Papers in journals |
2024 |
Voicu, R.C.; Gologanu, M.; Tibeica, C.; Santiago-Calvo, M.; Asensio, M.; Cañibano, E.; Nedelcu, O.; Sandu, T. Prediction of Mechanical Properties of Nano-Clay-Based Biopolymeric Composites. Nanomaterials 2024, 14, 1403. https://doi.org/10.3390/nano14171403 |
2023 |
Dirdal, C.A.; Milenko, K.; Summanwar, A.; Dullo, F.T.; Thrane, P.C.V.; Rasoga, O.; Avram, A.M.; Dinescu, A.; Baracu, A.M., UV-Nanoimprint and Deep Reactive Ion Etching of High Efficiency Silicon Metalenses: High Throughput at Low Cost with Excellent Resolution and Repeatabilit, Nanomaterials, 2023, 13(3), 436.
Oana Rasoga, Daniela Dragoman, Adrian Dinescu, Christopher Andrew Dirdal, Irina Zgura, Angela Mihaela Baracu, Sorina Iftimie, Aurelian Catalin Galca, Tuning the infrared resonance of thermal emission from metasurfaces working in near-infrared, Scientific Reports, 7499 (2023).
G. Moagar-Poladian, K. Y. Mitra, D. Mitra, R. Thalheim, R. Zichner, V. Moagar-Poladian, C. Pachiu, N. Dumbravescu, D. Vasilache – “Semiconductor-to-Metal-like transition behaviour under temperature variation for inkjet printed PEDOT:PSS tracks embedded in polymer”, Physica Status Solidi A, vol. 220, no. 17, p. 2300266(1-10), (2023)
Voicu, R.-C.; Tibeica, C. An Aluminum Electro-Thermally Actuated Micro-Tweezer: Manufacturing and Characterization. Micromachines 2023, 14, 797. https://doi.org/10.3390/mi14040797
Tibeica, C., Sandu, T., Nedelcu, O., Plugaru, R., Plugaru, N. Parametric simulations of composite barrier FTJs under external bias at room temperature, Results in Physics, 2023, 47, 106350 |
2022 |
R. Plugaru, E. Fakhri, C. Romanitan, I. Mihalache, G. Craciun, N. Plugaru, H.Ö. Ȧrnason, M.T. Sultan, G.A. Nemnes, S. Ingvarsson, H.G. Svavarsson, M. Manolescu, “Structure and electrical behavior of silicon nanowires prepared by MACE process”, Surfaces and Interfaces 33, 102167 (2022), Q1 (IF=6.137).
E. Fakhri, R. Plugaru, M.T. Sultan, T.H. Kristinsson, H. O. Árnason, N. Plugaru, A. Manolescu, S. Ingvarsson, H.G. Svavarsson, “Piezoresistance characterization of silicon nanowires in uniaxial and isostatic pressure variation”, Sensors 22, 6340 (2022), Q2 (IF=3.847).
T. Sandu, C. Tibeica, R. Plugaru, O. Nedelcu, N. Plugaru, “Insights into Electron Transport in a Ferroelectric Tunnel Junction, Nanomaterials, 12, 1682 (2022), Q2 (IF=5.076).
Dinu, L.A.; Buiculescu, V.; Baracu, A.M., Recent Progress on Nanomaterials for NO2 Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors, Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 2120. https://doi.org/10.3390/nano12122120.
Elisabeta-Irina GEANĂ; Angela Mihaela Baracu; Marius C. Stoian; Oana Brîncoveanu; Cristina Pachiu, Livia Alexandra Dinu, Ultra-sensitive electrochemical detection of glyphosate via a nanohybrid material based on gold decorated graphene with applications to surface water samples, Water Research.
G. Moagǎr-Poladian, V. Moagǎr-Poladian, Field effect transistor-based pressure sensor with dielectric elastomer, for robotic hand, Proceedings of the International Semiconductor Conference 2022, p. 273-276, (2022).
2021 |
A.Potekhina, R.C. Voicu, R. Muller, MHM. Al-Zandi, CH. Wang, Design and characterization of a polymer electrothermal microgripper with a polynomial flexure for efficient operation and studies of moisture effect on negative deflection, Microsystem Technologies 27, pp. 2723–2731 (2021), IF: 2.891 Q3.
AM Baracu, CA Dirdal, AM Avram, A Dinescu, R Muller, GU Jensen, PCV Thrane, H Angelskar, Metasurface Fabrication by Cryogenic and Bosch Deep Reactive Ion Etching, Micromachines, Vol12, Issue5, Art No 501, DOI10.3390/mi12050501, Pub MAY 2021, IF: 2.891 Q2.
AM Baracu, LA Dinu Gugoasa, Review-Recent Advances in Microfabrication, Design and Applications of Amperometric Sensors and Biosensors, Journal of the electrochemical society, Vol 168, Issue 3, Art No 037503, DOI10.1149/1945-7111/abe8b6, Pub MAR 1 2021 IF: 4.316 Q1
AM Baracu, MA Avram, C Breazu, MC Bunea, M Socol, A Stanculescu, E Matei, PCV Thrane, CA Dirdal, A Dinescu, O Rasoga, Silicon Metalens Fabrication from Electron Beam to UV-Nanoimprint Lithography, Nanomaterials, Vol 11, Iss 9, Art No 2329. DOI10.3390/nano11092329, Pub SEP 2021 IF: 5.076 Q1
A.C. Costache, G. Moagăr-Poladian, C. Obreja, O. Tutunaru, A. Rădoi, C. Pachiu – “Chemical and physical study of waste PA2200 powder”, Buletinul UPB – Seria B, vol. 83, no. 1, p. 175-186, (2021) |
2020 |
Potekhina, Alissa; Voicu, Rodica-Cristina; Muller, Raluca; Al-Zandi, Muaiyd H. M.; Wang, Changhai, Design and characterization of a polymer electrothermal microgripper with a polynomial flexure for efficient operation and studies of moisture effect on negative deflection, Microsystem technologies-micro-and nanosystems-information storage and processing systems IF: 1.737; Q3.
Plugaru, R.; Gruia, I; Gavrila, R.; Romanitan, C.; Mihalache, I; Istrate, A.; Plugaru, N., Evolution of microstructure and photoluminescence of ZnO thin films irradiated with 3 MeV alpha particles, Surfaces and interfaces, Volume: 20Article Number: 100574 Published: Sep 2020 IF: 3.724; Q1.
Moagar-Poladian, G.; Popescu, A.; Ursu, D. V.; Gavrila, R.; Craciun, G.; Romanitan, C.; Mihalache, I.; Parvulescu, C., Paraffin as a material for optical diffusers - Fabrication and characterization, Optical materials, Volume: 109Article Number: 110430 Published: Nov 2020 IF: 2.779; Q2.
Moagar-Poladian, G.; Tibeica, C.; Georgescu, V; Chilom, F. M.; Moagar-Poladian, V; Tutunaru, O., Pressure sensor for hostile media, Sensors and actuators a-physical, Vol: 303Article Number: 111715 Published: MAR 1 2020 IF: 2.904; Q2,
Ben Sadok, Raouia; Plugaru, Neculai; Birsan, Anca; Kuncser, Victor; Hammoutene, Dalila, Effect of chemical nature of atoms on the electronic, dielectric, and dynamical properties of ABX(3) halide perovskite, International journal of quantum chemistry, Volume: 120Issue: 10Article Number: e26172 Published: MAY 15 2020 IF: 1.747; Q3.
G. Moagăr-Poladian, C. Tibeică, D.-V. Ursu – „Geometrical optical diode for natural (ambient) light”, J. Phys. Commun. 4, 115005, (2020)
A.C. Costache, G. Moagăr-Poladian, C. V. Doicin – “Business model for SMEs in the field of Additive Manufacturing”, Wiley-VCH vol. 393, no. 1; Special Issue: Porogress on Polymers and Composites Products and Manufacturing Technologies - POLCOM 2020 Part II, (2020) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/masy.202000291 |
2019 |
A perspectiveon effective medium models of thermal conductivity in (ultra) nanocrystalline diamond films, Sandu, T; Tibeica, C; APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE Volume: 492 Pages: 309-313 Published: OCT 30 2019 IF: 5.155, Q1
Synthesis and characterization of Ca doped ZnO thin films by sol-gel method, Istrate, AI; Nastase, F; Mihalache, I; Comanescu, F; Gavrila, R; Tutunaru, O; Romanitan, C; Tucureanu, V; Nedelcu, M; Muller, R; JOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Volume: 92 Issue: 3 Pages: 585-597 Published: DEC 2019 IF: 1.986, Q1
Microfabrication and experimental characterization of an Out-of-Plane MEMS switch, Baracu, A; Muller, R; Voicu, R; Tibeica, C; Dinescu, A; Pustan, M; Birleanu, C. ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Volume: 22 Issue: 2 Pages: 124-134 Published: 2019 IF: 0.661, Q4
Modal Approach to the Theory of Energy Transfer Mediated by a Metallic Nanosphere, Sandu, T; Tibeica, C; Nedelcu, OT; Gologanu, M. ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Volume: 22 Issue: 1 Pages: 3-13 Published: 2019 IF: 0.661, Q4
Pressure sensor for hostile media, G.Moagăr-Poladian, C.Tibeică, V.Georgescu, F.M.Chilom, V.Moagăr-Poladian, O.Tutunaru. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL Volume: 303 Article Number: UNSP 111715 Published: MAR 1 2020 IF: 2,739 Q2 |
2018 |
Significance Testing and Multivariate Analysis of Datasets from Surface Plasmon Resonance and Surface Acoustic Wave Biosensors: Prediction and Assay Validation for Surface Binding of Large Analytes, Puiu, Mihaela; Zamfir, Lucian-Gabriel; Buiculescu, V; Baracu, A; Mitrea, C; Bala, C. SENSORS Volume: 18 Issue: 10 Article Number: 3541 Published: OCT 2018 IF: 2,475
3D Printed acceleration sensor: a case study, Moagar-Poladian, G.; Tibeica, C.; Moagar-Poladian, V. ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Volume: 21 Issue: 1 Pages: 61-81 Published: 2018 IF: IF: 0,288
Influence of deposition temperature during LPCVD on surface properties of ultrathin polysilicon films, Michalowski, Marcin; Voicu, R; Obreja, C; Baracu, A; Muller, R; Rymuza, Z., MICROSYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES-MICRO-AND NANOSYSTEMS-INFORMATION STORAGE AND PROCESSING SYSTEMS Volume: 24 Issue: 1 Special Issue: SI Pages: 537-542 Published: JAN 2018 IF: 1,581
Measurement and characterisation of displacement and temperature of polymer based electrothermal microgrippers, Al-Zandi, Muaiyd H. M.; Wang, Changhai; Voicu, R; Muller, R, MICROSYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES-MICRO-AND NANOSYSTEMS-INFORMATION STORAGE AND PROCESSING SYSTEMS Volume: 24 Issue: 1 Special Issue: SI Pages: 379-387 Published: JAN 2018 IF: 1,581
Design and experimental testing of an electro-thermal microgripper for cell manipulation, Soma, A; Iamoni, S; Voicu, R; Muller, R; Al-Zandi, Muaiyd H. M.; Wang, Changhai, MICROSYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES-MICRO-AND NANOSYSTEMS-INFORMATION STORAGE AND PROCESSING SYSTEMS Volume: 24 Issue: 2 Pages: 1053-1060 Published: FEB 2018 IF: 1,581
Decoding communication: a deep learning approach to voice-based intention detection, Franti, E; Dascalu, M; Ispas, I; Tebeanu, A V; Elteto, Z; Branea, S; Dragomir, V. ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Volume: 21 Issue: 4 Special Issue: SI Pages: 460-474 Published: 2018 IF: 0,288
Modeling issues regarding thermal conductivity of graphene-based nanocomposites, Rom. J. of Information Sci. & Tech. (ROMJIST),Volume 21, Issue 1, 82-92, (2018) - T. Sandu, M. Gologanu, R. Voicu, G. Boldeiu, V. Moagar-Poladian. IF: 0,288
Fabrication and characterization of suspended microstructures of ultrananocrystalline diamond, Pachiu, C.; Sandu, T.; Tibeica, C.; Avram, A.; Veca, L. M.; Popa, R.; Popescu, M.; Gavrila, R.; Popov, C.; Avramescu, V. ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Volume: 21 Issue: 1 Pages: 49-60 Published: 2018 IF: 0,288
FPGA optimized cellular automaton random number generator, Petrica, L, JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING Volume: 111 Pages: 251-259 Published: JAN 2018 IF: 1,815
Using CNN for Detection of the Intention of Manipulation in the Politicians’ Voice, E Franti, Monica Dascalu, Ioan Ispas, Ana Voichita Tebeanu, Voichita Maican, Elteto Zoltan; in Romanian Journal for Information Science and Technology, Volume 20, Number 4, 2018, pp. 119 – 130, IF: 0,288 |
2017 |
Analytical results regarding electrostatic resonances of surface phonon/plasmon polaritons: separation of variables with a twist, Voicu, R. C.; Sandu, T. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES, Volume: 473 Issue: 2199 Article Number: 20160796 Published: MAR 1 2017 IF: 2.146
Iono-molecular Separation with Composite Membranes II. Preparation and characterization of polysulphone and composite nanoparticles, Al Ani, Hussam Nadum Abdalraheem; Cimbru, Anca Maria; Trisca-Rusu, Corneliu; et al. REVISTA DE CHIMIE Volume: 68 Issue: 2 Pages: 203-209 Published: FEB 2017 IF: 1,412
Mn2+ ions distribution in doped sol-gel deposited ZnO films, Stefan, Mariana; Ghica, Daniela; Nistor, Sergiu V.; Maraloiu, Adrian V.; Plugaru, Rodica, Conference: Symposium V on Stress, Structure and Stoichiometry Effects on the Properties of Nanomaterials during the European-Materials-Research-Society Fall Meeting Location: Warsaw, POLAND Date: 2015, Sponsor(s): European Mat Res Soc, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE Volume: 396 Pages: 1880-1889 Published: FEB 28 2017 IF: 3.387
Propagation of material and surface profile uncertainties on MEMS micro-resonators using a stochastic second-order computational multi-scale approach, Lucas, V.; Golinval, J. -C.; Voicu, R. C.; Danila, M; Gavrila, R; Muller, R; Dinescu, A; Noels, L; Wu, L. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING Volume: 111 Issue: 1 Pages: 26-68 Published: JUL 6 2017 IF: 2.162
Reliability design of thermally actuated MEMS switches based on V-shape beams, Pustan, M.; Chiorean, R.; Birleanu, C.; Dudescu, C.; Muller, R.; Baracu, A.; Voicu, R. C.; Microsystem technologies-micro-and nanosystems-information storage and processing systems Volume: 23 Issue: 9 Special Issue: SI Pages: 3863-3871 Published: SEP 2017 IF: 1.195
Tactile Feedback Experiments for Forearm Prosthesis with Myoelectric Control, Milea, P. L.; Dascalu, M.; Franti, E. D.; Barbilian, A; Stoica, IC; ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Volume: 20, Issue: 2, Pages: 101-114, Published: 2017, IF: 0.365
Titanium Dioxide for Biomedical Uses I. The controlled production of nanoparticles by hidrothermal synthesis moderated by dimedone, Gheorghievici, Gavril Lucian; Rusu, Corneliu Trisca; Voicila, Elena; et al., REVISTA DE CHIMIE Volume: 68 Issue: 1 Pages: 11-15 Published: JAN 2017 IF: 1,412
Voice Based Emotion Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks for Companion Robots, Franti, Eduard; Ispas, Ioan; Dragomir, Voichita; et al., ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Volume: 20 Issue: 3 Special Issue: SI Pages: 222-+ Published: 2017 IF: 0.288 |
2016 |
- M. Bulinski, G. Moagăr-Poladian – “Fourier-transform interference lithography”, Romanian Reports in Physics, Volume 68, Number 2, p. 713 – 724, (2016). |
2014 |
-M.-E. Lupeanu, A. E.W. Rennie, M.-M. Roşu, G. Moagăr-Poladian – “Research strategy on developing additive manufactured bespoke ophthalmic instruments assisted by an online integrated platform”, U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series D, Vol. 76, Iss. 2, p. 143, (2014). |
2011 |
M. Carp, R. Muller, L. Draghiciu, R. Voicu, M. Danila, Characterization of microdevices for ferrous chloride separation for biosensing applications, Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, vol 171, issue 1, pp. 26-33, 2011.
O.T. Nedelcu, Design and Coupled Electro-Fluidic Simulation of a Novel Dielectrophoretic Microfilter, Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol 120, No.6, pp.1018-1020, 2011. |
2010 |
R. Muller, D. Cristea, Kusko, M, Obreja, P., Esinenco, D., Damian, V., Logofatu, P. C, SU8 polymer materials used in integrated optic Microsystems, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications, Volume 4 , pp 228-233, 2010.
H. Okayama, K. Fukami, R. Plugaru, T. Sakka, Y.H. Ogata, Ordering and Disordering of Macropores Formed in Prepatterned p-Type Silicon, J. Electrochem. Soc. 157, D54-D59, 2010
L. Draghiciu, M. Carp, L. Eftime, I. Stanciu, R. Muller, Manipulation Of Nanoparticles Within A Microfluidic System Based On Su8 Polymer For Bio Applications, Materials Science And Engineering B-Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials, Volume: 169 Issue: 1-3, p.186-192, 2010
O.T. Nedelcu, R. Muller, H.G. Kerkhoff, R.W. Barber, Design And Simulation Of Electroosmotic Driven Flow In Cross Channels, U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series C, Vol. 72, Iss. 2, 2010, pp.131-140 |
2009 |
R. Voicu, R. Muller, L. Eftime, C. Tibeica, Design Study for an Electro-Thermally Actuator for Micromanipulation, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, Volume: 12, Issue: 3, pp 402-409, 2009
E. Budianu, R. Muller, M. Purica, L. Eftime, R. Skarvelakis, G. Kiriakidis, Optical microsensor with TCO electrodes for microposition detection applications, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 518,pp 1057-1059, 2009
B. Ionita, V. Damian, D. Apostol, I. Apostol, R. Muller, Extending the visual capability of a WLI, Journal of Optoelectronics And Advanced Materials - Symposia, Vol. 1, No. 4, 2009, p. 725 – 728, 2009 |
2008 |
P. Horvath, S.B. Sadale, M. Suchea, S. Christoulakis, R. Voicu, C. Tibeica, I. Bineva, R. Muller, T. Kitsopoulos, and G. Kiriakidis, ZnO Thin Films for Cantilever Coatings: Structural and Mechanical Properties, Observations of Photoplastic Effect, Sensor Letters, Vol. 6, pp. 558-563, 2008
M. Suchea, S Christoulakis, C. Tibeica, M. Katharakis, N. Kornilios, T. Efthimiopoulos, E. Koudoumas, Structural and Morphological Properties of thin ZnO Films Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 254, Issue 17, pp. 5475–5480, 2008
R. Plugaru, Optical Properties of Nanocrystalline Titanium Oxide, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 516, Issue 22, 2008, pp. 8179–8183 |
2007 |
C. Ravariu, F. Ravariu, A test biodevice with lipophylic and hidrophylic bioliquids, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2007, p.2589-2592
C. Moldovan; O. Nedelcu, P. Johander, P. Johander, I. Goenaga , D. Gomez, P. Petkov, U. Kaufmann, H-J Ritzhaupt-Kleissl, R. Dorey, K. Persson, Ceramic micro heater technology for gas sensors, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, Volume: 10 Issue: 1 Pages: 43-52, 2007
R. Plugaru, C. Anghel, AM. Ionescu, Charge carriers photogeneration in pentacene field effect transistors, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, Volume: 10, Issue: 3, pp 233-241, 2007
I. Bineva, R.Voicu, A. Dinescu, R. Gavrila, R. Muller, D. Esinenco,B. Bucur, M. Diaconu, L. G. Radu, SiO2 microcantilevers designed for biosensing: Experiments and Simulations, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, pp 13-23, 2007
G. Moagăr-Poladian, On the Light Pressure Induced in a Medium by bhe Non-Uniform Light Intensity Distribution, Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied, vol. 9, p. 767 – 776, 2007
C. Ravariu, F. Ravariu, F. Babarada, Electrical characterization of the epinephrine solution on natural diamond with possible biomedical applications, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp 155-162, 2007 |
Patents |
OSIM No. 132248/ 30.06.2022- R. Voicu, R. Muller. Fabrication process for a MEMS device electro-thermally actuated with application in micromanipulation (2022)
OSIM No. 127788/ 30.05.2022- R. Voicu, M. Carp, R. Muller. Process of manufacturing to obtain a micro-electro-mechanical switch structure and the micro-electro-mechanical switch structure fabricated based on photopolymers (2022)
Patent OSIM No. 18-TPS/30.05.2018 -„Topography of micro-tweezer with double actuation” R. Voicu;
USA patent US9975199/2014-G. Moagăr-Poladian. “Rapid manufacturing process by using a focused ultrasound beam”, European patent EP3055090 (“Process for the additive manufacture of workpieces using a focused ultrasound beam”)
European patent EP2721447-G. Moagăr-Poladian . “Method of 2D and 3D optically assisted fountain pen nanolithography and aperture pen nanolithography” |
Conference papers |
2011 |
O.T. Nedelcu, Study of particle-fluid interaction and thermal effects in dielectrophoretic microfilters, Proc. of International Conferente on Semiconductors CAS 2011, Sinaia, Romania, pp.113-116, 2011
R. Voicu, R. Muller, M. Pustan, Investigation of dimensions effect on stress of bi-material cantilever beam, Proceedings of the ISSE 2011 34th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology, pp. 461 - 465, 2011, Slovakia
L. Sirbu I. Voda. D. Esinenco, R. Müller, R. Voicu, M. Danila, L. Ghimpu, I.M. Tiginyanu and V. Ursaki, Nanostructured indium phosphide used in electrowetting system for biosensor applications, Proc. CAS 2011 International Conferente on Semiconductors, 17-19 Oct. 2011, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 237-240
C. Tibeică, V. Damian, R. Muller, SiO2-Metal Cantilever Structures under Thermal and Intrinsic Stress, Proceedings of the 34th IEEE International Semiconductor Conference - CAS 2011, Sinaia (Romania), October 17-19, 2011, pp 167-170, 2011
R. Plugaru, N. Plugaru, First Principles Study of the Electronic Structure of Rare Earth doped HfO2 and La2O3 Thin Films, 2011 E-MRS Fall Meeting Conf. Proceedings, p.H 50, 2011.
E. Vasile, R. Plugaru, S. Mihaiu, A. Toader, Micro-nanostructural and composition characterization of ZnO:Al doped films by SEM-EDX and HRTEM-EDX, Proceedings of the 34th IEEE International Semiconductor Conference-CAS 2011, Sinaia (Romania), October 17-19, 2011, pp. 273-276, 2011.
D. Esinenco, L. Sirbu, I. Voda, L. Ghimpu, R. Muller, R. Voicu, M. Danila, A. Leca, T. Dascalu, I.M. Tiginyanu and V. Ursaki , Nanoperforated indium phosphide for terahertz imaging bio-applications, Proc. of. International Conference on Nanotechnologies amd Biomedical Engeneering, ICNBME 2011, Chisinau, Moldova, 7-8 July 2011, pp.207-210 |
2010 |
P.C. Logofatu, C. Udrea, V. Ion, ND. Scarisoreanu, R. Muller, Preliminary ellipsometric studies and tests for measuring the birefringence of electro-optic materials, Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 7821, 782114, 2010
V. Sergentu, D. Esinenco, L. Sirbu, I. Voda, R. Voicu, I. M. Tiginyanu, V. Ursaki, Rayleigh scattering of a metal nanoparticle on a flat dielectric surface, Proc. CAS 2010 International Semiconductor Conference, pp.65-68, 2010
S.Mihaiu, A. Toader, I. Atkinson, M. Anastasescu, M.Vasilescu, M.Zaharescu, R. Plugaru, Al-doped ZnO nanocoatings obtained by sol-gel route, Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume: 7821, Article Number: 78211D, 2010
D. Vasilache, G. Constantinidis, M. Dragoman, A. Takacs, F. Vladoianu, T. Kostopoulos, G. Boldeiu, V. Moagar-Poladian, C. Tibeica, L. Bary, R. Plana, MEMS switch for 60 GHz band, (7821-12), Proc. International Conference "Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies" 5th Ed, Volume: 7821, Article Number: 78210O, 2010
D.Vasilache, G. Boldeiu, V. Moagar-Poladian, C.Tibeica, Bridge type and cantilever type MEMS switch structures, (7821-13), Proc. International Conference "Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies" 5th Ed, Volume: 7821, Article Number: 78210N, 2010
G. Delette, E. Pauty, C. Baum, R. Voicu, Analysis of the temperature distribution during embossing of diffractive optical elements by numerical simulation, CAS 2010 International Semiconductor Conference, pp. 165-168, 2010
M. Kusko, C. Kusko, R. Muller, Simulation of Photonic Components Based on Bandgap Structure, Proc. CAS 2010 International Semiconductor Conference, Vol.1, 11-13 October, Sinaia, Romania, pp 121-124, 2010
F. Comanescu, C. Tibeica, M. Purica, P. Schiopu, Optimizing 1D bimorph actuated micromirrors by modifying actuating part geometry, Conference on Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies V Location: Constanta, ROMANIA Date: AUG 26-29, 2010, Volume: 7821, Article Number: 78212D, 2010
F. Comanescu, C. Tibeica, M. Purica, P.Schiopu, Grating Light Valve Based on High Reflectance Micro-Beams: Design By Simulation, Proc. CAS 2010 International Semiconductor Conference, Vol. 1, pp 117-120, 2010
A Dinescu, R Muller, M S Sarto, A Tamburano, Electron Beam Lithography for Carbon Nanotubes fabrication and characterization, Nanocontacts and Nanointerconnects Workshop, MRS Spring Meeting, 5-10 April 2010, San Francisco, USA
R. Plugaru, N. Plugaru, First Principles Electronic Structure Study of Disordered Al, Ti, Mn Doped ZnO, Abstract book "Ψk Conference 2010", p. 349, Berlin, Germany, 2010.
N. Plugaru, R. Plugaru, Effect of Oxygen Vacancies on M-M Exchange in Anatase M:TiO2 (M=Mn, Fe, Co), Abstract book "Ψk Conference 2010", p. 349, Berlin, Germany, 2010.
R. Plugaru, N. Plugaru, S. Mihaiu, E. Vasile, On the electrical conductivity in Al:ZnO layers; experimental investigation and a theoretical approach, Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE International Semiconductor Conference-CAS 2011, pp 345-348, 2010. |
2009 |
S. Osiceanu, M. Dascalu, E. Franti, A. Barbilian, Intelligent Interfaces for Locomotory Prosthesis, Proc. IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), pp 1933-1938, 2009
I. Stanciu, P. Obreja, L. Eftime, D. Cristea, R. Muller, D. Dascalu, Realisation of Microfluidic Components Using the Casting Replication Method, Proceedings of CAS: 2009 International Semiconductor Conference, Vols 1-2, pp 227-230, 2009
L. Draghiciu, L. Eftime, R. Muller, M. Popescu, A. Herghelegiu, V. Schiopu, M. Danila, Characterization of Magnetic Nanoparticles Functionalized with Albumin for Biological Applications, Proc. CAS 2009 International Semiconductor Conference, pp 167-170, 2009
R. Voicu, C. Tibeica, R. Muller, Design and Simulation Study for an Electro-Thermally Actuated Micromanipulator, Proc. EUROSIME 2009: 10th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Micro-Electronics and Micro-Systems, Tech Univ Delft, Delft, NETHERLANDS, APR 27-29, 2009, Pages: 429-433, 2009
R. Plugaru, M. Artigas, N. Plugaru, First Principles Study of Oxygen Vacancy Induced Magnetic Moments in TiO2, Proceeding E-MRS Conference, June 8-12, 2009, Strasbourg, France, p. H-26, 2009
E. Vasile, I. Iordache, R. Plugaru, HRTEM Study of ZnO Thin Layers Deposited By Magnetron Sputtering, Proceeding E-MRS Conference, June 8-12, 2009, Strasbourg, France, p. H-11, 2009
R. Plugaru, N. Plugaru, First Principles Study of the Electronic Structure of Al/Ti:ZnO Crystal, Proc. CAS 2009 32nd Edition, IEEE International Semiconductor Conference, Vol. 2, pp. 383-386, 2009
B. Firtat, C.Moldovan, G. Boldeiu, FEM Microfluidic Simulations for Microchannels–Continuous and Droplet-Like Flow, Proc. 4M/ICOMM 2009 - THE GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON MICRO MANUFACTURE, 23-25 Sept. 2009, Karlsruhe, Germany, pp. 325-328, 2009
V. Damian, I. Apostol, R. Muller, L. Eftime, Photoresist Films Patterning at355nm, Proc. IEEE International Semiconductor Conference, CAS 2009, Vol. 1, 12–14 October, 2009, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 245-248, 2009
M. Kusko, R. Voicu, C. Tibeica, Design of an Optical Switch Based on Electrostatic Actuation of A Movable Fiber, Proc. CAS 2009, 32nd Edition, IEEE International Semiconductor Conference, 12–14 October, 2009, Sinaia, Romania, Vol. 1, pp. 181-184, 2009. |
2008 |
F. Babarada, R. Plugaru, A. Rusu, Tunelling Leakage Current Characterization of Silicon Oxide and High-K Dielectics for Advanced Semiconductor Devices, Proc. CAS 2008 International Semiconductor Conference, pp 363-366, 2008
R. Plugaru, M. Artigas, N. Plugaru, Ab Initio Study of Neutral Oxygen Vacancies in Rutile TiO2, Proc. CAS 2008 International Semiconductor Conference, pp 249-252, 2008
R. Voicu, R. Muller, L. Eftime, C. Tibeica, A Design Study of a Polymeric Microgripper for Micromanipulation, International Gte Conference Manufacturing 2008, 6-7 November, 2008, Budapest, Hungary, pp.113-118, 2008
B. Firtat, E. Franti, F. Babarada, C. Moldovan, F. Lazo, Simulation, design and microfabrication of multichannel microprobe for bioelectrical signals recording, Proc. CAS’2008 International Semiconductor Conference, pag 177-180, 2008
M. Dascalu, E. Franti, G. Stefan, L. Milea, Modeling production with artificial societies: The emergence of social structure, Proc. Artificial Intelligence Series-WSEAS, pp128-134, 2008
M. Dascalu, E. Franti, G. Stefan, L. Milea, M. Stoian, G. Sebe, Simulator for production modeling - Virtual experiments, Proc. Artificial Intelligence Series-WSEAS, pp 295-300, 2008
P.C. Logofatu, D. Apostol, A. Dinescu, R. Muller, D. Cristea, Optimization of wiregrid polarizers for CO2 lasers, Proc. International Semiconductor Conference - CAS 2008, October 2008, Sinaia, Romania, pp 121-124, 2008
R. Voicu, R. Muller, L. Eftime, Design Optimization for an Electro-Thermally Actuated Polymeric Microgripper, Proc. Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, APR 09-11, 2008 Nice FRANCE (DTIP 2008), pp. 182-186, 2008
B. Firtat, R. Iosub, D. Necula, F. Babarada, E. Franti, C. Moldovan, Simulation, Design and Microfabrication of Multichannel Microprobe for Bioelectrical Signals Recording, IEEE International Semiconductor Conference (31st edition, CAS Proceedings), Vol. 1, 13-15 October, 2008, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 177–180, 2008
D. Dragoman, A. Dinescu, R. Muller, C. Kusko, A. Herghelegiu, M. Kusko, PMMA Photonic Crystals for Waveguiding Applications, CAS 2008 International Semiconductor Conference, October 2008, Sinaia, Romania, pp 85-88, (2008)
R. Voicu, C. Tibeica, R. Müller, Design and Optimization Study for a New SU-8 Electro-Termally Actuated Microgripper, Proc. of ‘THE’ Coatings - 2008 and ICMEN - International Conference on Manufacturing ENgineering – 2008, October 1-3, 2008, Kassandra-Chalkidiki, Greece
P.C. Logofatu, D. Apostol, A. Dinescu, R. Muller, D. Cristea, Optimization of Wiregrid Polarizers for CO2 Laser, Proc. IEEE International Semiconductor Conference,13-15 October, 2008, Sinaia, Romania, Vol. 1, pp 121-124, 2008
E. Budianu, L. Eftime, R. Muller, E. Manea, Linear photodetector arrays integrated with optical waveguides for proximity optical microsensor, Proc. CAS 2008 International Semiconductor Conference, 3-5 october, 2008, Sinaia, Romania, pp 129-132, 2008
R. Voicu, R. Muller, L. Eftime, A New Design Based On Electro-Thermally Actuation For An Su-8 Microgripper, Proc. CAS 2008 International Semiconductor Conference, Sinaia Romania, pp. 205-208, 2008
G. Moagăr-Poladian, Sub-Wavelength Resolution Laser Lithography in the Field of MEMS, SPIE Proceedings Vol. 7007, p. 70070L-1 – 70070L-11, (2008).
G. Moagăr-Poladian, Z. Illyefalvi-Vitez, B. Balogh, D. Ulieru, A. Corâci, Laser Applications in the Field of MEMS, SPIE Proceedings Vol. 7007, p. 70070K-1 – 70070K-10, (2008).
Elena Budianu, Raluca Muller, Munizer Purica, Laura Eftime, Rousos Skarvelakis, George Kiriakidis, Optical microsensor with TCO electrodes for microposition detection applications, 2nd International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Oxides”, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece , October 22 - 26, 2008. |
2007 |
C. Tibeică, R. Voicu, V. Moagăr-Poladian, Simulation of Moisture Diffusion in Sealing Layers by Using Analogous Thermal Simulation, Proceedings of the 30th IEEE International Semiconductor Conference - CAS 2007, Sinaia (Romania), October 15-17, pp 95-98, 2007
I. Codreanu (Stanciu), A procedure based on the ANOVA method for estimating the maximum number of generations for optimization genetic algorithms, Proceedings of CAS: 2007 International Semiconductor Conference, Vols 1-2, pp 497-500, 2007
R. Voicu, C. Tibeica, L. Eftime, R. Muller, Analysis of Displacements of a Polymeric Microgripper, Proceedings of the 30th IEEE CAS 2007 Conference, Sinaia, Romania, Vol. 2, pp. 567-570, 2007
R. Voicu, D. Esinenco, R. Müller, L. Eftime, C. Tibeica, Method for overcoming the unwanted displacements of an electro-thermally actuated microgripper, Proc. 4M Conference 2007, Borovets, Bulgaria, pp.39-42, 2007
O.T. Nedelcu, J.-L. Morelle, C. Tibeica, S. Voccia, I. Codreanu, S. Dahms, Modelling and Simulation of a Pneumatically Actuated Micropump, Proceedings of International Conference of Semiconductors CAS 2007, October 15-17, Sinaia, Romania, p.77-80
R. Plugaru, Optical properties of nanocrystalline titanium oxide, E-MRS Fall Meeting, Warsaw, 17th-21st September, 2007, Proceeding, Abstract Books, p.213
M Kusko, F Comanescu, C. Tibeica, D Cristea, Design of a thermooptical modulator based on SOI waveguides, Proceedings of International Conference of Semiconductors CAS 2007, October 15-17, Sinaia, Romania, pp 207-210, 2007
O. Oltu, PL. Milea, M. Dragulinescu, E. Franti, Solar panel energetic efficiency optimization method, based on an specific detector and orientation microsystem, Proc. CAS 2007 International Semiconductor Conference, pp 127-130, 2007 |