PhD theses

Gabriel MOAGĂR-POLADIAN - Scientific adviser and member of the PhD Commission at National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest (formerly University Politehnica Bucharest), PhD student Cristina Andreea MOCANU (COSTACHE), PhD Thesis Leader Prof. Dr. Cristian DOICIN, (2017-2024)
Also participated: Victor MOAGĂR-POLADIAN – support on CAD modelling and FEA simulation.

MSc theses

Gabriel MOAGĂR-POLADIAN - Scientific adviser of MSc thesis through Erasmus+ programme (in partnership with Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany, Prof. Dr. Alfred KERSCH), MSc student Severin Franziskus Georg SCHWEIGER, (October 2016 - March 2017)
Also participated: Victor MOAGĂR-POLADIAN – support on CAD modelling and FEA simulation.

Gabriel MOAGĂR-POLADIAN - Scientific adviser of MSc thesis at National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest (formerly University Politehnica Bucharest), Faculty of Electronics, MSc student Victor Alexandru SIMION, (February 2017 – June 2017)
Also participated: Victor MOAGĂR-POLADIAN – support on CAD modelling and FEA simulation.


Hands-on training  “Microsensors, for students of 4 th year,  from Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest- applications/ laboratories.


Hands-on courseIntelligent sensors and microsystems,  since  2009 for MSc students, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest- courses  and applications;


Supervising  Diploma activities for students from Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest

Practical courses for simulation organized in the frame of Structural Funds Project POSDRU/89/1.5/S/63700 (2010-2013) “Human resources development through postdoctoral research in micro and nanotechnologies domain.”

Short simulation courses for companies in the frame of Leonardo da Vinci projects:
   -  “Microteaching Project” (2004-2007), coordinated  by   RWTH Aachen University
   -  “Development of competences of educational staff by integrating operational tasks into measures of vocational training and further education" ComEd, (2008-2010) coordinated by  BWAW Thüringen gGmbH, Germany


Simulation Labs for students of  different universities from Bucharest and Romania (Ploiesti, Targoviste, Cariova)


Supervising activities  in the frame  of FP 6: ASSEMIC - Marie Curie Training Network: “Advanced Handling and Assembly in Microtechnology” (2004-2007), Contract No. MRTN-CT-2003-504826,  coordinator ISAS Sensors and Actuators- Technische Univ. Vienna- IMT was partner and hosted an Early Stage Researcher for 2.5 years and an Experimented Researcher for 1 year, coming from Moldavia and Bulgaria


Starting with 2011 IMT/Simulation Lab  is  Partner for summer 3 months  practical applications and research  with Faculty for Electronics, Communications and Information Technology, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest  through project „ResTRucturarea Sistemului de Practică PrODuctiva a studentilor din Invatamantul Tehnic Superior – TRIPOD” (POSDRU/90/2.1/S/58108).



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Last update: February, 2012