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Papers in conferences (selection 2000-2011)
2020 2019 2018
2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006
2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
- Ramona Calinoiu, Roxana Tomescu, Dana Cristea, Costel Paun, Metasurface configuration for selective infrared radiation source, International Conference ImagineNANO2020, 29.09.2020-01.10.2020, Online.
- Composite Optical Elements for the Generation of High-Order Quasi-Bessel Beams Superposition, Rebeca Tudor, Mihai Kusko, Cristian Kusko - 43nd International Semiconductor Conference CAS 2020, October 7-9, online – oral presentation
- Fabrication of Fresnel Lenses Operating in Long Infrared” Roxana Rebigan, Andrei Avram, Rebeca Tudor, Mihai Kusko, Dan Vasilache, Dan Ursu, Georgeta Sorohan, Cristian Kusko, 43nd International Semiconductor Conference CAS 2020, October 7-9, online – oral presentation
- Design of an Integrated Optical Circuit for Generation of Optical Vortex, Mihai Kusko, Rebeca Tudor, Stefan Caramizoiu, Cristian Kusko, 2020 European Conference on Integrated Optics, 22nd edition, online from 23 to 24 June 2020 - poster
- Roxana Tomescu, Adrian Dinescu, Dana Cristea, Ramona Calinoiu, Cristian Kusko, Nano-pillars array configured for emission selectivity in IR, Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience International Conference – ANNIC 2019, 18-20 November, Paris, France
- Ramona Calinoiu, Roxana Tomescu, Dana Cristea, Oana Tutunaru, Metasurfaces for perfect absorbent structures with possible applications in non-dispersive optical sensors, Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience International Conference – ANNIC 2019, 18-20 November, Paris, France
- Cristian Kusko, Rebeca Tudor, Mihai Kusko, Andrei Avram, Mona Mihailescu, Radu Ionicioiu, Generation and manipulation of optical vortices for free space optical communications , 2nd International Conference on Photonics Research, Interphotonics 2019, Kemer/Antalya Turkey, November 4-9, 2019 – invited talk
- Ramona Calinoiu, Roxana Tomescu, Dana Cristea, Metamaterials infrared absorbers for gas sensing, CAS2019, 42nd Edition of International Semiconductor Conference, IEEE event, 9-11 October 2019, Sinaia, Romania.
- Rebeca Tudor, Mihai Kusko, Cristian Kusko, Catalin Parvulescu, Andrei Avram, Viorel Avramescu, Fabrication of multilevel axicon for nondiffractive OAM beams, 42nd Intertational Semiconductor Conference CAS 2019, October 9-11, Sinaia, Romania.
- Dana Cristea, Roxana Tomescu, Adrian Dinescu, “Plasmonic nanostructures based hot-electron Si photodetector”, International Conference Trends in Nanotechnologies TNT 2019, San Sebastian, Spain 30.09-04.10.2019.
- Ramona Calinoiu, Roxana Tomescu, Dana Cristea, Catalin Parvanescu, Metamaterials with tailored IR absorption effects, NANOP2019, Nanophotonics and Micro/nano Optics International Conference, 4-6 September, Munich, Germany.
- Roxana Tomescu, Mihai Kusko, Dana Cristea, Laura Mihai, Ramona Calinoiu, Cristian Kusko, Catalin Parvulescu, „Control of IR emissivity with metasurface structures:, Meta2019 the 10th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, 23-26 July Lisbon, Portugal Laurentiu Vasile Dosan, Mona Mihailescu, Nicolae Tarba, Rebeca Tudor, Victor Palea, Alexandru Lupascu , Eugen Scarlat, Constantin Negutu, An Interactive Experiment For Testing Bell-Chsh Inequality , 19th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics and Materials Science IBWAP 2019, Constanta, Romania 16-19 July 2019
- Tudor Rebeca, Kusko Mihai, Kusko Cristian, Avram Andrei, Multilevel axicon for perfect optical vortex generation EOS Optical Technologies conferences, EOS 2019 at the World of Photonics Congress 2019, 23-27 June 2019. –oral presentation
- Ramona Calinoiu, Roxana Tomescu, Cristian Kusko, Adrian Dinescu, Dana Cristea, Laura Mihai, Metasurfaces for controlling absorption in infrared, EuroNanoForum2019, Nanotechnology and advanced materials progress under Horizon2020 and beyond, 12-14 June, Bucharest, Romania.
- Rebeca Tudor, Cristian Kusko, Mihai Kusko, Andrei Avram, Dan Vasilache, Adrian Dinescu, Optical vortices for communications, EuroNanoForum 2019 (ENF 2019), 12-14 June 2019, Bucharest, Romania.
- Dana Cristea, Paula Obreja, Roxana Tomescu, “Thin films based on quantum dots, plasmonic nanostructures and hybrid composites for UV-SWIR photodetectors”, EMRS Spring Meeting 2019, 27-31.05. 2019, Nice, France
- Roxana Tomescu, Mihai Kusko, Dana Cristea, Cristian Kusko, Catalin Parvulescu, Marian Popescu, Infrared radiation source with controlled emissivity, Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience International Conference – ANNIC 2018, Berlin, 22-24 October 2018;
- R. Tomescu, C. Parvulescu, D. Cristea, B. Bita, B. Comanescu, M. Pelteacu, Techniques for the fabrication of customized holographic security elements, CAS2018, Sinaia, Romania, 2018;
- D. Cristea, P. Obreja, A.C.Obreja, R. Tomescu, PbS Quantum Dots and Nanocomposites for Solution Processed Broaband Photodetectors - International Conference on Photonics Research, 8-12 October 2018, Turkey- invited talk.
- M. Kusko, R. Tomescu, C. Kusko, Design and fabrication of a fractional optical vortex by electron beam lithography, CAS2018, Sinaia, Romania, 2018;
- Optical beam shaper for the generation of two superimposed orbital angular momentum states, Rebeca Tudor, Cristian Kusko, Mihai Kusko, Andrei Avram, Catalin Parvulescu, European Optical Society Biennial Meeting (EOSAM) 2018, 8-12 October 2018, Delft, The Netherlands
- Roxana Tomescu, Mihai Kusko, Cristian Kusko,Dana Cristea, Plasmonic metasurfaces modeled for improved IR absorption, ICOM2018, Igalo, Muntenegro, 2018;
- C. Parvulescu, R.Tomescu, B. Comanaescu, M Pelteacu, D. Cristea, Optimization of holographic labels for security applications, DSL2018, Amsterdam, The Nederlands, 2018;
- D. Cristea, P.Obreja, R.Tomescu, Plasmonic Photodetector for the SWIR Range, E-MRS Spring Meeting 2018, 18-22 iunie 2018, Strasbourg, France
- Roxana Tomescu, Cristian Kusko, Mihai Kusko, Numerical investigation of plasmonic metasurfaces for improved MIR absorption, NanOP2017, Barcelona, Spain 2017;
- D. Cristea, P.Obreja, A. Dinescu, R. Tomescu, Plasmonic nanostructures for IR photodetectors, Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience International Conference – ANNIC 2017 17-19 octombrie 2017, Roma, Italy
- D.Cristea, P.Obreja, C.Obreja, B.Bita, Photodetectors based on heterostructures n-Si/p-nanostructured semiconductor- E-MRS Spring Meeting 2017, Strasbourg,France, 22-26 May 2017.
- P.Obreja, D.Cristea, A.Dinescu, C, Romaniţan, Influence of surface substrates on the properties of ZnO nanowires synthesized by hydrothermal method,: 9th International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials, Aveiro, Portugalia, 19-July, 2017.
- Cristian Kusko, Rebeca Tudor, Mihai Kusko, Mona Mihailescu, Superposition of integer and fractional optical vortices in a Michelson interferometer, ICOAM 2017, 18-22.09.2017, Anacapri, Italy.
- , Rebeca Tudor, Mihai Kusko, Cristian Kusko, Generation of beams carrying OAM in an integrated optical circuit, ICOAM 2017, 18-22.09.2017, Anacapri, Italy–poster
- Rebeca Tudor, Cristian Kusko, Mihai Kusko, Andrei Avram, Mona Mihailescu, Beam shapers for fractional optical vortices, , EOS 2017 Manufacturing of Optical Systems, 26-29 June 2017, Munich, Germany.
- Roxana Tomescu, Cristian Kusko, Paul Schipu, Plasmonic metasurfaces modeled for phase control of electromagnetic radiation, NanOP2016, Paris, France
- Roxana Tomescu, Cristian Kusko, Phase control with plasmonic dipoles, School of Photonics 2016: "Plasmonics and Nano-Optics", July 10th-14th, 2016, Cortona, Italy
- M. Purica, V. Musat, E. Budianu, P. Alexandru, A. Dinescu, F. Comanescu, “1D and 2D Al-doped ZnO nanostructures by aqueous solution localized growth on glass substrate for transparent electronic devices” - 11th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials –ICPAM-11, Cluj, Romania, 2016
- F. C. Comanescu, Munizer Purica, “Ellipsometric investigation of Ca doped ZnO thin films deposited by sol-gel on oxidized Si substrates: multilayer modeling ” 2nd Autumn School on Physics of Advanced Materials (PAMS-2) , Cluj, Romania, 2016
- Rebeca Tudor, Mihai Kusko, Cristian Kusko, Andrei Avram, Independent optical vortices for free space optical communications, CAS 2016, 9-12 October 2016, Sinaia, Romania
- Mona Mihailescu, Rebeca Tudor, Irina A. Paun, Cristian Kusko, Eugen I. Scarlat, Mihai Kusko , Optical vortex in asymmetric arcs of rotating intensity , 18th International Conference on Opticsand Photonics ICOP 2016, 11-12 July 2016, Stockholm, Sweden .
- Eugen Scarlat, Mona Mihailescu, Rebeca Tudor, Irina Alexandra Paun, Cristian Kusko, Mihai Kusko , The propagation of multiple optical vortices through atmospheric turbulences, ,16th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics and Materials Science IBWAP 2016, 7-9, July, 2016, Constanta Romania.
- Roxana Tomescu, Cristian Kusko, Numerical studies of plasmonic metasurfaces consisting in metal cylinders on dielectric substrates, 6th EOS Topical Meeting on Optical Microsystems (OµS’15), 17-19 September, Capri, Italy
- Dana Cristea, Paula Obreja, Rebeca Tudor, Roxana Tomescu, High responsivity photodetector based on PbS QDs/Si heterostructure, 6th Intl. Conf. on Adv. Nanomaterials ANM 2015, 22-25 July Aveiro, Portugal
- Roxana Tomescu, Cristian Kusko, Paul Schiopu, FDTD analysis of phase behavior in horizontal cylindrical structures, Plasmonica 2015, 01-03 July 2015, Padova, Italy
- Roxana Tomescu, Cristian Kusko, Mihai Kusko, Paul Schiopu, FDTD simulations of plasmonic metasurfaces, ImagineNANO2015, 10-13 march 2015, Bilbao, Spain
- P.Obreja, D.Cristea, C.Kusko, R.Gavrila, I.Mihalache, M.Daniala, A.Dinescu, Study of zinc oxidequantum-dot thin films for memristive devices, European Materials Research Society SpringMeeting 2015 (EMRS-2015) Lille, France
- C.Kusko, C. Obreja, A.Radoi, D.Cristea, Memory properties of graphene quantum dotsembedded in a polymeric matrix, European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting 2015(EMRS-2015) ,Lille, France, 11- 15 May, 2015.
- Istrate, M. Danila, B. Bita, I. Mihalache, F. Comanescu, R. Plugaru, M. Purica “Sudy of the Porosity of OF Mn AND Ga doped ZnO Films Synthesized bySol-gel Method. E-MRS 2015 Fall Meeting Symposium L: Towards oxide-based electronics: growth and applications of oxide thin films and heterostructures II – 18 Warsaw, 15-18 Septemmber 2015, Warsaw, Poland; 2015
- Rebeca Tudor, Mihai Kusko, Cristian Kusko, Mona Mihailescu Free space optical communications system with helical beams, Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications, RTUWO 2015, 5-6 November 2015, Riga,Latvia.
- Rebeca Tudor, Cristian Kusko, Mihai Kusko, Mona Mihailescu Free space optical communicator employing optical vortices, 4th EOS Conference on Manufacturing and Testing of Optical Components, EOSMTOC, 22-24 June 2015, Munich, Germany
- D.Cristea, P.Obreja, A.Dinescu "Hybrid PbS QDs/silicon multispectral photodetector integrablewith silicon ICs" , Trends in Nanotechnology International Conference (TNT2014),Barcelona-Spain, October 27-31,2014
- D.Cristea, A.Dinescu, P.Obreja, C. Obreja, C. Kusko Research results on graphene processing technologies for nanoelectronics and photonics", Trends in Nanotechnology International Conference (TNT2014), Barcelona- Spain, October 27-31, 2014
- Florin Constantin Comanescu, Munizer Purica, Elena Budianu, “Influence of n-ZnO channel layer characteristics on switching properties of the transparent thin film transistor”, 10th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials –ICPAM-10, Iasi, Romania, 2014
- Munizer Purica, Adrian Dinescu, Florin Constantin Comanescu, “Investigation of e-beam irradiation of PMMA coated graphene by Raman Spectroscopy” 10th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials –ICPAM-10, Iasi, Romania, 2014
- Roxana Tomescu, Mihai Kusko, Cristian Kusko, Self-pulsation behavior of a ring resonator based on nonlinear plasmonic waveguides, The 14th edition of Trends in Nanotechnology International Conference (TNT2013),9-13 September 2013, Sevilia, Spania
- D.Cristea, C.Obreja, P.Obreja, R.Gavrila Graphene-P3HT nanocomposite/n-type silicon photodetectors, 5th EOS Topical Meeting on Optical Microsystems (OμS'13), 12-14 September 2013, Capri, Italy
- Alina Cismaru, A. Muller, F. Comanescu, M. Purica, A. Stefanescu, A. Dinescu, G. Konstantinidis, A. Stavrinidis, “Morphological analysis of GaN membranes obtained by micomachining of GaN/Si”, International Reliability and Physics Symposium – IRPS 2013, 14-18 april 2013, Monterey, California, SUA.
- Roxana Rebigan, Andrei Avram, Florin Craciunoiu, Roxana Tomescu, Marian Popescu, Dana Cristea, Munizer Purica, Paul Schiopu, Silicon plasma processing for front surface textured solar cells, 9th International Conference On Physics Of Advanced Materials (ICPAM-9), Iasi, Romania 2012;
- .Florin Comanescu, Munizer Purica, Elena Budianu, Felicia Iacomi, Bogdana Mitu, Catalin Parvulescu, Paul Schiopu, Optically transparent n-channel thin film transistor based on wide band gap oxide semiconductors” , 9th International Conference On Physics Of Advanced Materials (ICPAM-9), Iasi, Romania 2012.
- Roxana Tomescu, Design and Simulation of Integrated Optofluidic Sensors with Applications in Biosensing, International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi", Summer Courses "Microscopy applied to Biophotonics”, Varenna, Italy, 2011;
- A.C. Obreja, D. Cristea, R. Gavrila, A. Dinescu, V. Schiopu, M. Danila, F. Comanescu, Functionalised Graphene/Poly 3 Hexyltiophene based nanocomposites films, EMRS 2011 Spring Meeting 9-13th May, Nice, France
E. Budianu, M. Purica, A. Dinescu, E. Manea, D. Cristea, Nanoscale interdigitated transparent electrodes for silicon on insulating photodetector , EMRS 2011 Spring Meeting 9-13th May, Nice, France
Viorica Musat, Munizer Purica, Adrian Dinescu, Mihai Danila, Florin Comanescu, Ordered arrays of ZnO nanostructures grown from solution on substrates grown from solution on substrates configurated by lithography techniques, EMRS 2011 Spring Meeting 9-13th May, Nice, France.
Epurescu, V. Ion, B. Mitu, G. Dinescu, M. Purica, E. Budianu, F. Comanescu, Zinc oxide based structures for electronic devices applications, EMRS 2011 Spring Meeting 9-13th May, Nice, France.
M. Purica, E. Budianu, A. Dinescu, Mihai Danila, Florin Comanescu, Raluca Gavrila, p - type NiO thin films for transparent devices applications: preparation and properties, EMRS 2011 Spring Meeting 9-13th May, Nice, France
Dana Cristea, Adrian Dinescu, Paula Obreja, Roxana Rebigan, 3D Electron beam lithography in for μ- and n-optics 2nd EOS Conference on Manufacturing of Optical Components (EOSMOC 2011) at the World of Photonics Congress 2011, 23 - 25 May 2011, Munich, Germany.
P.Obreja, A. Dinescu, M. Kusko, A.C.Obreja, D.Cristea, Replica Molding of Optical Components in Polymers, 2nd EOS Conference on Manufacturing of Optical Components (EOSMOC 2011) at the World of Photonics Congress 2011, 23 - 25 May 2011, Munich, Germany.
Mihai Kusko, Cristian Kusko, Dana Cristea, Analytical solution for the distribution of scattering elements in edge-lit backlight units, 2nd EOS Conference on Manufacturing of Optical Components (EOSMOC 2011) at the World of Photonics Congress 2011, 23 - 25 May 2011, Munich, Germany
A.C. Obreja, D. Cristea, A. Dinescu, V. Schiopu, M. Danila, F. Comanescu, Functionalised graphene-P3HT nanocomposites, EUROMAT 2011, 11-15th September 2011, Montpellier, France
A.C. Obreja, D. Cristea, R. Gavrila, V. Schiopu, A. Dinescu, M. Danila, F. Comanescu, FunctionaliZed Graphene/Poly 3-Hexyl Thiophene based Nanocomposites, Proc. of IEEE International Semiconductor Conference CAS 2011 , Sinaia, Romania, 17-19 Oct. 2011, pp. 27-30.
M. Kusko, A. Avram, A. Dinescu, C. Kusko, F. Comanescu, C. Iorga, R. Muller, “Experimental srudies of silicon nitride waveguides fabrication”, Proc. of IEEE International Semiconductor Conference CAS 2011 , Sinaia, Romania, 17-19 Oct. 2011, pp.79-82,.
P. Obreja, D. Cristea, A. Dinescu, C. Parvulescu, Soft patterning methods for manufacturing of micro and nano-optical components,Proc. of IEEE International Semiconductor Conference CAS 2011 , Sinaia, Romania, 17-19 Oct. 2011, pp, 83-86.
C. Kusko, “Plasmonic ring resonators”, Proc. of IEEE International Semiconductor Conference CAS 2011 , Sinaia, Romania, 17-19 Oct. 2011, pp. 87-90.
F. Comanescu, C. Tibeica, M. Purica, P. Schiopu, “Comparative study of two types electro-thermally actuated micromirrors on silicon substrate”, Proc. of IEEE International Semiconductor Conference CAS 2011 , Sinaia, Romania, 17-19 Oct. 2011, pp. 91-94
F. Iacomi, A. Lazar, R. Frunza, R. Rotaru, A. Carlescu, I. Sandu, M. Purica, R. Gavrila, “Electric and optical properties of In2-x-ySnxZnyO3-d”, Proc. of IEEE International Semiconductor Conference CAS 2011 , Sinaia, Romania, 17-19 Oct. 2011, pp. 283-286.
M. Irimia, A. P. Rambu, G. Zodieru, I.I. Leonte, M. Purica, F. Iacomi, „Ga doped ZnO thin films deposited by RF magnetron sputtering – preparation and properties”, Proc. of IEEE International Semiconductor Conference CAS 2011, Sinaia, Romania, 17-19 Oct. 2011, pp. 287-290.
M. Mihailescu, E. I. Scarlat, M. Kusko, “Microchannel-pinhole parameters investigation for cells visualization in holographic microscopy”, Proc. of IEEE International Semiconductor Conference CAS 2011, Sinaia, Romania, 17-19 Oct. 2011, pp. 75-78.
Dana Cristea, Paula Obreja, Cosmin Obreja, Graphene nanocomposites for UV detectors integrable on silicon, 1st EOS Topical Meeting on Micro- and Nano-Optoelectronic Systems, Bremen, Germany, 7-9 December 2011.
D. Cristea, P. Obreja, A. Dinescu, G.Konstantinidis, R.Rebigan, C.Kusko, Fabrication of 3D micro and nanostructures for photonic applications, Proceedings of Multi-Material Micro-Manufacture (4M) Conference, eds. B.Fillon, C.Khan-Malek, S.Dimov, Research Publishing, 2010, p.263-266, ISBN 978-981-08-6555-9, doi:10.3850/978-981-08-6555-9.168
P. Obreja, D. Cristea, A. Dinescu, R. Rebigan, “Micro and nanoscale patterning of polymers for micro-optics”, European Optical Society Annual Meeting 2010 (EOSAM 2010), 26 - 29 October 2010, Parc Floral de Paris, France;
P. Obreja, D. Cristea, V. S. Teodorescu, A. Dinescu, A.C. Obreja, F. Comanescu, R. Rebigan, , “Preparation and patterning of nanoscale hybrid materials for micro-optics”, European Materials Research Society Conference, symposium T, 7-11 iunie 2010, Strasbourg, Frantce.
R. Rebigan, A. Dinescu, C. Kusko, R. Gavrila, D. Cristea, C. Obreja, P. Schiopu, “Suspended polymeric photonic crystals – simulation and fabrication” ATOM: Advanced topics in optoelectronics, microelectronics and nanotechnologies – 26-29 august 2010 Constanta, Romania, Proc. SPIE 7821, 78211H (2010); doi:10.1117/12.882388.
Constantin Florin Comanescu, Catalin Tibeica, Munizer Purica, Paul Schiopu, “Optimizing 1D bimorph actuated micromirrors by modifying actuating part geometry”, ATOM: Advanced topics in optoelectronics, microelectronics and nanotechnologies – 26-29 august 2010 Constanta, Romania, Proc. SPIE 7821, 78212D (2010); doi:10.1117/12.882061
Comanescu Constantin Florin, Catalin Tibeica, Munizer Purica, Paul Schiopu "GRATING LIGHT VALVE BASED ON HIGH REFLECTANCE MICRO-BEAMS: DESIGN BY SIMULATION", IEEE-Proceedings of the International Semiconductor Conference CAS 2010,Sinaia, România, ISBN 978-1-4244-5781-6, 2010, p117-120,
M. Kusko, C. Kusko, R. Muller, “SIMULATION OF PHOTONIC COMPONENTS BASED ON BANDGAP STRUCTURE” IEEE-Proceedings of the International Semiconductor Conference CAS 2010,Sinaia, România, ISBN 978-1-4244-5781-6, 2010
Mihaela Roxana Ionita, Mihai Kusko, “Design and simulation of a integrated Mach-Zehnder interferometer sensor”, IEEE-Proceedings of the International Semiconductor Conference,Sinaia, România, ISBN 978-1-4244-5781-6, 2010.
G. Calin, M.Irimia, C. Scarlat, M. Purica, F. Iacomi, Synthesis and characterization of nickel cobalt oxide thin films, IEEE-Proceedings of the International Semiconductor Conference CAS 2010,Sinaia, România, ISBN 978-1-4244-5781-6, 2010,.
E. Budianu, M. Purica, F. Comanescu, M. Danila, A. Dinescu, ‘’Temperature Influence on the Optical and Structural properties of NiO Thin Films obtained by Metallic Ni Oxidation Process , propus pt. Material Science and Engeiniring B, “7th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN10)”, 10-15 july 2010, Ouranoupolis Halkidiki, Greece.
Munizer Purica, Elena Budianu, A. Dinescu, Mihai Danila, Florin Comanescu, Raluca Gavrila, ‘’ Structural and optical properties of nickel oxide thin films prepared by Ni thin film thermal oxidation for transparent electronics, International Conference on Transparent and Conductive Materials (TCM), TCM, Oct. 2010, Creta, Grecia.
F. Iacomi, A.P.Rambu, C. Doroftei, D.Luca, G.G. Rusu, M. Purica, R. Gavrila, I. Sandu, Structure and electro-optical properties of In2-x-ySnxZnyO3-δ thin films, International Conference on Transparent and Conductive Materials (TCM), TCM, Oct. 2010, Creta, Grecia.
“Design of an Optical Switch Based on Electrostatic Actuation of A Movable Fiber”, Mihai Kusko, Rodica Voicu, Catalin Tibeica, 32nd Edition, IEEE International Semiconductor Conference, CAS-Proceedings, Vol. 1, 12–14 October, 2009, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 181-184
“Process Development for Micro–Nano Patterning of Metallic Layers With Applications for Photonic Structures”, Roxana Rebigan, Adrian Dinescu, Cristian Kusko, Florin Comanescu, Dana Cristea, 32nd Edition, IEEE International Semiconductor Conference, CAS-Proceedings, Vol. 1, 12–14 October, 2009, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 193–197
“SNOM Measurements on Metallic Nano-Structures”, Cristian Kusko, Adrian Dinescu, Roxana Rebigan, Mihai Kusko, Dana Cristea, 32nd Edition, IEEE International Semiconductor Conference, CAS-Proceedings, Vol. 1, 12–14 October, 2009, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 197–200
“Realisation Of Microfluidic Components Using The Casting Replication Method”, I. Stanciu, P. Obreja, L. Eftime, D. Cristea, R. Muller, D. Dascalu, 32nd Edition, IEEE International Semiconductor Conference, CAS-Proceedings, Vol. 1, 12–14 October, 2009, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 227-230
“Replica Molding of Polymeric Components for Microsystems”, Paula Obreja, Dana Cristea, Adrian Dinescu and Raluca Gavrila, Proc. of Symposium on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, Rome, Italy, 1-3 April 2009, p. 349-352
“Techniques for Photonic Nanostructures Fabrication”, D. Cristea, P.Obreja, A. Dinescu, G.Konstantinidis, Proc of the 3rd EOS Topical Meeting on Optical Microsystems (OMS09), 27-30 September, Capri, Italy, 2009
“Polymer-Based Microphotonic Structures: Materials and Low Cost Fabrication Techniques”, D. Cristea, P. Obreka, M. Kusko, A. Dinescu, Proceeding E-MRS Conference, June 8-12, Strasbourg, France
“Effect of Dopants on The Structural and Electro-Optical Properties of CdS Thin Films”, F. Iacomi, M. Purica, C. Baban, Proceeding E-MRS Conference,June 8-12, Strasbourg, France
“Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Photodetector on Silicon on Insulating Wafers based on Nanoscale Interdigitated Electrodes”, Elena Budianu, Munizer Purica, Adrian Dinescu, Elena Manea, E-MRS Fall Meeting 2009, September 14-18, Warsaw, Poland
“Micro-RAMAN Analysis of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition”, Munizer Purica, Adrian Dinescu, Stefano Bellucci, Florin Comanescu, E-MRS Fall Meeting 2009, September 14-18, Warsaw, Poland
“Techniques for Photonic Nanostructures Fabrication”,D. Cristea, P. Obreja, A. Dinescu, G. Konstantinidis, 3rd EOS Topical Meeting on Optical Microsystems(OMS 09), 27-30 September, Capri, Italy.
“Multiple Layered Functional Thin Film With Selective Optical Response for Optical Sensing Applications”, E. Budianu, M. Purica, E. Manea, F. Iacomi, A. Coraci, R. Gavrila, C. Podaru, E-MRS IUMRS ICEM, Simposium E, 25-30 May, 2008, Strasbourg, France.
“Polyaniline Composite Films for Organic Electronics Applications”, P. Obreja, D. Cristea, M. Purica, A. Dinescu, T. Ignat, E-MRS IUMRS ICEM, 25-30 May 2008, Strasbourg, France.
“Linear Photodetector Arrays Integrated with Optical Waveguides for PROXIMITY Optical Microsensor”, E. Budianu, L. Eftime, R. Muller, E. Manea, IEEE International Semiconductor Conference (31st edition, CAS Proceedings), Vol. 1, 13-15 October, 2008, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 129–132.
“Design and Optimization of an Electrostatic Actuated Micromirror with Isolated Bottom Electrode on Silicon Substrate”, F. Comanescu, C. Tibeica, M. Purica, IEEE International Semiconductor Conference (31st edition, CAS Proceedings), Vol. 1, 13-15 October, 2008, Sinaia, Romania, pp.133–136.
Electromagnetic Response of a Structured Drude Material; a Numerical Study”, C. Kusko, IEEE International Semiconductor Conference (31st edition, CAS Proceedings), Vol. 1, 13-15 Oct 2008, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 137–140
“3D Photonic Crystals : Design and Simulation”, C. Cimpulungeanu, M. Kusko, C. Kusko, D. Cristea, P. Schiopu, IEEE International Semiconductor Conference (31st edition, CAS Proceedings), Vol. 2, 13-15 October, 2008, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 437–440
“Design and Fabrication of Fresnel Lenses”, M. Kusko, A.M. Avram, D. Apostol, IEEE International Semiconductor Conference (31st edition, CAS Proceedings), Vol. 2, 13-15 Oct 2008, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 445–448
“Traceable Measurement of Lateral Calibrators”, D. Apostol, P.C. Logofatu, S. Florea, I. Iordache, D. Cristea, A. Dinescu and R. Muller, International Conference ATOM 2008, August 2008, Constanta, Romania
“Optical Microsensor with TCO Electrodes for Microposition Detection Applications”, E. Budianu, R. Muller, M. Purica, L. Eftime, Rousos Skarvelakis, George Kiriakidis, 2nd International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Oxides, Hersonissos, October 22-26, 2008, Crete, Greece
“Fabrication of Polymer Micro-Optical Components for Integration in Silicon MOEMS, D. Cristea, P. Obreja, M. Kusko, M. Purica, A. Dinescu, A. Herrero, D. Apostol, E. Manea, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 6993, Photonics Europe, 6-10 April 2008, Strasbourg, France
“Waferbonded Active/Passive Vertically Coupled Microring Lasers” M. Hamacher, H. Heidrich, U. Troppenz, D. Syvridis, D. Alexandropoulos, S. Mikroulis, A. Kapsalis, C. W. Tee, K. Wiliams, V. Dragoi, M. Alexe, D. Cristea, M. Kusko, Photonics West, SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 6896, 2008, San Hose, CA, USA, pp. 68960R–68960R-8
“Materials for Microphotonics: Preparation, Processing and Applications”, D. Cristea, P. Obreja, E. Budianu, M. Purica, M. Kusko, A. Dinescu, R. Gavrila, M. Zaharescu, F.Iacomi, The 2th Conference on Condensed Matter Physics- FMC 2008, July 16-18, 2008, Timisoara, Romania
“Thin Film Structures With Selective Spectral Properties”, C. Baban, F. Iacomi, R. Apetrei, G. M. Rusu, D. Luca, E. Budianu, M. Purica, 2nd International Conference on Nanostructures SElf-Assembly, NanoSEA 2008, 7–10 July 2008, Roma, Italy
”ZnO Micro/nano Structures Grown by Metal Organic Chemical Vapour Deposition and Transport Method:Structural and Optical Characterization”, M. Purica, E. Budianu, E. Rusu, A. Burlacu, V. Ursaki, G. Stratan, International Conference on Nanostructures SElf- Assembly, NanoSEA’2008, 7–10 July, Roma, Italy
“Gold Auto-Assembled Nanoparticle on Nanostructured Silicon Substrate”, T. Ignat, I. Kleps, F. Craciunoiu, M. Miu, 2nd International Conference on Nanostructures SElf-Assembly, 7-12 July 2008, Roma, Italy
“Effect of Sb, Sn Dopants on the Structural and Electro-Optical Properties of CdS Thin Films”, F. Iacomi, M. Purica, E. Budianu, I.Sandu, International Conference on Physics of Advanced materials, ICPAM, 4-7 June 2008, Iasi, Romania
“Traceable Measurement of Lateral Calibrators for Nanoscale Observation Instruments”, I. Iordache, M. Bojan, S. Florea, F. Garoi, A. Sima, D. Cristea, A. Dinescu, R. Muller, 3rd International Student Chapter Meeting, 7- 10 May, 2008, Wroclaw, Poland
“FDTD Simulations of Far-Infrared Effective Magnetic Activity in Microstructured TiO2”, C. Kusko and M. Kusko, 8th International Conference in Numerical Simulation in Optoelectronic Devices NUSOD2008, Nottingham, UK
“THz Left –Handed EM in Composite Polar Dielectrics”, C. Kusko and M. Kusko, Nanotechnology Workshop in Scientific Research Diaspora Romaneasca, September 2008
“Training by Research in Photonics Master Programs”, D. Cristea, EOS Annual Meeting 2008, 29 September - 2 October 2008, Paris, France
“Micro/nano Fabrication Technologies Based on New Materials for Sensors and Micro-Optics”, D. Cristea, P. Obreja, M. Kusko, A. Dinescu, Materials for microphotonics, 4M Workshop, 15 October 2008
“Left Handed Electromagnetism in a Composite Dielectric Structure”, C. Kusko, M. Kusko, Third International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics, 17-22 June, 2007, Dijon, France.
“Left Handed Electromagnetism in a Three-Dimensional Dielectric Structure”, C. Kusko, Symposium Nano and Giga in Europe, Communicating at the global level, 25 May 2007, Acad. Romana, Bucuresti
“Design of Single-Mode Vertically Coupled Microring Rezontaors”, M. Kusko, A. Kapsalis, C. Kusko, D. Alexandropoulus, D. Cristea, D. Syvridis, 2nd European Optical Society Topical Meeting Optical Microsystems, 30 September–3 October 2007, Capri (Napoli), Italy, Book of Abstracts, p. 72.
“Polymer-Based Chip for SPR Sensors”, D. Cristea, P. Obreja, M. Kusko, A. Dinescu, 2nd European Optical Society Topical Meeting, 30 September–3 October 2007, Capri (Napoli), Italy, Book of Abstracts, p. 109
“Simple Replication Technique for Low Cost Diffractive Optical Elements”, P. Obreja, A. Dinescu, E. Manea, D. Apostol, D. Cristea, 2nd European Optical Society Topical Meeting, Optical Microsystems, 30 September–3 October 2007, Capri (Napoli), Italy, Book of Abstracts, p. 96
“Computer Assisted Laser Micro-Patterning”, Grigoriu, I. Nicolae, M. Sima, S. Dumitrescu, D. Cristea, Proceedings SPIE of the 1st International Conference of the Industrial Applications of Lasers INDLAS, 23-25 May 2007, Bran, Romania
“Vertically Coupled GaInAsP/InP Microring Lasers Fabricated by Using Full Wafer Bonding”, H. Heidrich, M. Hamacher, U. Troppenz, D. Syvridis, D. Alexandropoulos, S. Mikroulis, C.W. Tee, K. Williams, V. Dragoi, M. Alexe, D. Cristea, C. Kusko, M. Kusko, 33rd European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication, ECOC, International Congress Center (ICC), 16-20 September 2007, Berlin, Germany
“Vertically Coupled Microring Laser Devices Based on InP Using BCB Waferbonding”, M. Hamacher, U. Troppenz, H. Heidrich, V. Dragoi, A. Kapsalis, D. Syvridis, C.W. Tee, K.A. Williams, M. Alexe, M. Kusko, D. Cristea, Conference: CLEO-Europe IQEC, 17-22 June 2007, Munich, Germany
“Vertically Coupled and Waferbonded μRing Resonators on InP”, M. Hamacher, U. Troppenz, H. Heidrich, V. Dragoi, A. Kapsalis, D. Syvridis, C.W. Tee, K.A. Williams, M. Alexe, M. Kusko, D. Cristea, European Semiconductor Laser Workshop 2007, 14-15 September, Berlin, Germany.
“Polyaniline Films for Sensor Applications, European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes”, P. Obreja, D. Cristea, M. Purica, T. Ignat, R. Gavrila, European Congress on Advanced Materials and Process, 10-13 September 2007, Nurnberg, Germany
“Erbium Doped - SiO2 - TiO2 Waveguides Prepared by Sol-Gel Method”, L. Predoana, M. Gartner, M. Anastasescu, D. Cristea, P. Obreja, A. Dinescu, M. Voicescu, M.Zaharescu, The XIVth Internaþional Sol-Gel Conference, 2-7 September, 2007, Montpellier, Feance
“Traceable Measurement of Lateral Calibrators for Nanoscale Observation Instruments”, I. Iordache, M. Bojan, S. Florea, F. Garoi, A. Sima, D. Cristea, A. Dinescu, R. Muller, Young Optician School, 2-7 May, 2007, Erevan, Armenia
“White Light Interferometery for Height Artifact Calibration Specimen”, M. Bojan, I. Iordache, S. Florea, F. Garoi, A. Sima, D. Cristea, A. Dinescu, R. Muller, Young Optician School, Erevan, 2-7 May 2007, Armenia
“New Technological Processes for Integrated Photonic Structures Applications of Photonic Integration”, R. Rebigan, ePixnet School, 11-16 March 2007
“Left-Handed Electromagnetism in a Metallo-Dielectric Structure; a NumericalAnalysis”, C. Kusko, M. Kusko, IEEE International Semiconductor Conference (CAS Proceedings), Vol. 1, pp. 133-136, 27-29 September, Sinaia, Romania.
“Optically Transparent Electrodes for Photoresponse Enhancement of MSM Photodetector”, E. Budianu, M. Purica, F.Iacomi, C. Baban, IEEE International Semiconductor Conference (CAS Proceedings), Vol. 1, pp. 137- 140, 27-29 September, Sinaia, Romania.
“NumericalAnalysis of a Long Period Waveguide Grating Sensor”, M. Kusko, R. Rebigan, D. Cristea, IEEE International Semiconductor Conference (CAS Proceedings), Vol. 1, pp. 155-158, 27-29 September, Sinaia, Romania.
“Optical and Structural Properties of SnO2-Based Sol-Gel Thin Films”, M. Anastasescu, M. Gartner, S. Mihaiu, C. Anastasescu, M. Purica, E. Manea, M. Zaharescu, IEEE International Semiconductor Conference (CAS Proceedings), Vol. 1, pp. 163-166, 27-29 September, Sinaia, Romania
“Design of Inkjet Printing Head Basedon the Electrowetting Effectfor Printable Electronics Applications”, D. Esinenco, I. Codreanu, R. Rebigan, IEEE International Semiconductor Conference (CAS Proceedings), Vol. 2, pp. 443-446, 27-29 September, Sinaia, Romania.
“Transparent and Conducting ZnO:(Sn,Al) thin Films”, F. Iacomi, C. Baban, N. Apetroaie, N. Iftimie, M. Purica, F. Comanescu, International Symposium on Transparent Conducting Oxides (TCO’2006), pag. 58, 23-26 October, Hersonissos, Creta, Greece.
“Investigation of Structural Properties of ITO thin Films Deposited on Different Substrates”, M. Purica, F. Iacomi, C. Baban, N. Apetroaie, D. Mardare, D. Luca, International Symposium on Transparent Conducting Oxides (TCO’2006), pag.178, 23-26 October, Hersonissos, Creta, Greece
“Integrated Silicon Photodiodes with Polymer (PMMA) Waveguides for Optical Interconnections andSensing Applications”, Y. Ichihashi, D. Cristea, M. Kusko, D. G. Rabus, T. Mappes, J. Mohr, European Optical Society Annual Meeting, Conference “Micro-Optics, Diffractive Optics and Optical MEMS”, 16-19 October, Paris, France
“Design and Manufacturing of Micro Heaters for Gas Sensors”, P. Johander, I. Goenaga, D. Gomez, C. Moldovan, O. Nedelcu, P. Petkov, U. Kaufmann, H.-J. Ritzhaupt-Kleissl, R. Dorey, K. Persson, 4M Conference, Second International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture, 20-22 September, Grenoble, France.
“ZnOthinFilmsDepositedbyPlasmaandLaserTechniquesforApplicationinPhotonicMicrostructures”, B. Mitu, G. Dinescu, M. Purica, E. Budianu, Tenth International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, PSE
“Advanced Program for Education and TrainingActivities in Photonics in Romania”, D. Cristea, P. Schiopu, CD Proceedings of the Symposium on Photonic Technologies for Framework Programme 7, pp. 378-381, 11-15 October Wroclaw, Poland
“Doped Polymers with Controllable Refractive Index–Preparation, Processing andApplications”, D. Cristea, P. Obreja, M. Purica, M. Kusko, F. Comanescu, CD Proceedings of the Symposium on Photonic Technologies for Framework Programme 7, pp. 392-395, 11-15 October, Wroclaw, Poland.
“Integrated Optical Proximity Microsensor”, D. Esinenco, E. Budianu, D. Andrijasevic, E. Manea, W. Brenner, R. Muller, The European Material Conference E-MRS IUMRS ICEM, Spring Meeting, Symposion D: Silicon-Based Photonics, Book of Abstracts, D P2 28, p. D-16, 29 May - 2 June, Nice, France
“Silicon Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Photodetector with ZnO Transparent Conducting Electrodes”, E. Budianu, M. Purica, F.Iacomi, C. Baban, P. Prepelita, E. Manea, The European Material Conference E-MRS IUMRS ICEM, Spring Meeting, Symposion A: Current Trends in Nanoscience-from Materials to Applications, Book of Abstracts, 29 May - 2 June, Nice, France
“Structural Studies on Some Doped CdS thin Films Deposited by Thermal Evaporation”, F. Iacomi, M. Purica, E. Budianu, P. Prepelita, D. Macovei, The European Material Conference, E-MRS, 29 May - 2 June, Nisa, France
“Polymers Doped with Metal Oxide Nanoparticles with Controlled Refractive Index”, P. Obreja, D. Cristea, M. Purica, R. Gavrila, F. Comanescu, E-MRS Fall Meeting, Symposium D: Polymer Materials Modified by Nanoparticles, 4-9 September, Warsaw, Poland
R. Rebigan, D. Esinenco, M.Kusko „Polymeric waveguides with bio/chemical sensing applications – Design and preliminary experimental results”, Proc. of International Semiconductor Conference – CAS 2005, October 3-5, 2005, Sinaia, Romania,Vol. IEEE 05TH8818, p.165-168
M. Kusko, C.Kusko, D. Cristea “Design and vertically coupled microring resonators", Proc. of International Semiconductor Conference – CAS 2005, October 3-5, 2005, Sinaia, Romania,Vol. IEEE 05TH8818p.153-15
Raluca Müller, D. Esinenco, M. Kusko, P.Obreja, E.Manea, O.Ligor, D. Apostol, V. Damian, M.Mateescu, L.Moldovan. L.Tcacenco, S.D.Psoma, A. Schneider, E. Huq, "Integrated polymeric Mach Zehnder interferometer for biosesing applications", Proc. of International Semiconductor Conference – CAS 2005, October 3-5, 2005, Sinaia, Romania,Vol. IEEE 05TH8818, p. 227-230.
F. Iacomi, M. Purica, E. Budianu, D. Macovei, "Syntesis of the transparent and conductive CdS thin films for optoelectronic devices applications", Proc. of International Semiconductor Conference – CAS 2005, October 3-5, 2005, Sinaia, Romania,Vol. IEEE 05TH8818.
D. Cristea, P. Obreja, E. Manea, D. Esinesco, R. Rebigan, R. Muller - "Polymer Processing for chemo/bio sensors with optical read-ou"t, 4 M Workshop “Micro and nanotechnologies and Multifunctional Materials for Life quality and Industry applications, 28 September 2005, Sinaia, Romania,
M.Kusko, D. Alexandropoulos, C. W. Tee, A. Kapsalis, D. Cristea, D. Syvridis, “Numerical analysis of microring resonator obtained by wafer-bonding technology”, SPIE International Congress on Optics and Optoelectronics, 28 August–2 September 2005 Warsaw, Poland.
F. Iacomi, M. Purica, E. Budianu, D. Macovei, ‘’Efect of doping on the electrical and optical properties of CdS thin films’’ , 6th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics- BPU’6, July 5-7, 2005, Constanta, Romania.
D.Cristea, P.Obreja, M.Kusko, V.Moagar-Poladian, "Silicone polymer based optical modulator – design and fabrication process", CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2005, 12-17 June 2005 Munchen,Germany.
Dana Cristea, Paula Obreja, Elena Manea, Mihai Kusko, Roxana Rebigan „Polymeric thin film patterning for direct fabrication of micro-optical components", International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture (4M), 29th June – 1st July 2005, Karslruhe, Germany.
S.D. Psoma , D.Esinenco , A.S. Gazze , R. Muller, E. Manea, Schneider, S.E. Huq "Microfabricated Cantilever Arrays used as Biosensor in Biochemical Applications", International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture (4M), 29th June – 1st July 2005, Karslruhe, Germany.
D. Esinenco, S.D. Psoma, A. S. Gazzé, R. Muller, M. Kusko, A. Schneider, S.E. Huq, “Optical Biosensor Based on Integrated Interferometer Using Polymeric Waveguides”, International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture (4M), 29th June – 1st July 2005, Karslruhe, Germany.
Dana Cristea, Paula Obreja, Mihai Kusko, Elena Manea, Roxana Rebigan, „Polymer micromachining for micro- and nanophotonics” The European Material Conference, E-MRS 2005 , May 31-June 3, 2005, Strasbourg, France.
Paula Obreja, Dana Cristea, Elena Budianu, Roxana Rebigan, Victor Kuncser, Mircea Bulinski, George Filoti, “Effect of dopants on the physical properties of polymer films for microphotonics”, The European Material Conference, E-MRS 2005 - Symposium I , May 31-June 3, 2005, Strasbourg, France .
M. Purica, E. Budianu, E. Rusu, P. Arabadji, ’’Electrical properties of the CdS/InP heterostructures for photovoltaic applications’’, The European Material Conference, E-MRS 2005 , May 31-June 3, 2005, Strasbourg, France
D. Syvridis, M. Alexe, V. Dragoi, D. Cristea, H. Heidrich, I.H. White, “Targets and First Results of the IST-II STREP Project Entitled: Waferbonding and Active Passive Integration Technology and Implementation (WAPITI)”, OPTRO 2005, 9-12 May, 2005, Paris, France.
Paula Obreja, Dana Cristea, Elena Budianu, Raluca Gavrila, M. Kusko, V. Kuncser, "Poly (vinyl-alcohol) Films for Microphotonics”, The 16-th International Conference on Microelectronics, (ICM'2004), December 2004. Tunis, Tunisia, p. 676-679.
Elena Budianu, Munizer Purica, Elena Manea, " Analysis and ptimization of an MSM Photodetector based on Thin Polysilicon Layer", The International Conference on Microelectronics, ICM ‘ 2004, 6-8 December 2004, Tunis/ Tunisia, p.105-108.
M.Zaharescu, D.Cristea, M.Crisan, E.Predoana, "Oxide and hybrid sol-gel films with special optical, catalytic and electrical properties", XIII Research Materials Congress, 22-26 august 2004, Cancun, Mexic
P.Obreja, A.Obreja, D.Cristea, E.Budianu, “Optical properties of poly(vinyl-alcohol) based thin films for microphotonics”, E-MRS'2004 Spring Meeting, June 2004, Strasbourg, France,
V. Kuncser, M. Bulinski, S. Krautwald, H. Franke, F. E. Wagner, C. Plapcianu, D. Cristea, P. Rotaru, G. Filoti, "Enhanced photosensitivity of multivalent metal doped polymers for integrated optics", Photonics Europe 2004, April 2004, Strasbourg, France.
D.Cristea, P.Obreja, E.Manea, E.Budianu, R.Rebigan, M.Kusko, “Microphotonic Structures Based on Poly(vinyl alcohol) Polymer for Chemo- and Bio-Sensors”, Advanced Topics on Optoelectronics Microelectronics and Nano Technologies Conf. (“ATOM-N 2004”), Nov. 2004, Bucharest, Romania.
Raluca Műller, P Obreja, M. Kusko, C. Tibeica, D. Esinenco, G. Conache, L.Buia, D. Apostol, V. Damian, M. Mateescu, Mirela Diaconu, Lucia Moldovan, “SU-8 used as optical waveguide in integrated optical microsensor for biological applications”, Advanced Topics on Optoelectronics Microelectronics and Nano Technologies Conf. (“ATOM-N 2004”), Nov. 2004, Bucharest, Romania
Maria Zaharescu, Maria Crisan, Luminita Predoana, Mariuca Gartner, Dana Cristea, Elena Manea, “Oxide and Hybride Sol-Gel Films for Waveguides Appliucations”, The 6th Workshop Nanoscience & Nanotechnology 2004, Nanostructured Materials – Application and Innovation Transfer, Annual Meeting, 24-27 November 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria.
S.V.Slobodchikov, E. Rusu, P. Arabadji, M.Purica, E.Budianu," Optical and Electrical properties of the CdS/InP heterostructures solar cells", International Semiconductor Conference, CAS'2004, October 2004, Sinaia, Romania Proc. IEEE 04TH8748, p. 221-224.
Munizer Purica, Elena Budianu, E.Rusu, S.V.Slobodchikov, P.Arabadji, "Quantum effficiency of the Schottky barrier photodetectors on InGaAs/InP heterostructures", International Semiconductor Conference, CAS'2004, October 2004, Sinaia, Romania Proc. IEEE 04TH8748, p. 225-228.
G.Istrate. P.Schiopu. D.Cristea. E.Manea. C.Podaru. M.Kusko. "Fiber attachement for waveguide based devices using V-grooves made in silicon". International Semiconductor Conference, CAS'2004, Sinaia, Romania Proc. IEEE 04TH8748 2004. p. 237-240.
S.N. Toma, A. Alexandrescu, D. Cristea, R. Muller, M. Kusko, N. Dumbravescu, V. Nascov, D. Cojoc, " Binary phase reflective difractive optical elements Design and Fabrication, International Semiconductor Conference, CAS'2004, October 2004, Sinaia, Romania Proc. IEEE 04TH8748 2004. p. 401-404.
D.Apostol, V. Damian, M. Kusko, N. Dumbravescu, R.Muller, C. Podaru, D. Cojoc, S.N.Toma, „On a diffractive optical element”, International Semiconductor Conference, CAS'2004, October 2004, Sinaia, Romania Proc. IEEE 04TH8748, p. 51
Raluca Muller , Dimitrios Syvridis, M. Kusko, Dana Cristea, Dan Apostol, Victor S. Damian, M. Bercu, Elena Manea , Integrated Fabry-Perot microcavity based on surface micromachining processes, Volume SPIE 5227 ,Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies2003, Bucharest, Romania, pp. p. 361-365.
M. Kusko , Design of based silicon waveguide reflective modulators, Volume SPIE 5227 ,Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies2003, Bucharest, Romania,pp. 480-484.
D.Cristea, M.Kusko, C.Tibeica, R.Muller, E.Manea, D.Syvridis, “Design and experiments for tunable optical sensor fabrication using <111>- oriented Si micromachining”, E-MRS'2003 Spring Meeting. Strasbourg. Franta, iunie 2003.
Elena Budianu , Munizer Purica, Elena Manea, "pHOTOVOLTAIC STRUCTURES BASED ON pOLY-si thin layers - design and processing -”, E-MRS'2003 Spring Meeting. Strasbourg. Franta, iunie 2003
Raluca Müller. M. Bercu. M.Danila. R.Gavrila. M. Kusko. E.Manea. M.Purica. “Microphysical and Optical investigation of thin layers used in micromachined optical sensors applications”. ”, E-MRS'2003 Spring Meeting. Strasbourg. Franta, iunie 2003.
D.Cristea, M.Zaharescu, L.Predoana, M.Gartner, E.Manea, Experiments for waveguide fabrication based on sol-gel process, Digest of the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics CLEO /Europe- EQEC 2003, Munchen, Germania, 22-27 June 2003
Maria Zaharescu, Maria Crisan, Luminita Predoana, Mariuca Gartner, Dana Cristea, S. Degeratu, Elena Manea “Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Sol-Gel Coatings in the SiO 2-TiO 2 System” XII International Workshop on Sol-Gel Science and Technology, Sydney, Australia, 24-29 August 2003.
C.Tibeica, R. Muller, D. Cristea, P.Pons, “Mechanical behavior simulation of an electrostatic actuated Fabry-Perot cavity”, EUROSENSORS 2003, Portugalia, Sept. 2003.
Maria Crisan, Mariuca Gartner, Maria Zaharescu, Luminita Predoana, Dana Cristea, Elena Manea, Monica Caldararu “Thin Films for Integrated Optics Obtained by Sol-Gel” 11 th Physical Chemistry Conference with International Participation, ROMPHYSCHEM 11, Timisoara, Romania, 2-5 Septembrie 2003.
Maria Crisan, Mariuca Gartner, Luminita Predoana, R. Scurtu, Maria Zaharescu “Sol-Gel SiO 2-ZrO 2 Coatings for Optical Applications” 1 st Nanoforum Workshop on Nanomaterials and its Applications, 1 st Nanoforum Workshop-Sinaia, Romania-5-7 octombrie 2003.
M. Purica, E. Budianu, M. Kusko, D. Dragoman, G. Dinescu, “Analysis and optimization of the Bragg reflector for tunable photodetector with planar mirror optical microcavity on silicon substrate”, Proc. IEEE Catalog Number 03TH8676, International Semiconductor Conference 2003, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 155-158.
E. Budianu, M. Purica, E. Manea, M. Kusko, “Poly-silicon thin layer photodetector structures”, Proc. IEEE Catalog Number: 03TH8676, International Semiconductor Conference 2003, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 151- 154.
M. Kusko, M. Purica, E. Budianu, “The optical characterizationof thin layers by spectro-photometry measurements”, Proc. IEEE Catalog Number: 03TH8676, International Semiconductor Conference 2003, Sinaia, Romania Vol. 1 , pp. 87- 90.
M. Purica, E. Budianu, M. Kusko, D. Dragoman, “Reflectivity Analysis of the Bragg reflector based on periodic structures of different thin layers”, Proceedings IEEE Catalog Number 03TH8691, Electron Devices for Microwave and Optoelectronic Applications 2003, Orlanda, USA, pp. 296-301.
Mihai Kusko, Oana Tatiana Nedelcu, Raluca Muller, “Optomechanical simulation of a micromachined interferometric pressure sensor” , Proc. IEEE 02TH8618, International Semiconductor Conference 2002, Sinaia, Romania, pp.75-78
M.Bulinski, V.Kuncser, C.Plapcianu, D.Cristea, E.Manea, P.Obreja, S.Krautwald, H.Franke, F.Wagner, G.Filoti, “Mixed Valence Compounds for Integrated Optics”, Proc. IEEE 02TH8618, International Semiconductor Conference 2002, Sinaia, Romania, pp.203-206.
Elena Budianu , Munizer Purica, Emil Rusu, Elena Manea, Raluca Gavrila,“Polysilicon thin layers for photovoltaic applications, Proc. IEEE 02TH8618, International Semiconductor Conference 2002, Sinaia, Romania, pp.215-218.
C.Kusko ”Quantum Critical Point in Nd2CeCuO4.”, March Meeting of the APS, Indianapolis, IN, March, 2002.
C.Kusko “Microwave absorption in cuprates: A non-quasiparticle scenario.”, invited talk at the 7th Symposium on High Temperature Superconductors in High Frequency Fields, Woods Hole, MA, June, 2002.
D.Cristea, E.Manea , “New technique for Si-based microphotonic components fabrication”, ICO19 - Optics for the Quality of Life, 25-30 August, Florence, Italy, p.647
D.Cristea, P.Obreja, E.Manea, “New Silicon Waveguides fabrication process based on the anisotropic etching of Si <111>-oriented wafers”, E-MRS Spring Meeting 2002, Strasbourg, France, June 2002.
M.Crisan, M.Gartner, D.Cristea, M.Zaharescu, E.Manea, “Sol-gel thin films for integrated optics and optical gas sensors on silicon”, E-MRS Spring Meeting 2002, Strasbourg, France, June 2002– simpozionul H.
A.Jitianu, M. Gartner, M. Zaharescu, D. Cristea1, E. Manea, “Experiments for inorganic-organig hibrid sol-gel-based photonic components”, E-MRS Spring Meeting 2002, Strasbourg, France, June 2002.
R. Müller , D. Syridis, E. Manea, M. Kusko, D. Apostol, and V. Damian, “Sacrificial and structural layers used in surface micromachined Fabry-Perot microcavities”, E-MRS Spring Meeting 2002, Strasbourg, France, June 2002.
M.Modreanu, M. Gartner, E.Aperathitis, M. Androulidaki, D.Cristea, “ Investigation on Preparation and Physical Properties of Nanocrystalline Si/SiO 2 Superlattices for Si-Based Light Emitting Devices”, E-MRS Spring Meeting 2002 , Strasbourg, France, June 2002.
S.Sridhar, C.Kusko, and Z.Zhai “Is there a narrow conductivity mode in the superconducting copper oxides”, , Intrinsic multiscale structure and dynamics in complex electronicoxides Proceedings of the Workshop ICTP, Trieste, Italy 1 - 4 July 2002.
C.Kusko -“Doping dependence of the Fermi Surface in the electron doped superconductor Nd2CeCuO4 International Conference on the Low Energy Electrodynamics in Solids LEES '02, Montawk, NY, October, 2002.
Maria Crişan, Măriuca Gartner, Maria Zaharescu, Luminiţa Predoana, Dana Cristea, Elena Manea, Mira Caldăraru, “Filme Subţiri Sol-Gel pe Siliciu pentru Integrate Optice şi Senzori de Gaz” A XXVII-a Conferinţă Naţională de Chimie, Călimăneşti-Căciulata, Rm.Vâlcea, Romania, 23-25 Oct. 2002.
Munizer Purica, Elena Budianu, Manea Elena, “Blue/ultraviolet sensitive detector on <100> silicon membrane”, Proc. IEEE 02TH8618, International Semiconductor Conference 2002, Sinaia , Romania , pp.211-214
Mihai Dănilă, Elena Manea, Raluca Müller, Raluca Gavrilă “Structural investigation of LPCVD poly-silicon layers used in surface micromachining”, Proc. IEEE 02TH8618, International Semiconductor Conference 2002, Sinaia, Romania, pp.91-94
Elena Budianu , Munizer Purica, Elena Manea, Mihai Danila Raluca Gavrila, "Poly-Si thin layers for high speed photodetectors", Proc. IEEE 02TH8629, International Symposium on Electron Devices for Microwave and Optoelectronic Applications 2002, Manchester, UK, pp. 202-204.
Munizer Purica, Elena Budianu, Dana Cristea, "Design and optimization of the Photodetector Structures with planar mirror optical microcavity", Proc. IEEE 02TH8629, International Symposium on Electron Devices for Microwave and Optoelectronic Applications 2002 , Manchester, UK pp. 75- 77.
M.Crisan, M.Gartner, D.Cristea, M.Zaharescu, L.Predoana, E.Manea, M.Caldararu, “Sol-gel preparation of thin films for integrated optics”, Proc. IEEE 02TH8629, International Symposium on Electron Devices for Microwave and Optoelectronic Applications 2002, Manchester , UK pp.205-211.
D. Cristea, M. Purica, E. Manea, P. Obreja, “ Etching processes of Si <111> wafers for fabrication of microphotonic components”, Proc. IEEE –01T8575, International Semiconductor Conference 2001, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 197-200
Elena Budianu , Munizer Purica, Elena Manea, Mihai Danila, Raluca Gavrila, Isabella Oprea, “Design and OptimiZation of a MSM Photodetector based on POLY-Si LAYER ”, Proc. IEEE –01T8575, International Semiconductor Conference 2001 , Sinaia, Romania pp.181-184
D. Cristea: Facilities and competences in microelectronics and optoelectronics in the Centre for Microfabrication in Bucharest "Project partnering in microelectronics and opto-electronics", 25-26 ianuarie 2001, Budapesta
C.Kusko”Mean field studies of the stripe phase in the Hubbard Model.”, March Meeting of the APS, Seattle, WA, March, 2001.
Raluca Muller , Elena Manea and Paula Obreja,“ Silicon membranes as sensing elements for MOEMS applications: fabrication/characterization ”, Proceeding of E-MRS Spring Meeting, Symposium J Strasbourg, France, June 2001, pp. J-10.
Munizer Purica, Elena Budianu, Dana Cristea” Photoresponse Analysis of the Photodetector with planar mirror optical microcavity ”, Proc. IEEE –01T8575, International Semiconductor Conference 2001, Sinaia , Romania , pp.189-192.
Raluca Muller , Elena Manea and Mihai Kusko, “Thin membranes obtained by surface micromachining - preliminary study for a Fabry-Perot interferometer”, Proc. IEEE –01T8575, International Semiconductor Conference 2001, pp.193-196
D.Cristea “Silicon Opto-FET for Photonic Integrated Circuits”, Proceedings IEEE 01TH8567, International Symposium onElectron Devices for Microwave and Optoelectronic Applications 2001 , Vienna, Austria, pp. 273-278.
M.Purica, E.Budianu, I.Grozescu*, E.Rusu*, S.V.Slobodchikov*. “Design and Optimization of InGaAs/InP Photodetector for Coordinate Sensitive Detection Systems”, Proceedings IEEE 01TH8567, International Symposium on Electron Devices for Microwave and Optoelectronic Applications2001, Vienna, Austria pp.113-118.
C.Kusko, Z.Zhai, R. S. Markiewicz and S.Sridhar “Anomalous scattering rate and microwave absorption in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 and YBa2Cu3O7”, Proc. Of HTSCinHigh Frequency Fields, USA, 14, 81 (2001).
N. Hakim, Z. Zhai, C. Kusko, P.V.Parimi, S-W. Cheong, and S. Sridhar, “Polarization Dynamics in La_5/3Sr_1/3NiO_4”, Proc. Of the MRS, Magnetoresistive Oxides and Related Materials 2001, Materials Research Society 602, USA, pp. 35-40 (2001)
Dana Cristea , FloreaCraciunoiu, M.Caldararu – "Silicon Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits for MOEMS", Symposium Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MOEMS -DTIP’2000, Paris, Franta,Vol. SPIEE 4019, 516-525, 2000
R. Muller, P. Obreja , V.Banu, I.Pavelescu, D.Dascalu, "Investigation of Different Materials and Technological Processes for an Integrated Opto-Mechanical Pressure Sensor", The European Material Conference E-MRS 2000 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, Franta, Jun 2000.
E.Budianu, I.Grozescu, M.Purica, E.Rusu, S.V.Slobodchikov, "Coordinate sensitive photodetectors based on InGaAs/InP heterostructures", Third International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices and MicrosystemASDAM 2000, Bratislava, Slovakia, Oct. 2000.
Elena Budianu , Munizer Purica, Emil Rusu, “Optimisation of InGaAs/InP P-I-N photodiode for dual axis position detection systems” , IEEE Catalog Number: 00TH8486, International Semiconductor Conference 2000, Sinaia, Romania, Vol. 2 , pp. 381-384.
Munizer Purica, Elena Budianu, E. Rusu, M.Danila, Raluca Gavrila , "Structural Optoelectrical Investigation of Transparent and Conductive ZnO Thin Films Prepared by Chemical Vapor Deposition", IEEE Catalog Number: 00TH8486, International Semiconductor Conference 2000, , Sinaia, Romania, Vol. 1 , pp. 159-162 .
Munizer Purica, Elena Budianu, Emil Rusu , "Heterojunction with ZnO polycristalline thin films for optoelectronic devices applications", The European Material Conference E-MRS 2000 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, Jun 2000.
Purica Munizer, Budianu Elena, Manea Elena, Process for making a detection photonic micro-structure, with optical micro-cavity, OSIM Patent No. 122387 30.04.2009
Kusko Mihai, Dumbrăvescu Niculae, Manea Elena, Podaru Cecilia, Process for manufacturing diffraction binary optical elements with phase contrast, OSIM Patent No. 122511 30.07.2009
Raluca Muller, Obreja Paula Virginia Nicoleta, Cristea Mihaela Dana, Manea Elena, Kusko Mihai, Process for making a silicon-integrated bio-sensor, with optical detection, with wave guide made of polymers, OSIM Patent No.122382 30.04.2009
Manea Elena, Podaru Cecilia, Budianu Elena, Munizer Purica, Coraci Antonie, Popescu Alina, Process for manufacturing a high efficiency solar cell on monocrystalline silicon, OSIM Patent No 122515 30.07.2009
Dana Cristea, F. Craciunoiu, Fabrication of an optical field effect transistor; OSIM Patent No. 120514/30.10.2006
Dana Cristea, Elena Manea, Method for freestanding micromechanical structures fabrication using Si<111> etching techniques, OSIM Patent No.119424/2005.
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February, 2021 |