A. Cooperation with entities from abroad (2007-2011) |
The Reliability Laboratory was participant in the European project « Design for Micro and Nano Manufacture - Patent-DfMM” (PC6/IST, 2004-2008), http://www.patent-dfmm.org/, a NoE with 24 partners (research institutes, universities and companies active in microsystems). Dr. M. Bazu was member of the Management Board and leader of the Reliability Cluster (14 participants).
Final meeting of the NoE “Patent-DfMM”, University of Lancaster, UK, October 2008 |
The cooperation in the frame of the European project “Patent-DfMM” allows to establishing close relationship with all the consortium members, which are European research institutes, universities and companies. Consequently, in December 2007, L7/IMT has initiated “European Cluster for Microsystem Reliability - EUMIREL” ( Service Cluster EUMIREL), a follow-up of “Patent-DfMM” project. IMT is member of the Management Board of EUMIREL, together with IMEC (Belgium), Politecnico di Milano (Italy) and Fraunhofer Institute IMS Duisburg (Germany). Other participants to EUMIREL are from France, UK, Poland, Germany, Italy and Spain.
Recently (October 2011), Dr. Marc Demulliez (Herriot Watt University, UK), member of EUMIREL, solicited L7 for performing some reliability tests for the products obtained by the FP7 project “Frequency Agile Microwave Bonding System – FAMOBS” (a consortium of 14 European partners). The tests will be executed in the following several months.
A close cooperation was established in 2007 with the Korea Electronics Technology Institute - KETI (R. Korea), which solicited the Reliability Laboratory (L7) of IMT-Bucharest to achieve a contract consisting in the elaboration of two documents describing the reliability issues and solutions for electronic components.
Moreover, their satisfaction about the results of this contract was demonstrated by the Understanding signed between the Reliability Laboratory of IMT-Bucharest and the Reliability and Failure Analysis Center at Korea Electronics Technology Institute of KETI, in April 2008 (see below photo).
Dr. Marius Bazu (IMT) and
Dr. Changwoon Han (KETI)
signing the Understanding |
Samples introduced in the Chamber for Highly
Accelerated Stress Test (HAST) - EHS 211M (Espec) |
Working parameters of the equipment. |
B. Cooperation with entities from Romania (2007-2011) |
A demand of services was received from SC Băneasa Silicon SRL: 6 reliability tests for diodes encapsulated in DO4, performed on 30 items (5 for each test) withdrawn from the same batch of devices. The following tests were executed: storage at high temperature, thermal cycling, vibrations and functioning at high temperature.
Several reliability tests on quantum dots were performed for the Centre for Microscopy, Microanalysis and Image processing of the University Politehnica Bucharest (UPB): 10 samples of quantum dots fabricated by PbS and TiO2/PbS, respectively was introduced in a sequence of tests: storage at high temperature, thermal cycling and combined test at temperature and humidiy (damp heat test). The properties of the quantum dots were measured initially and after the tests
Last update:
January 18, 2012 |