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Research Team with multidisciplinary expertise (optoelectronics, physics, chemistry): four senior researchers, 2 post-Docs (one with PhD in USA), two PhD students and one master student with background in electronics and physics.

Dr. Dana Cristea-  senior researcher, MSc in electronic engineering, PhD in optoelectronics & materials for electronics;
Dr. Munizer Purica-  senior researcher, MSc and PhD in physics;
Dr. Cristian Kusko-  researcher, MSc and  PhD in physics;
Dr. Mihai Kusko -  senior researcher - MSc in physics and photonics, Ph. in optoelectronics;
Dr. Florin Comanescu - researcher, MSc in electronics and PhD in optoelectronics;
Dr. Roxana Rebigan -  researcher, MSc in physics,  PhD in optoelectronics;
Dr. Roxana Tomescu -  researcher, MSc in electronics,  PhD in optoelectronics;
Dr. Florin Nita - senior researcher, PhD in physics;
Dr. Rebeca Tudor- researcher, MSc in Electronics, PhD in Physics;
Eng. Ştefan Cărămizoiu – assistant researcher, PhD student in physics;
Phys. George Bulzan – assistant researcher, MSc in physics, PhD student in physics.

Laboratory Head — Dr. Dana Cristea

Dr. Dana Cristea received a MSc in Electronics (1982) and PhD in Optoelectronics and Materials for Electronics from “Politehnica” University, Bucharest, Romania. Between 1982-1994 she was a research scientist in the Department of Optoelectronics and Sensors at Research & Development Institute for Electronic Components, Bucharest, Romania.

She is the head of Microphotonics Lab and the manager of the Core program IMT. Between 2002 and 2008 she was the Scientific manager of IMT. Her main research activities are in the fields of optoelectronic devices, photonic integrated circuits, optical-MEMS, micro-optics integration technologies. She is author or co-author of more than 100 papers published in journals and Conference Proceedings and holds 5 patents. Dr. Dana Cristea has coordinated more than project 25 national projects, participated in several FP6 and FP7, H2020 projects and was the vice-coordinator of the FP7 Project MIMOMEMS. She is currently the coordinator of the IMT core program, scientific manager of projects aiming at knowledge transfer to SMEs and of R&I projects on optoelectronic devices based on QDs and nanoplasmonic structures.

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Dr. Cristian Kusko (cristian.kusko@imt.ro) obtained his Ph.D in Physics from Northeastern University, Boston, USA in in the theory of condensed matter. He is author and coauthor of  17 articles published in ISI journals like: J. of Opt. Soc. Amer, J. of Optics Pure and Applied, J. of Appl. Phys,. Phys. Rev B, Phys. Rev. Lett. etc. and 20 ISI conferences proceedings. His work accrued over 200 citations and he has a Hirsch index of 9. He is reviewer for Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. B and Optics Comm.

His main expertises are: theoretical condensed matter physics, numerical methods and simulations of optical components and photonic devices, metamaterials and plasmonics, and scanning near field optical microscopy. He is with IMT-Bucharest, Laboratory of microphotonics since November 2004 where he was involved in three major European projects: FP6 – WAPITI, FP6 – MIMOMEMS and FP7 – FLEXPAET related to micro/nanophotonics and microoptics. Cristian Kusko is the responsible of the Scanning near field optical microscopy laboratory IMT-MINAFAB.

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Dr. Mihai Kusko (mihai.kusko@imt.ro) graduated Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest in 1996 when he receveid BSc  title. He obtained the title of Doctor in electronic and telecommunications engineering  from Univerity Politehnica of Bcharest in 2009. He is with IMT-Bucharest Laboratory of microphotonics since 1997.

The main expertise domain is simulation and modeling micro and nano photonic  components  as photonic integrated circuits, diffractive optical elements, optical  multilayers systems and surface plasmon resonance sensors using both homemade programs and dedicated commercial software packages like OptiBPM and OptiFDTD. He is also involved in fabrication and characterization of the micro and nano photonic components. He is author and coauthor of 11 articles published in ISI ranked jourrnals with impact factor and over 20 ISI indexed conferences proceedings.

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Dr. Roxana Rebigan  (roxana.rebigan@imt.ro) obtained BSc in Physics (2002) at Bucharest University, with major in Optotechnics  and she received her  PhD  in  optoelectronics  in 2014. The PhD thesis has the title "Technological processes development for micronic and submicronic structures with 3D profile for photonic applications" .
Her competences cover: (i) micro-nanotechnologies on silicon and nanostructured polymeric films; (ii) technological processes for photonic device fabrication and photonic integrated circuits – silicon technology, non-conventional technology (polymer technology, soft-lithography), mixed integrated technologies (silicon technology with polymer technology, mix and match lithography (photolithography and EBL)); (iii) micro-nano physical characterization and near-field optical characterization: AFM and SNOM.
 During her PhD  she was coordinator of the CNCSIS grant research project Micro – integrated photonic structures development for (bio)chemical sensors (2007 – 2008).

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Dr. Roxana Tomescu (roxana.tomescu@imt.ro) obtained BSc in Electronical Engineering (2010) with a specialization of Microelectronics, Optoelectronic and Nanotechnologies at “Politehnica” University of Bucharest. Since 2010 she obtained a Master Degree in Optoelectronics (2012) and a PhD in Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology (2015) from “Politehnica” University of Bucharest with a specialization in plasmonic metasurfaces. She is author/co-author of 19 papers published in scientific journals and ISI Conference Proceedings.  Her main expertise is in: design and simulations of nano-optics, plasmonics, nano-antennas, metasurfaces, micro and nano-photonics and optoelectronic devices; SNOM and AFM characterization; technological flow for micro and nanofabrication. She is in Laboratory of Microphotonics (since July 2010) where she was involved in several national and international projects, being coordinator of 4 national projects, and for 6 times research phase manager on IMT core-projects.

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Phys. Rebeca Tudor (rebeca.tudor@imt.ro) ( Ph.D student – Faculty of Electronics , ''Politechnica'' University of Bucharest);Ph.D in physics (second year) at University of Bucharest, supervisor Dragoman Daniela, Thesis "Optical vortex beam shaping";



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Last update: february, 2021