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  Services offer  
Modeling, simulation, CAD
  • modelling, simulation CAD for active and passive micro/nano-photonic devices and micro-optics.
  • concept & design studies, development of new tools (customized) especially for “linking” different commercial software to offer a coupled simulation (opto-electro-mechanical analysis) for optical MEMS and sensors
  • Analysis and characterization of the nanometric thin films and multilayered structures from different materials –dielectrics, conductive oxides, polymers, semiconductors: measuring the index of refraction (n) and the extinction coefficient (k) for a single layer permits one to determine the material composition and modeling of optical performance.
  • Testing the optical properties of samples for the ability to reflect or transmit light by spectrophotometric measurements-transmistance, absorbance spectra [T(λ),A(λ)], surface reflectivity of the texturized and porosified layers.
  • Raman spectroscopy for physical and chemical material analysis of solids, liquids and solutions for chemical identification, characterization of molecular structures; composition and phase (crystalline/amorphous) of composites materials (compound semiconductors, oxidic semiconductors); polymers characterizations and polimer nanocomposites; chemical and biological detection using SERS technique; micro/nano structures characterization (micro/nanorods).
  • Near field optical microscopy: transmission, reflection, collection, fluorescence
  • Confocal microscopy: transmission, reflection, fluorescence, can be upgraded with a Raman spectrometer;
  • Atomic force microscopy: contact and AC – Mode
  • Optoelectrical characterization


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Last update: January 19, 2012