
Laboratory of Nanotechnology - L1

Head of the Laboratory: Dr. Irina Kleps


Ultra High Resolution Triple Axis Rotating Anode Multiple Cristal Multiple Reflection
Rigaku SmartLab X-Ray Thin Film Diffraction System
(R&D100 Award, 2006, Denver, USA)
Applications scientist: Mihai Danila, [email protected]
Main technical characteristics are:

  • 9kW rotating anode (45kV, 200mA), up 200mm wafer samples, triple axis, vertical goniometer, independent theta - theta rotation, horizontal sample position, Euler cradle (chi, phi, omega independent axis), in-plane arm, D-texUltra high speed detector 1D;
  • Automatic software alignment (or user computer controlled) of the optics modules and sample for each measurement;
  • Bragg-Brentano (+focusing option), parallel beam (multilayer mirror), different monochromators/analyzers (Ge(220) crystals with two or four bounce reflection, Ge(440) four bounce reflection, graphite (0002) analyzer bent/flat,etc.), X-Y micro area mapping – phase composition, strain&stress, tilt&twist, lattice parameter modifications/values Dd/d = 10-7 – 10-9, depth distributions, etc;

Multiple high/medium resolution measurement techniques are available from classical X-ray powder diffraction and reflectivity measurements (layer thicknesses can be measured from 0,1nm up to 1000nm) to ultra high resolution modern methods like USAX (ultra small angle X-ray scattering) for pore size and particle size distribution and shape (from 0,1nm to 750nm in liquid suspensions, powder, colloidal nanoparticles, etc), high resolution grazing incidence (GIXRD and HR-UHR-WAXRD) and true in-plane diffraction technique for ultra thin films down to monolayer size, ultra high resolution reciprocal space mapping and/or rocking curves of epitaxial layers for measuring, composition of epi-layers, strain fields, tilt and twist and also texture analysis of polycrystalline samples/alloys, pole figures, etc.



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Last update: August, 2009