Participant in the European project "Design for Micro and Nano Manufacture - Patent-DfMM", (PC6/IST, 2004-2008), a NoE with 24 partners (research institutes, universities and companies active in microsystems). Dr. M. Bazu was member of the Management Board and leader of the Reliability Cluster (14 participants). L7 obtained important scientific results in studying the typical failure mechanisms of microsystems [1-2] and in developing a new equipment for reliability testing of microsystems, starting from an original idea. Two patents were obtained on this subject [3-4]). Also, L7 realized for Patent-DfMM a database containing the reliability equipment existing at network participants.

Equipment for reliability testing of MEMS accelerometers at mechanical stimulus: left - tilting, right - quasi-tilting
First workshop organized by Reliability & Characterisation Cluster of “Patent-DfMM”
(7-8 October 2004, Sinaia, Romania)


[1] T. Bajenescu, M. Bazu, Component reliability for electronic systems, Artech House, 2010, ISBN-10: 1-59693-436-0.
[2] P. Salomon, M.Bazu, H. Van Herren, S. Lavu, J. Bunyan, M.Desmulliez, The Reliability of Micro Nano Systems, MST News, No.5, 2008, pp. 20-22.
[3] L.Galateanu, V.E.Ilian, M.Bazu, V.L.M. Ilian, Banc de incercare mecano-climatica complexa a microsistemelor, Brevet 122964 / 28.05.2010.
[4] V.E. Ilian, L.Galateanu, M.Bazu, V.L.M.Ilian, Procedeu de încercare mecanică a dispozitivelor MEMS, Brevet 122963 / 28.05.2010.


Contractor of “Micro-biosensors for pesticide detection in environment and food samples”, project (2007-2010) in the National Research Programme “PARTNERSHIP” (PN2). A micro transducer was obtained, based on metallic multilayer deposition by vacuum evaporation on a silicon substrate [5]. The achieved micro biosensors ensure efficient, rapid and cheap bio detection, allowing to monitoring the concentration of the organophosphate insecticides in samples of environment and food, at the levels required by the international legislation in the field. The developed method allows determining by a single analysis the presence of any organophosphate insecticide; it is simple to be used and could be applied in laboratories with medium level infrastructure. This allows monitoring the environment, to locate the pollution sources and to take the necessary protection methods.

Layout of the microelectrodes: 1- Working electrode (Source); 2- Working electrode (Gate); 3 – Working electrode (Drain); 4 – Reference electrode; 5 – Counter-electrode. 
Microelectrodes achieved by vacuum deposition and photolithography: WE – Working electrodes; CE – Counter-electrode; RE – Reference electrode; a – zone of extension for the metallizations stripes; b- zone of isolation with photoresist


[5] L. Galateanu, M. Bazu, V. Ilian, C. Tibeica, N. Cimpoca, Cecilia Podaru, I. Ardelean, Lucia Dumitru, M. Grigoras, Maria Ivanoiu, M. Totolin, D. Conduruta, Electrochemical micro-cell for (cyano)bacteria-based biosensors, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, v.9, nr.2, 2006.


Contractor of “Infrastructure development for reliability research in integrated micro-nano systems”, project (2007-2009) in the National Research Programme “CAPACITIES” (PN2), and of “Development of a laboratory for assessing the quality of the products of micro technologies according to EU requirements - LIMIT”, project (2006-2008) in the National Research Programme “National research Programme „Excellence in Research – CEEX. These two projects allow to purchase modern equipment for reliability testing, mainly at combined stresses [6-7]. Details about the equipment are given in the section FACILITIES.



[6] M. Bazu, L. Galateanu, V. E. Ilian, Reliability Accelerated Tests for Microsystems, 34th International Spring Seminar on Electronic Technology - ISSE 2011, High Tatras, Slovakia, May 11-15, 2011.
[7] M. Bazu, L., V.E. Ilian, Typical Failure Mechanisms of Microsystem Technology, 12th International Conference on Quality and Dependability, organised by the Romanian Society on Quality Assurance and IEEE, 21-24 Sept. 2010.


Contractor of “Technologies at nanometer scale: time degradation phenomena”, CNCSIS grant (2006-2008). Systems for evaluating the reliability of nanostructured materials, nanoelectronic structures and NEMS were elaborated [8-9]. The annual project workshops, common with the CEEX project NANOCRYSTALNET (Oct 10, 2007 and Oct.17, 2008), held at the University Politehnica Bucharest, gathered Romanian specialists in nanotechnologies and invited specialists, professors at universities from Valencia (Spain) and Gauhati (India). 



[8] M. Bazu, L.Galateanu, V.Ilian, About Nano-Reliability, Quality Assurance, No.55, July-October 2008
[9] M. Bazu, L., V.E. Ilian, L. Galateanu, A New Challenge - the Nanoreliability, Bulletin of Micro and Nanoelectrotechnologies, Vol. 2, no.1, March 2011, pp. 7-11.


Member of the “Interdisciplinary network for synthesis and studying semiconductor and conductor nanostructures for obtaining photonic and optoelectronic devices usable in biology and medicine – NANOCRYSTALNET”, project (2005-2008) in the National research Programme „Excellence in Research – CEEX”, 8 partners (co-ordinated by the University Politehnica Bucharest).


Bilateral project between IMT-Bucharest and Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia) (2011-2012), focused on time and stress phenomena in lead-free solder joints.



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Last update: January 18, 2012