Mission: research, development and application of simulation and modeling techniques oriented to collaborative research projects, education (short courses, labs for students: hands on training), services (enabling access to hardware and software tools) and consulting (design/optimization) in the field of micro-nano-bio/info technologies.

The lab plays a key role in supporting the research activities of other laboratories of IMT Bucharest.

Besides its main mission the lab is developing techniques for rapid prototyping from micro- to macro (up to centimetre size structures), dip pen nanolitogrphy, MOEMS and MEMS micro-sensors  and investigate new classes of advanced materials with application in nanodevices.



- design, simulation, development/optimization of MEMS/MOEMS components and devices (switches, cantilevers, bridges, membranes, microgrippers); mechanical, thermal, electrical and electrostatic, piezoelectric, as well as coupled field (static and transient) analysis;
-  modeling and simulation for multiphysics problems;
- design, modelling and simulations of microfluidic components and systems for biomedical applications and micro-electronic fluidic systems (valves, pumps - with various actuation principle as electrostatic, piezoelectric, pneumatic, electroosmotic- cell reservoirs, microchannels, filters, mixers, heaters, etc.) – the microfluidic analyzes include: fluid dynamics in microstructures (general flow, fluid mixing, thermal analysis); electrokinetic flow (electrophoresis, electroosmosis);
- modelling of electronic structure of materials using ab initio calculations.
- rapid prototyping: design for and operation of 3D Printer based on selective laser sintering, 3D Printer
- design and manufacturing of MOEMS and MEMS microsensors and microsystems
- characterization of physical phenomena in wide band gap semiconductors (light emission, optical transitions, radiative-nonradiative centers, shallow and deep donors/acceptors, band gap tailoring).



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Last update: February, 2012