CAS) 2023, pp. 275–278, 11-13 Oct. 2023, Sinaia, Romania; DOI: 10.1109/CAS59036.2023.10303683.

  10. L. Dinu, M. Aldrigo, C. Parvulescu, C. Romanitan, F. Nastase, O. Brincoveanu, M. Dragoman, S. Iordanescu, “Generating pyroelectric current with patterned ferroelectric hafnium oxide thin films,” 15th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials (ICPAM-15) 2023, 19-26 Nov. 2023, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt (poster presentation).



1. M. Dragoman, A. Dinescu, A. Avram, D. Dragoman, S. Vulpe, M. Aldrigo, T. Braniste, V. Suman, E. Rusu, and I. Tiginyanu, “Ultrathin tin sulfide field-effect transistors with subthreshold slope below 60 mV/decade,” Nanotechnology (IOPscience, IF 3.953, Citescore 6.2), Vol. 33, No. 40, Art. No. 405207, Jul. 2022; DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/ac7cf8.

“This research was partially funded by the European Commission under the Grant No. 951761 “NANO-EH” and under the Grant No. 810652 “NanoMedTwin”, by a grant of the Romanian Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, CNCS - UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-0223, within PNCDI III, and by the National Agency for Research and Development of the Republic of Moldova under the Grant No. 20.80009.50007.20 and the Grant No. 20.80009.50007.02.”

2. P. Crippa, G. Biagetti, L. Minelli, C. Turchetti, M. Aldrigo, M. Dragoman, D. Mencarelli, L. Pierantoni, “Next-Generation Hybrid RF Front-End with MoS2-FET Supply Management Circuit, CNT-FET Amplifiers, and Graphene Thin-Film Antennas,” Electronics (MDPI, IF 2,690, Citescore 3,7), Vol. 11, No. 22, Art. No. 3708, Nov. 2022; DOI: 10.3390/electronics11223708.

“This research was supported in part by the European Project “NANO components for
electronic SMART wireless circuits and systems (NANOSMART)”, H2020—ICT-07-2018-RIA, Grant No. 825430, and in part by a grant of the Romanian Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, CNCS—UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-0223, within PNCDI III.”


1. G. Boldeiu, M. Dragoman, M. Aldrigo, S. Iordanescu, A. Cismaru, “Multi-physics simulations of pyroelectric harvesters based on nanoscale ferroelectrics,” 45th International Semiconductor Conference (CAS) 2022, pp. 45–48, 12-14 Oct. 2022, Poiana Brasov, Romania.

“This work was supported in part by the European Project “NANO-EH” under Grant 951761, and in part by the Romanian Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization, CCCDIUEFISCDI, under Project PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-0223, within PNCDI III.”

2. S. Trovarello, A. Di Florio Di Renzo, M. Aldrigo, D. Masotti, M. Dragoman, A. Costanzo, “Nonlinear circuit model of IDCs on ferroelectric nanomaterial for reconfigurable applications,” 52nd European Microwave Conference (EuMC), pp. 175–178, 25-30 Sep. 2022, Milan, Italy.

“This work was supported in part by the European Project H2020 FETPROACT- EIC-05-2019 “NANO-EH”, GA No. 951761 (repository DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6705266), and in
part by two grants of the Romanian Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization, CCCDI-UEFISCDI: Project PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-0223 and Project PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-0052, within PNCDI III.”




Financing agency:
Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding – UEFISCDI (www.uefiscdi.gov.ro)
PNIII, P4, Project type: Exploratory Research Projects,
PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-0223, Contract no. PCE 68 since 02/06/2022


Contact information

National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies
IMT Bucharest
Project manager: Martino ALDRIGO
E-mail: martino.aldrigo@imt.ro