


Beam-steering antenna arrays based on nanostructured graphene/graphite for advanced microwave communications

Project duration: 02.06.2022- 31.12.2024
Project budget: 1.200.000 RON
Domain project: (Micro- and nano-) electronics, optoelectronics and photonic components, thin films


Project manager: Dr. Martino Aldrigo was born in Italy, in 1978. He obtained his M.S. degree in Telecommunications Engineering (summa cum laude) from the University of Bologna, Italy, in 2009, and his PhD in Electronics Engineering, Telecommunications and Information Technology from the same university in 2014. Since December 2016 he is employed as Scientific Researcher III (CSIII) at Lab4 at the National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies (IMT) in Bucharest, Romania. His main expertise comprises the electromagnetic simulations and measurements of RF/microwave systems for energy-harvesting/wireless applications. In the field of his research activity at IMT he is deeply involved in the design of graphene/2D materials/ferroelectrics-based components at microwave and THz frequencies for innovative micro- and nano-devices. He has (co-)authored more than 70 papers in ISI-ranked journal and national/international conferences, with over 400 citations and a h-index=13 (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=l0QbHDcAAAAJ&hl=ro). He has co-authored a chapter in the book “Advances in micro- and nanoelectronics” (Editura Academiei Romane, vol. 27, 2018) about ferroelectrics, and has participated/participates to many national and international (FP7, ENIAC, H2020) projects as team member/director.


Dr. Mircea Dragoman was born in Bucharest in 1955. He graduated from the “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Electronics Faculty, in 1980. He received his PhD degree in electronics in 1991. Mircea Dragoman is a Senior Researcher I (CSI) at IMT-Bucharest. He has published 280 scientific papers. The papers are dedicated to the following areas: nanoelectronics, microwaves, MEMS, optoelectronics and ferroelectrics. He is co-author of 6 books published at Springer and Artech House. He has 4179 citations and a h-index=28.


Dr. Alina Cismaru is Scientific Researcher II (CSII). She graduated from the Physics Faculty in 1998, M.S. degree in physics in 2000, PhD degree in semiconductor physics in 2008, University of Bucharest, Physics Faculty. She was involved in a POSDRU EU project as a Postdoc Researcher. She was/is also involved as team member in international projects like FP6, FP7, ENIAC, H2020 and in national projects. He was project director of GRANT CNCSIS as PhD student. Her current research activities are the design and characterisation of CNT and graphene-based devices working as gas sensors and biosensors for microwave applications.

Dr. Dan Vasilache was born in Calarasi, Romania in 1970. He received the Licence degree in Physics from the University of Bucharest, and the PhD degree from “Politehnica” University, Bucharest. He has been Researcher with IMT-Bucharest since 1995 (Senior Researcher since 2004) and between 2010 and 2012 he was with FBK-irst Trento (Italy). He is the author of more than 150 articles. His research interests include MEMS and NEMS design, manufacturing and encapsulation – thin films deposition and patterning, masks design and manufacturing etc. He received the “Tudor Tanasescu” Romanian Academy award (with team), for “Micromachined circuits for microwave and millimeter wave applications – MEMSWAVE” study, 2003 and Second prize (with team) at CONRO 2003 for SIRMEMS project (MATNANTECH).

Dr. Marius Andrei Avram received a M.S. degree in Plasma Physics (2010) from the Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, and a PhD in Electrical Engineering (2014) from the faculty of Electrical Engineering, “Politehnica” University Bucharest. He has been with IMT Bucharest since 2005, and currently he is working on development and integration of carbon based materials, like graphene derivatives, into different types of sensors for industrial and research applications. His main research interests are in developing carbon-based materials and implementation of fabrication processes for MEMS, microfluidics, micro-nano-electronics, and dedicated microstructures.

Dr. Florin Nastase is a senior research physicist at IMT Bucharest. After obtaining a M.S. degree in Polymer Physics, he continued his PhD studies in Condensed Matter Physics at the University of Bucharest. In 2007, for his work on functional molecular architectures developed on π-conjugated oligomer/polymer structures, he received his PhD degree (summa cum laude) in Physics. His current research interests cover the field of synthesis of ultra-thin films using methods such as Atomic Layer Deposition and plasma polymerization for a wide variety of applications, mostly within the areas of high-k dielectrics, ferroelectrics, nanolaminates and nanocomposites, organic semiconductors.

Dr. Anca-Ionela Istrate (b. Danciu) – Junior Scientist CSIII (h-index 4). PhD in Materials Engineering (2013) at University “Dunarea de Jos” Galati / NOVA University of Lisbon (co-tutorship). Core expertise in the strategies to synthesise graphene-based materials, thin films, nanostructures, polymers, graphene transfer from copper/nickel catalysts onto inorganic and organic substrates, manufacturing and functional characterization of graphene-based field effect transistors and photodetector devices. From 2015 she is internship supervisor for students’ training in the institute during the summer and responsible for the Laboratory for Chemistry of Hybrid Interfaces (CENASIC Department). Previous projects are related to the present proposal: “Carbon quantum dots/graphene hybrids with broad photoresponsivity” (2019-2020-ATTRACT, H2020 –third-party project); PN III-DSSC-WIDGET (2017-2018) - Dye sensitized solar cells with integrated 3D graphene structures.

Vacant post





Financing agency:
Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding – UEFISCDI (www.uefiscdi.gov.ro)
PNIII, P4, Project type: Exploratory Research Projects,
PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-0223, Contract no. PCE 68 since 02/06/2022


Contact information

National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies
IMT Bucharest
Project manager: Martino ALDRIGO
E-mail: martino.aldrigo@imt.ro