FP7 Projects
Carbon nAnotube Technology for High-speed nExt-geneRation nano-InterconNEcts/CATHERINE – FP7 STREP-FET proactive (2008-2010) (Partnership)

M-ERA.NET Projects

High Photoconductive Oxide Films Functionalized with GeSi Nanoparticles for Environmental Applications” – PhotoNanoP - M-ERA.NET Transnational Call 2014 (2016-2018) (Partnership)

EEA Grants
Elastomeric tuneable metasurfaces for efficient spectroscopic sensors for plastic detection/ELASTOMETA - EEA-RO-NO-2018-0438 (2019-2023) (Partnership)

Joint Research Projects

Nanostructured and Amorphous Semiconductor Films for Sensors Application,Bilateral Inter-academic Cooperation Romania - Bulgaria(2013-2018)

Formation of Spatially Ordered Matrices Based on Nanostructured Metal Oxides and Transition Metal Sulphates for Advanced Sensory and Photovoltaic Devices - Bilateral project within the Romania-Belarus inter-academic exchange (2020 - 2021)

National Projects

Multifunctional Advanced Materials Onto Flexible Substrates For Electronic Circuits And Devices Applications - CNCS – UEFISCDI Mobility grant PN-III-DCD-RU-MC-2019-3, PN-III-P1-1.1-MC-2019-1806
Technologic Paradigms in Synthesis and Characterization of Variable Dimensionality Systems/ VARDIMTECH -  PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017 (2018-2020) (Partnership)
EcoReclama  - Innovation check project - PN-III-P2-2.1-CI-2018-1112
Graphene-Based Organic And Hybrid Organic Solar Cells -  CNCS – UEFISCDI Mobility grant PN-III-P1-1.1-MC-2017-0190 
Technological Transfer to Increase the Quality and Security Level of Holographic Labels”/TSCEH - PN-III-P2-2.1-PTE-2016-0072 (2016-2018) (Partnership)
Laser Targets for Ultraintense Laser Experiments”/ TARGET - PN-III- /ELI-RO (2016-2018) (Partnership)
Technological processes for manufacturing thin films based on advanced materials – PN 163220202 IMT Core program TEHNOSPEC (2016-2017)
STAR- Technology – Strategic project of Romanian Space Agency “Space Technology and Advanced Research” (2012-2014) (Partnership)
Fabrication and Characterization of Micro and Nano Metallic Structures with Dip-Pen Nanolithography -  PN-II-RU-PD-2011 ( 2011-2013)
Nanostructuring Methods Based on Electron Beam Lithography   - PN 09290306 IMT Core program CONVERT  (2010-2015)
Advanced methods for complementary surface charaterization by SPM techniques – PN 09290304 IMT Core program CONVERT (2009-2012)
Modified Amidons Obtained by Non-Conventional Technologies with Applications in Alimentation Industry/ AMIR  PNII No51-007/2007(2007-2010) (Partnership)  
Development of a Food Tracing  System Dedicated to Regional Producers/TRASALIM -  PN II- Innovation No 121/2007 (2007-2010) 
Development of Digital Holography Laboratory with Equipments for Characterization of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems/μDIGIHOLAB  - PN II /Capacities  No. 4/2007 (2007-2009) (Partnership)
Development of Nanoscale Topographical and Compositional Analysis Capabilities for the Microphysical Characterization Laboratory/ NANOSCAN - PN II /Capacities, No. 4/2007 (2007-2009)
Functionality Enhancement of the Nanoscale Structuring and Characterization Laboratory NANOSCALE-LAB/ NANOSERV - PN II /Capacities no. 9/2007  (2007-2009)
Accredited Laboratory for Morphological Analyses at Nanometric Scale/NANOMORPH -  CEEX- Modul 4/INFRAS no. 234/2006  (2006-2008)
Electron Beam Lithography-Based Techniques for Micro- and Nanostructures  Fabrication -  IMT Core program MINASIST (2006-2008)
AFM Applications to Nanomechanical Characterization of Polimeric Surfaces   - PN06240105 IMT Core program MINASIST (2006-2008)



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Last update: July 2023