Proiect COST - European Materials Informatics Network (EuMINe), CA22143. 24/10/2023 -- 23/10/2027. IMT-Bucharest coordinator on National network
Contact: Dr. Neculai Plugaru. Website: https://www.eumine-cost.eu/
H2020 Projects |
BIONANOPOLYS-Open Innovation Test Bed for Developing Safe Nano-Enabled Bio-Based Materials And Polymer Bionanocomposites for Multifunctional And New Advanced Applications Horizon 2020, Call: H2020-NMBP-TO-IND-2020-two stage Project duration: 2021–2024
Coordinator: Instituto Tecnologico del EMBALAJE, TRANSPORTE Y LOGISTICA – Spania
IMT role: partner, Dr. Oana Nedelcu (oana.nedelcu@imt.ro) |
ECSEL: 3CCar- Integrated Components for Complexity Control in affordable electrified cars
H2020 ECSEL, 2015-2018 (call ECSEL-2014-1) (http://www.ecsel.eu/)
Coordinator: Infineon AG, Germany
IMT role: partner, Dr. Gabriel Moagar-Poladian (gabriel.moagar@imt.ro)
TREND – “Tool Kit for Robotics for Manufacturing Electronic components and Nodes using Digital Fabrication Technologies”, MANUNET ERA-NET project (2021-2023) https://www.trendproject.de/en.html
Coordinator: Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nanosystems, Germania
Project responsible from behalf of IMT-Bucharest: Dr. Gabriel MOAGĂR-POLADIAN (gabriel.moagar@imt.ro) |
ROBOGRIP- "Microgrippers as end-effectors with integrated sensors for microrobotic applications"
MANUNET ERA-NET Project Call 2015 (2016-2017) (https://www.manunet.net/)
Coordinator: National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies - IMT Bucharest, Romania
Contact person from IMT Bucharest: Dr. Rodica Voicu (rodica.voicu@imt.ro) |
3SMVIB - "3-Scale modelling for robust-design of vibrating micro sensors"
MNT-ERANET Call 2011 (2012-2015)
Coordinator: Open-Engineering S.A.
IMT role: partner, Dr. Raluca Müller (raluca.muller@imt.ro)
Website: http://www.imt.ro/3SMVIB/ |
FP7 Projects |
FP7 IP: FlexPaet - "Flexible Patterning of Complex Micro Structures using Adaptive Embossing Technology", IP NMP-2007-3.5-2, Contract no. 214018, (2008-2011)
- Coordinated by Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. Fraunhofer Institut für Produktionstechnolgie (IPT), Germany, Dr. Eng. Christian Wenzel
- Partner L3 of IMT-Bucharest with the participation of L5 by Mat. Rodica Voicu and Mat. Irina Stanciu
FP7 STREP: CATHERINE "Carbon nAnotube Technology for High-speed nExt-geneRation nano-InterconNEcts", STREP, FP7-ICT-2007.8.1, Contract no. 216215, (2008-2011 )
- Coordinated by Consorzio Sapienza Innovazione, Italy, Dr. Stephen Trueman
- Partner L6 of IMT-Bucharest, with the participation of L5 by Dr. Raluca Muller
Rellated FP7 Projects |
ENIAC MotorBrain: "Nanoelectronics for Electric Vehicle Intelligent Failsafe Powertrain" – ENIAC-2010-1, (2011 - 2014)
- Coordinated by Infineon Technologies AG Germany
- Partner L5 of IMT - Dr. Gabriel Moagar-Poladian
FP 6 Projects |
ASSEMIC, "Advanced Methods and Tools for Handling and Assembly in Microtechnology", Marie Curie Research Training Network, Contract no. 504826, (2004-2007)
- Coordinator: Institut fur Mikro-und Feinwerktechnik, Technische University Wien- IMFT - Prof. Dr. Werner Brenner
- IMT-Bucharest partner - Dr. Raluca Muller
PATENT "Design for Micro & Nano Manufacture", FP6 Network of Excellence, IST, Contract nr.507255, (2004-2008): Coordination Univ. of Lancaste, UK, (Prof. Andrew Richardson, Participation in WP2: “Modelling & Simulation” |
HERMETICITY, “Integrated Characterization of Packaging Hermeticity Combining Test, Modeling, Reliability Characterization and Packaging Integration of a Humidity Microsensor”, PATENT Flagship Project, Phys. Catalin Tibeica. Mat. Rodica Voicu, Phys. Victor Moagar Poladian
BioDrop, "Droplet-Based Micro-Electronic Fluidic Operations for Production and Evaluation Platform BioMEMS", PATENT Flagship Project, partners: CTIT, MuliSynTech, QinetiQ, Pepscan, ULAN, LIRMM, MESA, IMT- Mat. Irina Stanciu, Dr. Raluca Muller
Modelling Effects of Packaging on MEMS - PATENT Round Robin Modelling Study, Phys. Catalin Tibeica, Phys. Victor Moagar Poladian
Flow-FET, "Fault Modelling and System Simulation of Flow-FETs MEF Arrays", PATENT grant- partners: MESA, CCRLC, IMT - Mat. Oana Nedelcu, Dr. Raluca Muller
"Simulation of the stiction effect in the metal-to-metal resistive contact occurring in MEMS switches", PATENT grant- partners IMT- Phys. Catalin Tibeica, Phys. Victor Moagar Poladian, HWU, Tyndall, WUT,
“Review of Optical Simulation and Modeling for MOEMS/MEMS” PATENT grant- partners CSL, IZM, IMT - Phys. Catalin Tibeica, Dr. Raluca Muller- L5, Dr. Mihai Kusko- L3
MI Lab-on-chip, “Lab-on-a-chip implementation of production processes for new molecular imaging agents”, FP6 STREP NMP Project, Contract no.: 516984, (2005-2008)
- Coordinator : TRASIS SA, Liege, Belgium – Jean-Luc Morelle
- IMT-Bucharest partner - Dr. Oana Tatiana Nedelcu
IPMMAN, "Improvement of industrial production integrating macro-, micro and nanotechnologies for more flexible and efficient manufacturing", FP6 NMP2-CT2006-033205, (2006-2009)
- Coordinator Profactor, Research and Solutions GmbH, Austria - Christian Woegerer
- IMT-Bucharest partner - Dr. Raluca Muller
Leonardo da Vinci projects |
Microteaching, "New teaching and learning methods and basic qualifications in job education", Leonardo da Vinci Project No. 146157, (2004-2007)
- IMT-Bucharest partner - Dr. Raluca Muller
ComEd, "Development of competences of educational staff by integrating operational tasks into measures of vocational training and further education", Leonardo da Vinci - Life Long Learning, Ctr. no. DE/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/147, (2008-2010)
- IMT-Bucharest partner - Dr. Raluca Muller
Bilateral cooperation |
Bilateral cooperation with Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Science of Moldova (2010-2012); |
Bilateral cooperation between IMT-Bucharest and Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia) (2011-2013) |
Bilateral cooperation between IMT-Bucharest and Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (2012); Dr. Rodica Plugaru |
National R&D Projects |
"Prospective Research Regarding Rapid Prototyping Processes for Applications in the Field of Micro- and Nanosystems Realization", PNII IDEAS Project, (2011 – 2014); Project director: Dr. Gabriel Moagăr-Poladian |
LAMSYS,"Laboratory for Modelling and Simulation of Microsystems", PNII Capacities Project, Contract No. 7 / 2007, (2007-2010); Project director: Math. Oana Nedelcu; http://www.imt.ro/lamsys/ |
MICRONANOLAB, "Integrated Laboratory of Advanced Technologies for Micro and Nanosystems", PNII Capacities Project, Contract No. 13 / 2007, (2007 – 2009); Project director: Dr.Gabriel Moagăr-Poladian; http://www.imt.ro/micronanolab |
MAC, "MEMS sensors and actuators based on micro-cantilevers structures", PN II Cooperation Project , Contract No. 72-212, (2008 -2011); IMT- Bucharest coordinator, Project director: Dr. Raluca Muller; http://www.imt.ro/mac/ |
NANOXI, "Electronic Nanodevices Based on Oxidic Materials", PNII Cooperation Project, Contract No. 11-048, (2007-2010); IMT- Bucharest coordinator, Project director: Dr. Rodica Plugaru; http://www.imt.ro/nanoxi |
"Applications of High Technologies Based on Microsystems and Nonlinear Optics for the Measurement of the Electric Current Parameters on the High Voltage Lines", PNII Cooperation Project, Contract No. 31-021, (2007-2010); IMT- Bucharest coordinator, Project director: Dr.Gabriel Moagăr-Poladian; http://www.imt.ro/memsit |
"Advanced Studies in Optical Characterization of Semiconductor Nanomaterials and Devices", CEEX II, Contract No. C11, (2006-2008), IMT- Bucharest coordinator; Project director: Dr. Rodica Plugaru |
ProImage, "Unit for Analog Optical Processing of Image Type Information", CEEX M1 Project, Contract No. 139 / 2006 INFOSOC, (2006 – 2008); IMT- Bucharest coordinator; Project director: Dr. Gabriel Moagăr-Poladian; http://www.imt.ro/proimage |
MEMSAS, "Sensors and actuators microstructures for microrobotic positioning, mechanical and biological manipulation", CEEX , Contract No. C28/2005, (2005-2008); IMT- Bucharest coordinator; Project director: Dr.. Raluca Muller, http://www.imt.ro/mems_as/memsas.html |
NOELSYS, "Non-Conventional Materials for Microtechnology – Research and Experimentation of Elastomer-Based Microstructures for Applications in the Field of Mcirosystems", CEEX Project, (2005 – 2008); IMT- Bucharest coordinator; Project director: Dr. Gabriel Moagăr-Poladian; http://www.imt.ro/noelsys |
"Reconfigurable Optical Neuron – Research, Demonstrator Experimentation and Functional Parameters Evaluation", Matnantech Project, (2001 – 2004); Project director: Dr. Gabriel Moagăr-Poladian |
MICROWELD, "Micro-Joining Systems For Electronic Circuits And Encapsulating Elements Of Micro-Sensors And Actuators", PNII Project, (2007-2008); Project coordinator: Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare in Sudura si Incercari de Materiale Timisoar a; IMT- Bucharest partner - Eng. Victor Moagăr-Poladian; http://www.isim.ro/microweld/ |
ELCUAL, "Durable protection solutions for the aluminum – copper contacts part of installations for the transmission of electrical energy to insure the energy safety and efficiency", PNII Project; Project coordinator: SC Filiala Institutul de Cercetări şi Modernizări Energetice – ICEMENERG SA, Bucharest; IMT- Bucharest partner - Eng. Victor Moagăr-Poladian http://www.icemenerg.ro/ELCUAL.htm |
INTERMAT "New highly efficient materials for anti-corrosion protection with cross-sectoral applications used in environments with complex severe conditions", CEEX Project, (2006-2008); Project coordinator: SC Filiala Institutul de Cercetări şi Modernizări Energetice – ICEMENERG SA, Bucureşti; IMT- Bucharest partner - Eng. Victor Moagăr-Poladian; http://www.icemenerg.ro/old/I/INTERMAT.htm |
ECOMAF, "Knowledge-based ecologic materials for protection against fire with sectoral and inter-sectoral applications", CEEX Project, (2005-2007); Project coordinator: SC Filiala Institutul de Cercetări şi Modernizări Energetice – ICEMENERG SA, Bucureşti; IMT- Bucharest partner - Eng. Victor Moagăr-Poladian ( http://www.icemenerg.ro/old/I/ECOMAF.htm |
"Light Emitting and Modulating Poli-Compozite Microstructures – Electrooptical Properties", CEEX Project, (2005 – 2007); Project coordinator: INFLPR; IMT- Bucharest partner - Dr. Gabriel Moagăr-Poladian |
National Basic Funding Projects (2009-2011) |
„Lab-on-chip microfluidic platforms integrated with optic and electronic elements”, (2009-2011), Coordinator: Mat. Irina (Codreanu) Stanciu |
"Development of the monocrystalline silicon microprocessing technology in a rapid prototyping regime by using single photon and two photon absorption", (2008-2011), Coordinator: Dr. Gabriel Moagăr-Poladian |
"Photonic crystal (PCs) based photonic structures, using EBL technique", (2009-2011), Coordinator Dr. Raluca Muller |
„Computer aided design of microfluidic components” (2006-2008); Coordinator Mat. Oana Tatiana Nedelcu |
Last update:
March, 2012 |