2023: Best Application paper award-certificate of nomination at International conference on micromanipulation, automation and robotics at small scales-MARSS 2023, 9-13 October 2023, Abu Dhabi, UAE for the paper: “Study of two microgrippers with integrated piezoresistive force/displacement sensors”, authors: R.C. Voicu, C. Tibeica, M. Pustan, C. Birleanu
2019: His Magnificence Rector Award 2019 for R. Voicu from Warsaw University of Technology
2018: 1 Gold Medal and 1 Medal Honorable Mention-China Delegation obtained for Patent OSIM: No. 18-TPS/30.05.2018 (Rodica Voicu), at 46th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva 2018;
2016: 1 Gold Medal and 1 Medal AGEPI prize, patent request OSIM no. A/00360/20.05.2016 (Rodica Voicu)at the 65-th ed. of International Contest Brussels –EUREKA 2016, Brussels INNOVA 2016.
2018: Best Paper Award CAS 2018, 41th Int. Semiconductor Conference IEEE, Paper: “Manufacture and investigation of a vertical MEMS swich”, authors: A. Baracu, R. Muller, R.C. Voicu, M. Pustan, C. Barleanu, A. Dinescu
2016: Best Paper Award CAS 2016, 39th International Semiconductor Conference IEEE, Paper: “Design, simulation and testing of polymeric microgrippers with V-shaped electrothermal actuators and encapsulated heaters”, Authors: R.C. Voicu, C. Tibeica, R. Muller, A. Dinescu, M. Pustan, C. Birleanu.
2015: Second Prize Award, Third edition of the Scientific conference of doctoral schools of “Dunarea de Jos” University, Galati, June 4-5, 2015, paper: “Material characterizations for MEMS vibration sensors and biostructures applications”, authors: Rodica Voicu, Angela Baracu, Raluca Gavrila, Cosmin Obreja, Mihai Danila, Adrian Dinescu, Bogdan Bita, Raluca Müller.
The Gold Plus Medal (Highest) at the 55th World Exhibition of Innovation, Research and New Technology, Bruxelles, Belgium, November 2006. Title of the invention: - Method and equipment for guided transmission of information through fluid media and/or plasma by using electromagnetic radiation. Author: Gabriel Moagăr-Poladian.
The Gold Medal ARCA of the Croatian Association of Inventors at the 55th World Exhibition of Innovation, Research and New Technology, Bruxelles, Belgium, November 2006. Title of the invention: - Method and equipment for guided transmission of information through fluid media and/or plasma by using electromagnetic radiation. Author: Gabriel Moagăr-Poladian.
The 2006 Cup of the International Federation of the Inventors’ Association at the 10th Invention Fair INVENTIKA 2006, held in September 2006 in Bucharest, Romania. Title of the invention: - Method and equipment for guided transmission of information through fluid media and/or plasma by using electromagnetic radiation. Author: Gabriel Moagăr-Poladian.
The Gold Plus Medal (Highest) at the 10th Invention Fair INVENTIKA 2006, held in September 2006 in Bucharest, Romania. Title of the invention: - Method and equipment for guided transmission of information through fluid media and/or plasma by using electromagnetic radiation. Author: Gabriel Moagăr-Poladian.
The Silver Medal at the 33rd International Exhibition of Inventions, New Techniques and Products, Geneva, Switzerland, April 2005. Title of the invention: Structure for the thermal management of integrated circuits and microsystems. Authors: Gabriel Moagăr-Poladian, Victor Moagăr-Poladian.
The Silver Medal at the 53th World Exhibition of Innovation, Research and New Technology, Bruxelles, Belgium, November 2004. Title of the invention: Procedure and equipment for conoscopic measurements in optically anisotropic thin films. Author: Gabriel Moagăr-Poladian.
The Silver Medal at the 51th World Exhibition of Innovation, Research and New Technology, Bruxelles, Belgium, November 2002. Title of the invention: Antireflective Structure for Electromagnetic Radiation. Author: Gabriel Moagăr-Poladian.
The Silver Medal at the 13th Invention Fair INVENTIKA 2009, held in September 2009 in Bucharest, Romania. Title of the invention: - Procedeu de realizare a unui biosensor integrat pe siliciu cu detectie optica, cu ghiduri ghiduri de unda realizate din polimeri. Authors: Raluca Muller, Paula Obreja, Dana Cristea, Elena Manea, Mihai Kusko