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H2020 project:

EURONANOFORUM  2019 – (ENF 2019), Nanotechnology and  Advanced Materials progress Under H2020 and Beyond., call H2020-IBA-LEIT-NMBP-Romanian- Presidency-2018 (H2020-IBA-LEIT-NMBP-Romanian-Presidency-2018), Dr. Dana Cristea member in the management structure

EU networks

DNMF_net - Network of nano research infrastructures in the Danube region (Project supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the "ideas competition for the establishment and development of innovative R&D networks with partners in the Danube States", 2017-2019


FlexPaet- Flexible Patterning of Complex Micro Structures using Adaptive Embossing Technology –IP, NMP;
MIMOMEMS European Centre of Excellence in Microwave, Millimetre Wave and Optical Devices, CSA- programme capacities; Vice- coordonitar: Dr. Dana Cristea

FP 6 Projects

WAPITI- Waferbonding and Active Passive Integration Technology and Implementation– STREP/IST
ASSEMIC - Advanced Handling and Assembly in Microtechnology - Marie Curie Research Training Network
4M -Multi-Material Micro Manufacture: Technologies and Applications– NoE/NMP
PATENT- Network of Excellence “Design for Micro and Nano Manufacture” WP2- Modelling&Simulation. Project D: Review of Optical simulation and Modelling for MOEMS/MEMS

MNT EraNet Project

MULTINANOWIRE - Multifunctional Zinc-Oxide based nanostructures: from materials to a new generation of devices, manager. Dr. Munizer Purica

Bilateral Projects

Development of MOEMS based on Integrated Optics and Silicon Micromachining- Bilateral co-operation Romania-Greece (sept. 2000-2002)
Micromechanical tunable interferometer for communications - IMPACT project with LAAS
Silicon-based micromechanical tunable interferometers for optical communications and interconnections - Bilateral Cooperation Romania-Greece (2003-2005).

ERDF projects:

TGE-Plat- Partnership for using Key Enabling Technologies on aplatform for interaction with companies aiming at Knowledge transfer to Romanian SMEs- area KETs for safety and security (ERDF project- 2016-2021- scientific manager Dr. Dana Cristea)


  • High quality forming image optical system with diffractive optical elements in LWIR spectral range for multisensory systems-SOFID- - cooperation with ProOptica SA
  • Technology for anti-counterfreiting metal microparticles—cooperation with Optoelectronica 2001 S.A.
  • Technology development for combustion gases sensors with hybrid nanocomposite materials based on titan dioxide nanotubes and graphene

National R&D Projects

Plamonic and dielectric metasurfaces as platforms for fluorescence enhancement, 2020-2022, National Program PNIII, project coordinator Dr. Roxana Tomescu
Complex technologies for the development of high security, multi-layered intelligent holographic labels, 2020-2022, National Program PNIII
Family of optical imaging systems with zoom for the MWIR spectral domain with   applications in security (MWIRO), 2020-2022, National Program PNIII, project manager. Dr. Mihai Kusko
IMT Core program: Advanced research in micro/nanoelectronica, fotonica and micro/nano-biosystems MICRO-NANO-SIS+, program coordinator Dr. Dana Cristea
Technologies for photonic and optoelectronic components with applications in optical information processing at classic and quantum level, in the frame of the IMT Core program MICRO-NANO-SIS+ 2019-2022, project manager Dr. Cristian Kusko
IMT Core program: Advanced research in micro/nanoelectronica, fotonica and micro/nano-biosystems MICRO-NANO-SIS, program coordinator Dr. Dana Cristea
Multilevel diffractive optical elements with advanced functionality, in the frame of the IMT Core program  MICRO-NANO-SIS 2018, project manager Dr. Mihai  Kusko
Infrared sensors for dangerous gases detectionsubproject in the frame of the Complex project: Sensors and Integrated Electronic and Photonic Systems for Security- sub-project, 2018-2020- National Program PNIII, manager Dr. Roxana Tomescu
Developing quantum information and quantum technologies- subproject: Developing an integrated quantum photonics platform for quantum technologies using 3D lithography- 2018-2020-Complex project - National Program PNIII, managers Dr. Cristian Kusko, Dr. Dana Cristea.
Fabrication of  high  quality holographic labels for product identification  - (2016-2018)-National Program PNIII, project manager Dr. Dana Cristea
Technology for multispectral photodetectors with applications in observation and surveillance optical systems (2016-2018 )- National Program PNIII, project coordinator Dr. Dana Cristea
IMT core program TEHNOSPEC 2016-2017- program coordinator Dr. Dana Cristea
Plasmonic nanostructures and metasurfaces for light concentration and manipulation (focus on IR, SWIR, MIR wavelength range)- IMT Core Program TEHNOSPEC 2016-2017, project manager Dr. Roxana Tomescu
Compact spectrometer in infrared, National Program PNII 2014 – 2017, project coordinator Dr. Mihai Kusko
Secured high volume free space optical communications based on computer generated holograms, National Program PNII  2012 – 2016, project coordinator Dr. Cristian Kusko
Thin film photodetectors - new concepts and studies for aerospace applications, program “STAR or Romanian Space Agency”, 2012-2015, project coordinator Dr. Dana Cristea
Bolometers for space applications in middle and long infrared, program “STAR or Romanian Space Agency”, 2012-2015, project coordinator Dr. Mihai Kusko
Tehnologies for nanostructures and nanomaterials for optoelectronics and energy conversion IMT core program CONVERT, 2012-2015, project manager Dr. Dana Cristea
Diffractive optical elements with 3D profile, IMT program CONVERT, 2009-2015, project manager Dr. Dana Cristea
Multifunctional molecular architectures for organic electronics and nanotechnology- theoretical and experimental studies, National project- program « Ideas », 2009-2011, project manager Dr. Dana Cristea  
Soft-lithography techniques technologies development for micro and nano photonic components -LISOFT, 2007-2010, Project coordinator: Dr. Paula Obreja,
Development of processes and components based on oxidic and polymeric thin layers for transparent electronics and optoelectronics ELOTRANSP, 2008-2010, Project coordinator: Dr. Munizer Purica
Development of a laboratory for optical and opto-electrical measurements according to european directives and standards OPTOLAB, 2006-2008, National Program CEEX,,Project manager: Dr. Munizer Purica
Development of micro and nano-optical devices for optical processing DOMINO, National Program CEEX, 2005-2008, Project coordinator: Dr. Dana Cristea
Development of mixed technologies for micro/nano structures  and photonic systems with application in communications FOTONTECH, National Program CEEX, 2005-2008, Project coordinator: Dr. Dana Cristea,
Microphotonic structures and integrated circuits for optical data processing and transmission, National R&D Program MATNANTECH  2003-2005, Project coordinator: Dr. Dana Cristea.
Integrated photonic microstructures for chemical and biological analyses, National R&D Program MATNANTECH  2003-2005.
Microtechnologies for multyfunctional cantilevers, integrable on silicon substrate for microsensors and microactuators, National Program MATNANTECH  2004-2006.
Investigations of nanometric networks in polymeric materials. (CERES) project 2004-2006.
Diffractive optics research, National Program  CERES 2003-2005, Project coordinator: Dr. Cristian Kusko
New processes and microphotonic structures based on Si and A IIIB V semiconductor compounds with transparent conductive thin films, National R&D Program MATNANTECH 2004-2006, Project coordinator: Dr. Munizer Purica.
Polymer technologies for integrated optics and microwave devices, IMT Core Program 2003-2005, Project coordinator: Dr. Dana Cristea
Microphotonic structures for chemo and biosensors. IMT Core Program 2003-2005, Project coordinator: Dr. Dana Cristea.
Technologies for MOEMS and sensors microstructures based on polymeric and hybrid composites, National R&D Program MATNANTECH 2004-2006, Project coordinator: Dr. Dana Cristea.
Technologies for microphotonic components for optical interconnections and communications - National R&D Program MATNANTECH 2001-2004, Project coordinator: Dr. Dana Cristea
Tunable microphotonic structures based on microcavities for optical communications – National R&D Program MATNANTECH 2002-2004, Project coordinator: Dr. Munizer Purica
Technology for micromachined Fabry-Perot microinterferometers integrated on silicon substrate, National R&D Program MATNANTECH, 2001-2004
Network for characterisation of materials and structures of micro and nano-engineering, National R&D project (MATNANTECH) 2002-2004.
Optical microsensors on silicon substrate – new materials, components and technologies, National R&D Program RELANSIN  2000-2003, Project coordinator: Dr. Dana Cristea
Center of excellence in Microphotonics, National R&D Program RELANSIN  2001-2003, Project coordinator: Dr. Dana Cristea



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Last update: February, 2021