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passive and active micro-nano photonic structures for sensing applications (including plasmonics and  and microoptics for optofluidics and biosensing)

  Development of  bio-sensing applications based on micro-optical components

Chemo/biosensors based on Surface plasmon Resonance (SPR) have been experimented using polimeric microprisms obtained by replication of an  original (glass prism). The prism base is covered by a gold layer and a senzitive layer- fig

Sensor structure


image of the characteriation set-up.


Sensor response (chemical sensing) function on analyte refractive index. The refractive index depends on the concentration.  Experimental dots are for an alcool concentration of  5, 10, 20 and 25%.


  Integrated Chips for biophotonics
  Heterogeneous integration of polymeric waveguides with silicon photodiodes

7.5 µm wide straight PMMA waveguide leacky-wave coupled with a Si photodiode – optical images and light propagation

Co-operation with Institute for Microstructure Technology (IMT), Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK), Germany

  SU-8 waveguide coupled with a silicon photodiode with a diffractive grating

The optical coupling waveguide- photodiode is obtained with a grating realized in the bottom clading of the waveguide (pitch 4 µm). The coupling eficiency depends on the refractive index of the surrounding media.
Applications: chemo and biosensors.

Optical image of the waveguide coupled with the photodiode

Optical image: grating etched in SiO2

AFM image of the coupling region
(waveguide placed on the grating)

Image of the chip with bondig wires for the photodiode

Co-operation with Institute for Microstructure Technology (IMT), Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK), Germany

  SU-8 waveguide coupled with a silicon photodiode

The optical coupling waveguide- photodiode is obtained with a grating realized in the bottom clading of the waveguide (pitch 4 µm). The coupling eficiency depends on the refractive index of the surrounding media.
Applications: chemo and biosensors.

Output waveguide coupled with photodiode

Probe  waveguide  arm with sensing layer as cladding

Y junction and reference photodiode coupled with the reference arm

SEM image of the coupling region (waveguide leacky-wave coupled with a Si photodiode)




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Last update: February, 2012