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optical and electrical characterization of materials and devices

  Characterization methods of thin films and nanostructures using Raman spectroscopy

Raman spectra of Bi2O3 and ZnO thin films and of ZnO nanorods

Raman spectra of the single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) network grown by catalytic CVD, (excitation at 632 nm), graphene multilayer a (514 nm laser excitation) and ZnO micro/nano roads grown by MOCVD at 632 nm

Characterization methods of thin films and nanostructures
using spectral ellipsometry

Contact person: Dr. Munizer Purica Contact person: eng. Florin Comanescu


  Photonics and plasmonics studies using near field optical microscopy

The scanning near field optical microscope allows the characterization of light interaction with dielectric and metallic structures. The metallic structures are periodic arrays of gold disks obtained by nanolitography and lift-off and they exhibit plasmon excitations. They are characterized by SNOM in transmission, reflection and collection modes. The experimental results are compared with FDTD simulations.

a) b) c)

SNOM images in the a) transmission, b) reflection,
and c) collection mode of a periodic array of gold disks on a glass substrate


For dielectric waveguides characterization, the SNOM has been used in the photon scanning tunneling microscopy mode. The light is launched in the waveguide through end – fire coupling and the evanescent field is collected with SNOM probe giving the optical field configuration in the waveguide.  

a) b)

a) SNOM image of the evanescent field in a multimode PMMA waveguide b) AFM scan of the waveguide  acquired simultaneously with the near field images


Contact person: Dr. Cristian Kusko




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Last update: January 19, 2012