
Laboratory of Nanotechnology - L1

Head of the Laboratory: Dr. Irina Kleps



RESEARCH ACTIVITIES (L1- Scientific Annual Report 2008)

The research activities carried on in Laboratory of Nanotechnology can be divided into the following areas: (i) Functional nanomaterials; (ii) Molecular-scale technologies; (iii) Nanophotonics; (iv) Nanobiosystems, (v) Microelectromechanical Systems;(vi) Energy Conversion devices

Functional nanomaterials area is mainly represented by nanostructured silicon based or composite materials, from preparation to surface functionalisation and integration in complex systems. As example the nano-, mezo- and macro- porous silicon (PS) layers or membranes, nanostructured microparticles and nanowires were extensively investigated for their interesting optical, electrical and bioactive properties and different applications in biosensing, nanomedicine (drug delivery carriers), or fuel cell membranes have been developed. An envisaged application is the development of thermoelectric materials based on Si nanowires or other Si based porous matrices. Other fields of interest consist in study of metallic (Au, Ag, Pt, Ru, Pd, Fe) and dielectric (SiO2, TiO2) nanoparticles prepared by (electro) chemical pecesses and characterized by (SEM, Dynamic Light Scattering and Photon Correlation Spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction) for applications in sensoristics, photonics and electrocathalysis. New researches will be conducted to investigate metallic core-shells.
Molecular-scale technologies: The main activity consists in forming of functional interfaces between biological materials (from individual biomolecules to cells) and inorganic surfaces: molecular nanofabrication by self-assembly (thiols/Au) and supramolecular systems through self-organization concepts (polyelectrolyte multilayer membranes assembled by layer-by-layer technique); biosensing core-shells NPs (biotine/avidine/APTS/Au), grafting of (bio)molecules on various surfaces (protein or DNA / glass, Si, PS for biomolecular recognition) with applications in microarrays and immunologic sensors for medical diagnosis.
New technologies/devices (microarrays, biosensors) for biological material investigation and detection (proteins, DNA, enzymes) on various substrates (silicon, glass, polymers) have been recently developed.
The main goal in Nanophotonics area is to create nanometer-scale structures that interact with light. Two directions, porous silicon based nanostructures with emission in the visible spectrum for optical biosensors and study of plasmonic phenomena (metallic NPs/PS) for SERS/ SEIRS/ SEF applications have been developed. Other applications are based on to absorption enhancement for material processing and fluorescence enhancement of organic dyes and nanoparticles, for biomedicine and nano-sensors.The envisaged application areas are: (i) plasmonic-induced fluorescence lifetime reduction and (ii) detection of DNA hybridisation.
Nanobiosystems area beginning with the study of the interaction between human and bacterial cells with nanostructured surfaces and now is focused on utilizing the various technologies developed in nanofabrication and MEMS to study and solve biological issues. Biomolecular patterns in microarrays, integration of sensing elements onto biochips for study of bioreactions, and implantation of active device elements in cells to study cellular biochemistry are examples of research activities being carried out.
The (Bio)-Micro- Electromechanical Systems ((Bio)-MEMS) area focuses on the design, modelling / simulation and fabrication of new complex devices on silicon for applications in many interdisciplinary areas; recently new results in biochips, or microfluidic systems as laboratory-on-a-chip with applications in biomedicine (intelligent microsystem for peripheral nerves immobilization inside microchannels; microsystem for investigation the rheological properties of the biological non – Newtonian fluids) and environmental monitoring (nanoelectrode array system)
Energy Conversion Devices A new direction is the development of the hybrid micro- and nanosystems with very promising resuls in the field of new fuel cell devices as clean energy sources. The fabrication technology to achieve 3D device architectures at the micrometer-scale, to increase the total area of reactive surfaces per unit volume without increasing the footprint area has been developed. Membrane - electro-catalyst nanocomposite assemblies such as porous silicon impregned with Nafion protonic solution led to specific improved characteristics for ionic and electronic conduction. Thermoelectric systems are other applications that are in our attention for future developments.



  • Fabrication of porous silicon (PS) layers (2-500 mm thickness) on n+ or p+ Si, 4inch diameter.
  • Fabrication of meso- and macroporous silicon membrane (thickness 500 mm) on n+ or p+ Si, 4inch diameter.
  • Fabrication of Si nanostructured microparticles (2-10 μm with pore/fibrils diameters of 10-50 nm)
  • Fabrication of PS multilayered structures with various thicknesses
  • Fabrication of Si nanowires

Contact person : Florea Craciunoiu ([email protected])


  • Development of technologies/devices (microarrays, biosensors) for biological material investigation and detection (proteins, DNA, enzymes) on various substrates (silicon, glass, polymers).
  • Fundamental research for study of biomelecular recognition reaction;
  • Development of applications for medical diagnosis;
  • Controlled deposition of biologic material;
  • DNA and protein microarrays fabrication according to the user specifications.
  • Nanostrutured support surfaces fabrication for microarray chips.
  • Chemical surface functionalisation for biological samples immobilisation (DNA, protein, cells);
  • Microarray microsystem analysis by fluorescence spectroscopy.

Contact person: Phys. Monica Simion ([email protected])


Material characterization; biosensors and electro-chemical sensors development; bio-systems and bio-surfaces analysis.

  • Microelectronics: development of new processes and materials with improved electrical properties;
  • Energy: development of new fuel cell devices as clean energy sources; development of solar cells with improved parameters;
  • Development of electrochemical immunosensor devices for clinical diagnostics;
  • Detection of compounds/toxins/pathogens for water, food, environmental quality control;
  • Biomedical field: implant biocompatibility studies;
  • Fundamental studies of  physico-chemical phenomena at bio-hybrid interfaces.

Contact person: Dr. Mihaela Miu ([email protected])


Zeta Potential and Submicron Particle Size Analysis

Contact person: Chim. Adina Bragaru/Teodora Ignat ([email protected]; [email protected])


  • Investigation of crystal structure (HR RSM, HR RC);
  • film thickness, density, roughness;
  • characterization of the ultra thin film (XRD);
  • particle/ pore size analysis (reflection SAXS, transmission SAXS);
  • phase identification, crystal structure (powder/thin film/poly/ mono/ crystall, trace, small area/quantity);

Contact person: Phys. Mihai Danila ([email protected])


• “Hazard characterization and human and environment impact assessment of specific nanomaterials and associated products and exploration of new solutions for their sustainable use, re-use, recycling and final treatment and/or disposal”; Proposal acronym: " NANOSUSTAIN" ; Collaborative Project (Small or medium-scale focused research projects) NMP-2009-1.3-1; ENV.2009.; 2009-2011;
• “Development of plasmonic biosensors based on metals – silicon nanoassemblies”, bilateral cooperation PHC-Brancusi (PROTOCOL ON THE 4th SESSION OF THE JOINT FRENCH-ROMANIAN COMMISSION FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY) , 2009-2010.
• “Nanostructural carbonaceous films for cold emitters”, MNT-ERA-NET, 2009-2011.
• “A system-in-a-microfluidic package approach for focused diagnostic DNA microchips” - DNASIP, MNT-ERA-NET, 2008-2010.           
• “Drug delivery system based on microreservoirs array with porous silicon resorbable membrane caps”, Romanian-Greece International Cooperation, decembrie 2005-2008;
• “Nanostructured silicon for optical biosensors”, Romanian-Italian International Cooperation, 2006-2008;
• “Suface engineering techniques to investigate inorganic-biomolecular interfaces”, research project in the frame of NoE - NANOFUN-POLY; “European FP6 Network: Nanostructured and Functional Polymer-Based Materials and Nano-composites; 2004-2008.


Laboratory of Nanotechnology is in charge with the NanoBioLab (Protein Microarrays) equipped with Plotter microarray (GeneMachines OmniGrid Micro) and Scanner microarray (GeneTAC UC4); In 2008 Laboratory of Nanotechnology has set up other Experimental Laboratories and new equipments were acquisitioned: (i) Laboratory for Surface Spectroscopy equipped with Electrochemical Impedance Spectrometer PARSTAT 2273 – Princeton Applied Research; Scanning Electrochemical Microscop (SECM),  VOLTALAB10 and Trace Master 5; (ii) Laboratory for x-ray diffraction equipped with Rigaku SmartLab X-ray thin film difraction system; (iii) Laboratory for Nanoparticles equipped with DelsaNano Zeta Potential and Submicron Particle Size Analyzer and Fluorescence Spectrometer. Other available facilities are: AMMT wet etching system with software for 4’ silicon wafers, potentiostat MC and etching power supply; Fluorescence set-up for LEICA DMLM with images acquisition and measurement system; computers for simulation; instruments and software for electrical characterisation of nanostructures. Moreover, we have full access to IMT technological and characterisation facilities. [...]
RESEARCH TEAM has multidisciplinary expertise and is composed by 4 senior researchers (with background in physics, chemistry), 5 PhD researchers, 1 MS student (with background in physics, chemistry, computers and specializations in pharmacy and bio-chemistry).  




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Last update: August, 2009