Research Team with multidisciplinary expertise (optoelectronics, physics, chemistry): four senior researchers, 2 post-Docs (one with PhD in USA), two PhD students and one master student with background in electronics and physics.
Dr. Dana Cristea- senior researcher, MSc in electronic engineering, PhD in optoelectronics & materials for electronics;
Dr. Munizer Purica- senior researcher, MSc and PhD in physics;
Dr. Cristian Kusko- researcher, MSc and PhD in physics;
Dr. Mihai Kusko - senior researcher - MSc in physics and photonics, Ph. in optoelectronics;
Dr. Florin Comanescu - researcher, MSc in electronics and PhD in optoelectronics;
Dr. Roxana Rebigan - researcher, MSc in physics, PhD in optoelectronics;
Dr. Roxana Tomescu - researcher, MSc in electronics, PhD in optoelectronics;
Dr. Florin Nita - senior researcher, PhD in physics;
Dr. Rebeca Tudor- researcher, MSc in Electronics, PhD in Physics;
Eng. Ştefan Cărămizoiu – assistant researcher, PhD student in physics;
Phys. George Bulzan – assistant researcher, MSc in physics, PhD student in physics.
Laboratory Head — Dr. Dana Cristea
Dr. Dana Cristea received a MSc in Electronics (1982) and PhD in Optoelectronics and Materials for Electronics from “Politehnica” University, Bucharest, Romania. Between 1982-1994 she was a research scientist in the Department of Optoelectronics and Sensors at Research & Development Institute for Electronic Components, Bucharest, Romania. |
She is the head of Microphotonics Lab and the manager of the Core program IMT. Between 2002 and 2008 she was the Scientific manager of IMT. Her main research activities are in the fields of optoelectronic devices, photonic integrated circuits, optical-MEMS, micro-optics integration technologies. She is author or co-author of more than 100 papers published in journals and Conference Proceedings and holds 5 patents. Dr. Dana Cristea has coordinated more than project 25 national projects, participated in several FP6 and FP7, H2020 projects and was the vice-coordinator of the FP7 Project MIMOMEMS. She is currently the coordinator of the IMT core program, scientific manager of projects aiming at knowledge transfer to SMEs and of R&I projects on optoelectronic devices based on QDs and nanoplasmonic structures.