ISI Publication (selection 2000-2020) |
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ISI Publication (selection 2000-2020):
- R.Tomescu, C.Parvulescu, D.Cristea, B.Comanescu, M. Pelteacu. Low cost technology for the fabrication of anti-counterfeiting microtaggants, J. Micromech. Microeng. 31 (2021) 035008 (7pp)
- R.Tomescu, C. Kusko, D.Cristea, R.Calinoiu, C.Parvulescu, “Nano-pillars metasurface modelled for perfect absorption at specific wavelengths in infrared spectral regime” Solid State Electronics Letters Jurnal, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssel.2020.11.002, Available online 4 December 2020
- C. Paun, R. Tomescu, D. Cristea, O. Ionescu, C. Parvulescu, Design, fabrication and caracterization of a micro-heater for metasurface-based gas sensors, CAS 2020 PROCEEDINGS, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP20CAS-PRT, ISBN: 978-1-7281-1071-4, Pg 31-34, 2020
- R. Rebigan, A. Avram, R. Tudor, M. Kusko, D. Vasilache, D. Ursu, C. Kusko, CAS 2020 PROCEEDINGS, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP20CAS-PRT, ISBN: 978-1-7281-1071-4, Pg 133-136, 2020
- R.Rebigan, M. Kusko, G Sorohan, D. Ursu, M. Georgescu, O. Tutunaru, R. Tudor, R. Tomescu, D. Cristea, C. Kusko, C., Nanostructured silicon based antireflective layers for thermal infrared optical components. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 22(March-April 2020), pp.136-142, 2020
- Tudor-Alexandru, I., Cristian, K., & Radu, Cyclic permutations for qudits in d dimensions. Scientific Reports 9, Article number: 6337, 2019.
- P. Obreja, D. Cristea, A. Dinescu, C.Romaniţan, Influence of surface substrates on the properties of ZnO nanowires synthesized by hydrothermal method, Applied Surface Science, 463, Pages 1117-1123, (2019)
- Comanescu, F; Istrate, A-I; Purica, M, Assessing by Raman spectroscopy the quality of CVD graphene transferred on oxidized silicon and quartz substrates, Romanian journal of information science and technology, 22, Number 1, Pages: 30–40, (2019).
- Slav, A; Palade, C; Logofatu, C; Dascalescu, I; Lepadatu, A.M; Stavarache, I; Comanescu, F; Iftimie, S; Antohe, S; Lazanu, S; Teodorescu, V.S; Buca, D; Ciurea, M.L; Braic, M; Stoica, T, GeSn Nanocrystals in GeSnSiO2 by Magnetron Sputtering for Short-Wave Infrared Detection, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2, Pages: 3626−3635, (2019).
- Comanescu, F; Istrate, A; Purica, M, Raman investigation of critical steps in monolayer graphene transfer form copper substrate to oxidized silicon by means of electrochemical delamination, Proceedings IEEE CAS 2018, ISBN: 978-1-5386-4482-9, Pages: 269-272, (2018).
- Tudose, I. V; Pascariu, P; Pachiu, C; Comanescu, F; Danila, M; Gavrila, R; Koudoumas, E; Suchea, M; Comparative study of Sm and La doped ZnO properties, Proceedings IEEE CAS 2018, ISBN: 978-1-5386-4482-9, Pages: 245-248, (2018).
- Dragoman, D., &Tudor, R., Characterization of optical fields with quantized orbital angular momentum by invariants of higher order moments of radial coordinates. Journal of Modern Optics, 64(21), 2328-2335.
- Tudor, R; Kusko, M; Kusko, C, Generation of optical vortices in an integrated optical circuit, Journal of Optics, Volume 19. Number 9, 095801, (2017).
- . M. Mihaila, S. Dinulescu, F. Comanescu, C. Romanitan, M. Purica, Fullerene phonons in the 1/f noise of carbon soot. Proceedings IEEE CAS 2018, ISBN: 978-1-5386-4482-9, Pages: 75-78, (2017).
- Comanescu, F.C; Lare*, E; Istrate, A; Veca, M; Nastase, F; Gavrila, R; Dinescu, A; Purica, M, Structural and morphological investigation of graphene transferred by dry methods: drop cast and lamination, Proceedings IEEE CAS 2017, ISBN: 978-1-5090-3985-2, Pages: 55-58, (2017).
- Palade, C; Dascalescu, I; Slav, A; Lepadatu, A.M; Lazanu, S; Stoica, T; Teodorescu, V.S; Ciurea, M.L; Comanescu, F; Müller, R; Dinescu, A; Enuica, A, Photosensitive GeSi/TiO2 multilayers in VIS-NIR”, Proceedings IEEE CAS 2017, ISBN: 978-1-5090-3985-2, Pages: 67-70, (2017).
- Tudor, R; Mihailescu, M; Paun, I.A; Nan, A.E; Kusko, M; Kusko, C, Propagation robustness of two Laguerre-Gaus beams superposition, J. Romanian Academy, Series A - Mathematics, Physics, Technical Sciences, Information Science, Volume 17, Number 3, Pages: 222-229, (2016).
- Tudor R; Mihailescu M; Kusko C; Paun I.A; Kusko M, Simultaneous and spatially separated detection of multiple orbital angular momentum states, Optics Communications, 368, Pages: 141-149, (2016).
- Cristea, D; Obreja, P; Tudor, R; Bita, B, 46th European solid-state device research conference (ESSDERC) Book Series: Proceedings of the European Solid-State Device Research Conference, Pages: 105-108, (2016).
- Tomescu, R; Kusko, C; Dinescu, A; Bita, B; Popescu, M, Technological studies for plasmonic metasurfaces, ATOM-N 2016 Conference, Constanta, Romania, accepted for publication in SPIE Proceedings, ISSN: 0277-786X/ 1996-756X, (2016).
- Popescu, M.C; Bita, B.I; Banu, M.A; Tomescu, R.M., Destructive effects induced by the electron beam in Scanning Electron Microscopy, SPIE Proceedings, ISSN: 0277-786X/ 1996-756X, (2016).
- Comanescu, C.F, Single layer graphene Raman bands modifications as result of transfer from copper foil to oxidized silicon or quartz substrates, Proceedings IEEE CAS 2016, ISBN: 978-1-5090-1207-7, Pages: 49-53, (2016).
- Istrate, A.I; Veca, M; Nastase, F; Baracu, A; Gavrila, R; Comanescu, F, Toward fabrication of graphene based devices: graphene transfer, processing, and characterization, Proceedings IEEE CAS 2016, ISBN: 978-1-5090-1207-7, Pages: 159-163, (2016).
- Tudor, R; Kusko, M; Kusko, C; Avram, A, Independent optical vortices for free space optical communications, Proceedings IEEE CAS 2016 16545431, ISBN: 978-1-5090-1207-7 , Pages 159-163, (2016).
- Nesheva, D; Comanescu, F; Bineva, I; Purica, M; Levi, Z;Aneva, Z; Muller, R, Raman Study of Compositional Variations in ZnxCd1-xSe Films Prepared by Thermal Vacuum Evaporation, J. of nanoscience and nanotechnology, Volume 16, Number 8, Pages: 8513- 8518(6), (2016).
- Parvulescu, C; Popescu, M; Manea, E; Tomescu, R; Schiopu, P, TiO2 thin films used in fabrication and functionalization of microfluidic channels, UPB Scientific Bulletin - Series B, Chemistry and Materials Science, Volume 78, Number 2, Pages: 111-120, (2016).
- Istrate, A-I; Veca, M; Nastase, F; Baracu, A; Gavrila, R; Comanescu, F; Tucureanu, V; Dinescu, A; Sandu, T, Scaling the graphene-silicon heterojunctions: fabrication and characterization, Romanian journal of information science and technology, Volume 19, Number 3, Pages: 282-294, (2016).
- Tudor, R., Kusko, M., Kusko, C., & Mihailescu, M. , Free space optical communications system with helical beams, IEEE Proc. of Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications -RTUWO 2015, pp. 207-210. 2015
- Vajaiac, E; Paladea, S; Pantazia, A; Stefan, A; Pelin, G; Baran, D; Purica, M; Meltzer, V; Pincu, E; Berbecaru, C; Dragoman, D, Mechanical properties of multiwall carbon nanotube-epoxy composites, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, Volume 10, Number 2, Pages: 359-369, (2015).
- Predoana, L; Cristea, D; Predoana, L; Preda, S; Anastasescu, M; Stoica, M; Voicescu, M; Munteanu, C; Tomescu, R; Cristea, D, Nanostructured Er3+-doped SiO2-TiO2 and SiO2-TiO2-Al2O3 sol-gel thin films for integrated optics, Optical Materials, Volume 46, Pages: 481–490, (2015).
- Obreja, A.C; Iordanescu, S; Gavrila, R; Dinescu, A; Comanescu, F; Matei, A; Danila, M; Dragoman, M; Iovu, H, Flexible films based on graphene/polymer nanocomposite with improved electromagnetic interference shielding, Proceedings IEEE CAS 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4799-8863-1, Pages: 49-52, (2015).
- Comanescu, C.F; Istrate, A.-I; Veca, L.M; Nastase, F; Gavrila, R; Purica, M, Micro-raman spectroscopy of graphene transferred by wet chemical methods, Proceedings IEEE CAS 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4799-8863-1, Pages: 63-66, (2015).
- Tomescu, R; Dinescu, A; Cristea, D; Kusko, M; Gavrila, R; Kusko, C, Realization of spiral phase plates by 3D lithography, Proc. SPIE 9258, , 92581S, doi:10.1117/12.2072178, (2015).
- Tudor, R., Kusko, M., Kusko, C., Craciunoiu, F., Avram, A., Vasilache, D., & Dinescu, A., Beam shaping for phase singularities. Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, 17(4), 389-404, 2014
- Mihailescu, Mona; Preda, Liliana; Kusko, Cristian Independent and combined information transfer from axicon and helical phase distributions, APPLIED OPTICS 53 , pp 4691-4699, 2014
- I Mihalache, A Radoi, C Munteanu, M Kusko, C Kusko, Charge storage and memory effect in graphene quantum dots-PEG(600) hybrid nanocomposite, ORGANIC ELECTRONICS 15 , pp216-225 2014
- Obreja, M; Cristea, D; Mihalache, I; Radoi A; Gavrila, R; Comanescu, F; Kusko, C, Charge transport and memristive properties of graphene quantum dots embedded in poly(3-hexylthiophene) matrix, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 083303, (2014).
- Tudor, R; Kusko, M; Kusko, C; Craciunoiu, F; Avram, A; Vasilache, D, Fabrication of spiral phase plates for optical vortices, Proceedings IEEE CAS 2014, ISBN: 978-1-4799-3917-6, Pages: 139-142, (2014).
- Comanescu, F; Dinescu, A; Purica, M, Raman spectroscopy investigation of electron beam irradiated graphene, Proceedings IEEE CAS 2014, ISBN: 978-1-4799-3917-6 Pages 143-146, (2014).
- Comanescu, F; Dinescu, A; Purica, M, Raman spectroscopy investigation of electron beam irradiated graphene, Proceedings IEEE CAS 2014, ISBN: 978-1-4799-3917-6, Pages: 143-146, (2014).
- Cristian Kusko Self-Pulsation in a Nonlinear Plasmonic Ring Resonator, IEEE J. of Quantum Electronics, 49, pp. 1080-1087 (2013).
- M. Kusko, Simulation and optimization of sensor based on Mach-Zehnder interferometer with reference waveguide, Optoelectronics and advanced materials –rapid communications 7, pp. 927-931, 2013.
- Obreja, A.C; Cristea, D; Gavrila, R; Schiopu, V; Dinescu, A; Danila, M; Comanescu, F, Isocyanate functionalized graphene/P3HT based nanocomposites, Applied Surface Science, 276, Pages: 458– 467, (2013).
- Musat, V; Mazilu, M; Tigau, N; Alexandru, P; Purica, M; Dinescu, A, Electrical properties of Al-doped ZnO nanostructures grown from aqueous solution at low-temperature,in evaluare spre publicare in Journal of Alloys and Compounds.
- Claudia Aurisicchio , Riccardo Marega , Valentina Corvaglia , John Mohanraj , Romain Delamare , Dana Alina Vlad , Cristian Kusko , Constantin Augustin Dutu , Andrea Minoia , Gaëlle Deshayes , Olivier Coulembier , Sorin Melinte , Philippe Dubois , Roberto Lazzaroni , Nicola Armaroli , and Davide Bonifazi, CNTs in Optoelectronic Devices: New Structural and Photophysical Insights on Porphyrin-DWCNTs Hybrid Materials, Adv. Funct. Mater.22, 3209–3222, 2012
- Compact System Design Based on Digital in-Line Holographoc Microscopy Configuration”, Mona Mihailescu, Mihai Kusko, Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications (JEOS:RP), Vol. 7, ISSN: 1990-2573 (on line), 2012.
- M Kusko, F Craciunoiu, Bogdan Amuzescu, Ferdinand Halitzchi, Tudor Selescu, Antonio Radoi, Marian Popescu, M Simion, A Bragaru, T Ignat , Design, fabrication and characterization of low-Impedance 3D Electrode Array System for Neuro-Electrophysiology, Sensors 12, 16571-16590, 2012.
Obreja, A.C; Cristea, D; Gavrila, R; Schiopu, V; Dinescu, A; Danila, M; Comanescu, F, Functionalized Graphene/Poly 3-Hexyl Thiophene based Nanocomposites, Proceedings of IEEE CAS 2011, ISBN: 978-1-61284-172-4, Pages: 27-30 (2011).
Obreja, P; Cristea, D; Dinescu, A; Parvulescu, C,Soft patterning methods for manufacturing of micro and nano-optical components, Proceedings of IEEE CAS 2011, ISBN: 978-1-61284-172-4, Pages: 83-86,(2011).
M. Mihailescu, M.Scarlat, A.Gheorghiu, J.Costescu, M.Kusko, I.A.Paun, E.Scarlat, Automated imaging, identification, and counting of similar cells from digital hologram reconstructions, Applied Optics 50 (2011), pp.3589-3597.
E. Manea, C. Obreja, M. Purica, A. Dinescu, F.Comanescu, V. Schiopu, E. Budianu, “Formation of Transparent Nanoporous Titanium Oxide Films on Glass Substrates using an Anodization Process”, J. Nano Res.16 (2011) pp.113-118
Kusko, M; Kusko, C; Cristea, D, Method of determination of light-scatterer distribution in edge-lit backlight units using an analytical approach, Journal of the Optical Society of America A- optics image science and vision, 27 (2010), Pages: 2015-2020.
R. Muller; D. Cristea; Kusko, M, Obreja, P., Esinenco, D., Damian, V., Logofatu, P. C, SU8 polymer materials used in integrated optic Microsystems, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 4,(2010) Pages: 228-233.
Obreja, P.; Cristea, D.; Teodorescu, V. S.; Dinescu, A.; Obreja, A. C.; Comanescu, F.; Rebigan, R. Preparation and patterning of nanoscale hybrid materials for micro-optics Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 12 (2010) Pages: 2007-2013
Elena Budianu, Raluca Muller, Munizer Purica, Laura Eftime, Rousos Skarvelakis, George Kiriakidis “Optical microsensor with TCO electrodes for microposition detection applications”, Thin Solid Films 518 (2009), pp.1057.
Dimitris Alexandropoulos, Hercules Simos, Mihai Kusko, Dana Cristea, Dimitris Syvridis, Nikos A. Vainos, “Microring Resonators With Enhanced Tolerance to Fabrication Misalignments”, Journal Optics A: Pure Applied Optics 11, 2009, 125401 (6pp).
C Moldovan, C Mihailescu, D Stan, L Ruta, R Iosub, R Gavrila, M Purica, S Vasilica, „Characterization of Self-Assembled Monolayers (SAMs) on Silicon Substrate Comparative With Polymer Substrate For Escherichia Coli O157:H7 Detection”, Applied Surface Science, 255, (2009), pp. 8953–8959.
Mihai Kusko, Adrian Dinescu, Dana Cristea, Dan Apostol, Paul Şchiopu “Design and Fabrication With Electron Beam Lithography of a Diffractive Optical Element”, U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series C, Vol. 71, No. 4, 2009, pp. 137–142.
- Mihai Kusko, Dana Cristea, Paul Şchiopu “Simulation of Fresnel Lenses and Binary Phase Gratings With Beam Propagation Method”, U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series C, Vol. 71, No. 2, 2009, pp. 55–62.
“Polymer-Based Chips for Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors”, Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 10, 2008, 064010, P. Obreja, D. Cristea, M. Kusko and A. Dinescu
“Design of Single-Mode Vertically Coupled Microring Resonators”, M. Kusko, A. Kapsalis, C. Kusko, D. Alexandropoulos, D. Cristea, D. Syvridis, Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 10, 2008, pp. 064012
E. Budianu, M. Purica, F. Iacomi, C. Baban, P. Prepelita and E. Manea, “Silicon Metal-Semiconductor–Metal Photodetector with Zinc Oxide Transparent Conducting Electrodes”, Thin Solid Films, 516, 2008, pp. 1629–1633
E.Manea, E.Budianu, M.Purica, C.Podaru, A.Popescu, C.Parvulescu, A .Dinescu, A.Coraci, I.Cernica, F.Babarada, “Silicon Solar Cells Parameters Optimization by Adequate Surface Processing Techniques”, Romanian Journal of Information Science and technology 11 (2008), pp.337- 345.
D. Esinenco, E. Budianu, I. E. Bineva, D. Andrijasevic, E. Manea, W. Brenner, R. Muller, “Integrated Optical Proximity Microsensor”, Journal of Luminescence121 (2008), pp 394-398.
D. Cristea, P. Obreja, M. Kusko, E. Manea, R. Rebigan, “Polymer Micromachining for Micro- and Nanophotonics”, Materials Science and Engineering C, 26, (2008), pp. 1049-1055.
P. Obreja, D. Cristea, E. Budianu, R. Rebigan, V. Kuncser, M. Bulinski, G. Filoti, “Effect of Dopants on the Physical Properties of Polymer Films for Microphotonics”, Solid State Chemistry 34, (2008), pp.103-109.
M. Purica, E. Budianu, E. Rusu, P. Arabadji, “Electrical Properties of the CdS/InP Heterostructures for Photovoltaic Applications”, Thin Solid Films, 511-512 (2008),, pp. 468-472.
”V. Kuncser, M. Bulinsky, S. Kratwald, D. Cristea, P. Palade, C. Plapcianu, G. Filoti, “Optical and Electronic Properties of (Fe+Sb):PVA for Real Time Holography”, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 8, (2008), pp. 1225-1229.
M. Kusko, C. Kusko, D. Cristea, “Numerical Studies for Obtaining Single-Mode Vertically VCoupled Micro Ring Resonators”, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology (ROMJIST), 9(2008), pp. 91-98.
D. Esinenco, R. Rebigan, “Design of a Polymeric for Blood Analyze”, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology (ROMJIST) 9, (2008), pp. 107-118.
F. Iacomi, M. Purica, E. Budianu, P. Prepelita and D. Macovei , “Structural Studies on Some Doped CdS Thin Films Deposited by Thermal Evaporation”, Thin Solid Films 515, 2007, pp. 6080–6084.
M. Purica, F. Iacomi, C. Baban, P. Prepelita, N. Apetroaei, D. Mardare, D. Luca , “Investigation of Structural Properties of ITO Thin Films Deposited on Different Substrates”, Thin Solid Films 515 , 2007, pp. 8674–8678.
P. Obreja, D. Cristea, M. Purica, R. Gavrila, F. Comanescu , “Polymers Doped With Metal Oxide Nanoparticles With Controlled Refractive Index” , Polymery 52, 2007, pp.679-685.
E. Manea, E. Budianu, M. Purica, I. Cernica, F. Babarada, “Technological Process for a New Silicon Solar Cells Struture With Honeycomb Textured Front Surface”, Solar Energy Material & Solar Cells, 90, (2006) pp. 2312-2318.
Dana Cristea, Paula Obreja, Mihai Kusko, Elena Manea, "Polymer micromachining for Micro- and nano-Photonics", Materials Science and Technologies C 2005, in press.
Raluca Müller, Dana Cristea, C. Tibeica, P. Pons, P. Arguel, D. Syvridis si M.Kusko, "Tunable Fabry-Perot surface Micromachined interferometer-experiments and modeling", Journal of Micro System Technology 12 (2005), pp. 91-97
Raluca Muller, Paula Obreja, M.Kusko, D.Esinenco, C.Tibeica, Gabriela Conache, Manuela Mateescu, Lucia Moldovan, Luminita Tcacenco, D.Apostol, V.Damian, "Membrane de collagen folosite ca aplicatii in biosenzori”, Romanian Biological Sciences, vol.III, no.1-2, 109-116, 2005.
D. Esinenco, S.D. Psoma, M. Kusko, A. Schneider, R. Muller, "SU-8 micro-biosensor based on Mach-Zehnder Interferometer", Rev. Adv. Material Sci 10 ( 2005 ), p. 295-299.
R. Muller, D. Esineno, M. Kusko, P. Obreja, E. Manea, O. Ligor, D. Aostol, V. Damian, M. Mateescu, L. Moldovan, L. Tcacenco, S. D. Psoma, A. Schneider, E. Huq, "Micro-Optical Polymeric Biosensor with Interferometric Readout", Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology , vol.8, p. 293-304.
E. Manea, E. Budianu, M. Purica, D. Cristea, I. Cernica, R.Muller, V. Moagar Poladian, “Optimization of front surface texturing processes for high efficiency silicon solar cells”, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, vol.87, Issues 1-4, May 2005, pp. 423-431
D. Cristea, M. Kusko, C. Tibeica, Raluca Muller, Elena Manea and D. Syvridis, "Design and experiments for tunable optical sensor fabrication using (1 1 1)-oriented silicon micromachining", Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 113 /3 pp. 312-318 (2004).
Maria Zaharescu, Maria Crisan, Luminita Predoana, Mariuca Gartner, Dana Cristea, Stefania Degeratu, Elena Manea “Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Sol-Gel Coatings in the SiO 2-TiO 2 System”, Journal Sol-Gel Science and Technology, Volume 32, December 2004, Pages: 173 –175
M. Zaharescu, M. Crisan, L. Predoana, M. Gartner, D. Cristea, S. Degeretu, E. Manea – Inorganic and hybrid sol-gel films with optical properties, Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Oprics, vol.32, pp.95-110 (2004).
Manuela Mateescu, Mirela Diaconu, Eugenia Teodor, Lucia Moldovan, Mihaela Mihalache, Paula Obreja, Gabriela Conache, Raluca Muller, Ioana Busuioceanu, “Testarea posibilitatilor de utilizare a unor micro- structuri fotonice integrate in realizarea de biosenzori”, Romanian Biological Sciences, vol.II, no.1-2, 1-12, 2004.
M. Purica, E. Budianu, E. Rusu, P. Arabadji, "Study of the n-CdS/p-InP Heterojunctions for Optoelectronic Device Applications”, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, Vol 7, No. 3-4, 2004, pp. 353-360.
Modreanu, M. Gartner, E. Aperathitis, N. Tomozeiud, M. Androulidaki, D. Cristea, Paul Hurley, “Investigation on preparation and physical properties of nanocrystalline Si/SiO 2 superlattices for Si-based light-emitting devices”, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, Volume/Issue: vol 16/3-4 pp 461 – 466, 2003.
A.Jitianu, Mariuca Gartner, Maria Zaharescu, Dana Cristea, Elena Manea - “Experiments for Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Sol-Gel Films for Micro and Nano-Photonics”, Materials Science and Engineering C 23 (2003) 301-306
M. Bulinski, D. Cristea, C. Plapcianu, H. Franke, F. E.Wagner, G. Filoti – “Optical and Electical Properties of Metal Doped Polymers for integrated Optics”, J. of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 5 (2003), pp.331-335.
A.Jitianu, Mariuca Gartner, Maria Zaharescu, Dana Cristea, Elena Manea, “Experiments for Inorganic – Organic Hybrid Sol-Gel Films for Micro – and Nano-Photonics” Materials Science Engineering C, 23, 301-306, 2003.
M. Modreanu, M.Gartner, D. Cristea, “Investigation of physical properties of nanocrystalline Si/SiO 2 and Si/Si 3N 4 superlattices for Si-based light emitting devices, Materials Science and EngineeringC 19 (2002) 225-228.
Elena Budianu, Munizer Purica, Elena Manea, Emil Rusu,Raluca Gavrila, Mihai Danila,"Optical improved structure of polycristalline silicon based thin film solar cell", Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 72 (2002), pag. 223-229.
Munizer Purica, Elena Budianu, E. Rusu, M.Danila, Raluca Gavrila, " Structural and Optoelectrical Investigation of Transparent and Conductive ZnO Thin Films Prepared by Chemical Vapor Deposition", Thin Solid Films 403-404, (2002), pag. 485-488.
Dana Cristea, Munizer Purica, Elena Manea and Viorel Avramescu, "Experiments for microphotonic components fabrication using Si <111> etching technique”, Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical 99 (1-2) (2002), pag. 92-97.
C. Kusko, R. S. Markiewicz, M. Lindroos, and A. Bansil “Fermi surface evolution and collapse of the Mott pseudogap in Nd 2CeCuO 4”, Phys. Rev. B66, 140513 (2002).
C. Kusko and R. S. Markiewicz “White-Scalapino-like stripes in a mean-field Hubbard model”, Phys. Rev. B65, 041102 (2002)
D. Cristea, R. Muller, F.Craciunoiu, M.Caldararu, Munizer Purica, E.Budianu, P.Obreja, I.Pavelescu, M.Modreanu, "Microphotonic Devices and Circuits for Opto-Electro-Mechanical Microsystems", in seria Micro and Nanoengineering, 2001, pag 59-74.
Dana Cristea, F.Craciunoiu, M.Modreanu, M.Caldararu, I.Cernica, “ Photonic circuits integrated with CMOS compatible photodetectors”, Optical Materials 17, 2001, pp 201-205.
Dana Cristea, Ileana Cernica, Camelia Dunare, R. Muller, “Hybridisation of LED’s with silicon microsensors”, Materials Science for Semiconductor Procesing, 3, (5-6) pp. 563-568
Raluca Muller, P.Obreja, V. Banu, I.Pavelescu, D. Dascalu, “ Silicon – compatible waveguides used for an integrated opto-mechanical pressure sensor” -Optical Materials 17, 2001, p.255-258.
Mitu, G. Dinescu, E. Budianu, A. Ferrari, M. Balucani, G. Lamedica, A. Dauscher, M. Dinescu, “Formation of intermediate SiCN Interlayer during deposition of CN xON a-Si:H or a-SiC:H thin films”, Applied Surface Science 184 (2001), Pages 96–100.
Munizer Purica, Elena Budianu, Emil Rusu "ZnO thin films on semiconductor substrate for large area photodetector applications" Thin Solid Films, 383, 2001, pp. 284-287
D. Cristea, F.Craciunoiu, M.Caldararu, "Components for optoelectronic and photonic integrated circuits - design, modelling, manufacturing and monolithic integration on silicon", Materials Science and Engineering B74, (2000), pp. 89-95.
Dana Cristea, Ileana Cernica, Camelia Dunare, Raluca Muller, "Hybridisation of LED’s with silicon microsensors", Materials Science for Semiconductor Procesing, Vol.3, (5-6) (2000) pp. 563-568.
R. Muller, V. Moagar Poladian, I. Pavelescu, E. Manea, D. Cristea, P.Obreja, "Technological processes and modelling of opto-electro-mechanical microstructures", Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing- vol.3, nr.5/6, 2000, pp.427-431.
E. Budianu, M. Purica, E. Rusu, "Heterostructures on InP for high-speed detection devices over a large spectral range (0.8 - 1.6) m m" , Microelectronic Engineering 51-52, (2000), 393-400.
Munizer Purica, Elena Budianu, Emil Rusu, "Heterojunction with ZnO polycristalline thin films for optoelectronic devices applications" , Microelectronic Engineering, 51-52, 2000, 425-431.
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February, 2021 |