Dr. Cornel COBIANU



Senior Principal Research Scientist, Ph.D in Microelectronics, Vice-President of Information Science and Technology Section of Academy of Romanian Scientists

Dr. Cornel Cobianu is a principal senior research scientist-highest degree at IMT Bucharest and titular member of Academy of Romanian Scientists. In the past he worked for Honeywell International where he was senior technology manager, chief scientist and fellow engineering. Before joining Honeywell International he was a professor of electrical engineering at University “Valahia” Targoviste, Romania, and Scientific Director/Laboratory manager of Institute of Microtechnology Bucharest, as well as a part-time visiting professor-researcher at the University of Twente, The Netherlands, for about ten years. He has published more than 160 papers in journals and proceedings and was granted with 40 US patents and 20 EU patents and many other worldwide patents.                 
Address: National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnology, Research Centre for Nanotechnologies and Carbon- based Nanomaterials (CENASIC), Reliability laboratory, 126 A, Erou Iancu Nicolae str., 077190 Voluntari, Romania
Email: cornel.cobianu@imt.ro; cornel.cobianu@gmail.com
Interests: nanomaterials and nanotechnologies, catalytic materials, solid-state microsensors, micro and nanoelectronics, (ultra)thin film technology

Relevant papers

  1. A. Stratulat, B.-C. Serban, A. De Luca, V. Avramescu, C. Cobianu, M. Brezeanu, O. Buiu, L. Diamandescu, M. Feder, S.Z. Ali, F. Udrea, Low Power Resistive Oxygen Sensor Based on Sonochemical SrTi0.6Fe0.4O2.8 (STFO40)”, in Sensors, 15, 17495-17506, 2015, doi:10.3390/s150717495.
  2. A Dima, O. Dima, C. Moldovan, C. Cobianu, C. Savaniu and M. Zaharescu, “Substrate Influence On The Response Of Sol-Gel Derived Sno2, Gas Sensors”, Thin Solid Films, vol. 427, Issues 1-2, 3 March, 2003, pages 427-431.
  3. Cornel Cobianu, Cristian Savaniu, Pietro Siciliano, Simonetta Capone, Mikko Utriainen and Lauri Niinisto, “SnO2 Sol-Gel Derived Thin Films For Integrated Gas Sensors”, in Sensors and Actuators B 77, (2001), p. 496-502.
  4. C. Cobianu, C. Savaniu, O. Buiu, D. Dascalu, M. Zaharescu, C. Parlog, A.van den Berg and B. Pecz, “Tin Dioxide Sol-Gel Derived Thin Films Deposited On Porous Silicon” , in Sensors and Actuators (B), B 43 (1997) 114-120.
  5. C. Cobianu, O. Popa and D. Dascalu, “On the Electrical Conduction in the Interpolysilicon Structures”,  in IEEE "Electron Devices Letters", 14, 213 (1993).

Relevant projects

  1. EU-FP-7 project,  “SOI-HITS” project, 2011-2015, Honeywell team member
  2. EU-FP7 project, “NEMSIC”, 2008-2011, Honeywell team leader
  3. EU-FP-6 project “e-CUBES”, 2005-2008-Honeywell team leader
  4. Dutch STW foundation grant “High k-dielectrics”  (TMF 5027), 1999-2002-owner
  5. EU COPERNICUS “CP-940963-PORSIS” project, 1995-1998-IMT team leader

Published paper:





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Last update: January 17, 2012