Software facilities Hardware facilities Computer network for training   
Characterization equipments Processing equipments
Software facilities

ANSYS Multiphysics 2024 R2: The ANSYS Multiphysics Academic software suite is used in order to perform numerical simulations of complex phenomena in various media as solids, liquids, plasma, and biological tissues. It can perform simulations using implicit and explicit numerical methods making use of finite element method, discrete element method, and various meshless methods.
The target of these simulations is phenomena encompassing mechanical and structural simulations, fluid simulations, electrical and electronics simulations, electromagnetic wave propagation, etc. belonging to physics or chemistry realm.  Each physics domain may be solved separately, but the real power of this software package is the ability to couple both directly and indirectly almost all the specified domains, allowing great flexibility in problem dealing.
All of these simulations can be performed as static, modal, harmonic or transient type, according to user necessities. ANSYS software makes use of sequential or parallel computing for all the previously mentioned by using ANSYS HPC licenses owned by IMT.”

COMSOL Multiphysics  6.2: A general-purpose but powerful simulation software based on advanced numerical methods for modeling and solving all kinds of scientific and engineering problems, with fully coupled multiphysics modelling capabilities. The Floating Network License owned by IMT include different  modules as: Structural Mechanics & Acoustics Modules (Structural Mechanics, Nonlinear Structural Materials, Composite Materials, Fatigue; Multibody Dynamics, MEMS, Acoustics), Fluid Flow & Heat Transfer Modules (CFD, Microfluidics, Molecular Flow, Heat Transfer), Electromagnetics Modules (AC/DC, RF, Wave Optics, Ray Optics, Semiconductor), Multipurpose (Optimization, Material Library, Particle Tracing).

Materialise Magics 26.0
“Materialise Magics is a software that is aimed at working with various types of additive manufacturing systems and with model reconstruction and manipulation of 3D models. These model may be acquired from 3D scanning technologies or medical imaging devices or may be CAD generated ones. In this respect, it Import nearly all file formats, retain native color information, and stay in control of your original data.
It can automatically or human assisted repair of the models. Steps like slicing and orientation may be done internally and it offers communication with the 3D additive manufacturing machine.”

COVENTORWARE 2014: Computer aided design and simulation of MEMS and microfluidic components used in microsystems for different applications. It includes design tools (layout editor, material database, 3D models generator) and simulation modules of main physical phenomena used in microsystems developing and functionalities.

MATLAB  R2015-b: technical computing language and interactive environment for algorithm development, data visualization, data analysis, and numeric computation.

Solidworks Office Premium 2008: 2D and 3D design for complex geometries, capable to export CAD files to other simulation software tools; it has additional modules for projects reporting and for growing the productivity of CAD and PDMWorks

Mathematica 7: software environment for technical and scientific computing;numeric and symbolic calculus; suitable for solving linear and non-linear differential equations; 2D and 3D graphics; good flexibility in parameter variations: Software for numeric and symbolic calculus; suitable for solving linear and non-linear differential equations; 2D and 3D graphics; good flexibility in parameter variations.

Origin PRO 8: Software for data processing and graphing software for scientists and engineers: graphic, interpretation/interpolation by statistical processing, signal analysis. It includes functions for Statistics, Baseline and Peak Analysis, 3D Fitting, Signal Processing, Image Processing.


Visual Studio 2008 Pro: an integrated development environment (IDE) used to develop console and graphical user interface applications along with Windows Forms applications, web sites, web applications, and web services in both native code together with managed code for all platforms supported by Microsoft Windows, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, .NET Framework, .NET Compact Framework and Microsoft Silverlight.

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Quantum ESPRESSO, SIESTA, FPLO: Coduri DFT pentru calcule de structura electronica

Hardware facilities - Acces to CENASIC Server: High Performance Computing cluster consisting of one Windows  node with two Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5-2670 v3 processors, 24 cores, 256 GB RAM, and 10 Linux nodes 10 x 2 CPUs Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v3, 240 cores, 256 GB RAM/node).

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Computer network for training   


Design / simulation training room


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Characterization equipments
Semiconductor Characterization System (4200S/C/Keithely) with Manual Probe Station (EP6/SüssMicroTec). Fully programmable for on-wafer/structure sourcing and measuring of DC voltage and current simultaneously. 4200-SMU power: 2.2W (max.105mA, 210V). Per SMU preamplifier: 4200-PA with maximum measurement resolutions: 0.1fA, 5 mV. Shielded manual probe station with 4 triaxial cable manipulators. Measurements on wafers and substrates up to 150 mm (6“). Positioning resolution: 3um. Current upgrade status: 2x 4200-SMU and 2x4200-PA.
Reflective conoscope
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Processing equipments
DIP PEN Nanolithography System NScriptor 2008

The working principle is that of wetting an AFM-type cantilever with an “ink” and writing down onto a substrate, similar with an ink pen that writes on a paper. The process is serial and is quite slow, but can be highly parallelized by using 2D arrays of cantilevers (55,000 such cantilevers on an array) and thus becomes efficient from the speed and throughoutput points of view. Many materials can be used as “inks”, as are solutions of polymers, small organic molecules, sol-gel precursors, macromolecules, nanoparticle colloids.

- minimum width: 15 nm resolution on single crystal surfaces, < 50 nm on polycrystalline surfaces
- minimum separation between adiacent lines: 5 nm
- positioning accuracy: + / - 2 nm
- maximum length of a line: 85 microns

Materials used:
- substrates: metals (Au, Pt, Al, Ni), SiOx, SiO2, Si, Ge, GaAs, mica and others;
- materials that can be deposited : Thiols, Silanes, Silazanes, Alkynes, Cystamine, Sol-Gels;

Nanoparticles colloids (metal, Silicon), Catalysts, Metal Nanoclusters, DNA, proteins, biomolecules, Carbon Nanotubes, polymers, organic molecules (small, medium and large)

Contact: Dr. Gabriel  Moagar- Poladian

Seting-up the system. Left monitor: used for working with the  CAD-like
software that controols the system; right monitor (orange): real-time
imaging of the cantilever tip; extreme right (blue): the NScriptorTM system.
The window of the environmental chamber is open.
3D Printer Selective Laser Sintering EOS Formiga P100

    - minimum feature width: 500 microns
    - laser beam positioning accuracy: 50 microns
    - maximum build volume: 200 mm x 250 mm x 330 mm
    - minimum layer thickness: 100 microns
    - laser beam scanning beam: maximum 5 m/s
    - vertical build speed: minimum 10 mm / hour

The 3D Printer based on selective laser sintering is placed in a specially designed and arranged room. It is used for production of different structures, at normal and at mili-scale.

Contact: Dr. Gabriel  Moagar- Poladian

3D Printer based on selective laser sintering installed and
operated in its
 dedicated location.


3D Printer based on Single Photon Photopolymerization MiniMultiLens system from EnvisionTEC


  • Voxel size (Enhanced Resolution Mode): XY – 16 microni
  • Dynamic Voxel Thickness Z: from 15 microns to 50 microns
  • Build speed: is constant through the build up to 10 mm per hour at 50 μm Z-Voxel thicknes
  • Build volume size (X x Y x Z): 44 x 33 x 230 mm at 16 micron voxel size; 84 x 63 x 230 mm at 30 micron voxel size (voxel size in Enhanced Resolution Mode)
  • Models are suitable for direct manufacturing through Rapid Casting.
  • A choice of materials from concept models to functional parts.

Laser microengraving system


An in-house made laser microprocessing facility, starting from a high-power ps laser at 29 ps pulse duration, 266 nm wavelength, 10 Hz repetititon frequency, 600 MW peak-power per pulse.

The system accepts computer control and may micro-engrave manually or in an automated manner (using AutoCAD software for pattern design) the patterns desired by the beneficiary.

The system will be completed with optics for a better control of the beam shape.

Setup of the system.

High energy ball mill EMAX (Retsch, Germany)  

It uses a combination of high friction and impact resulting in extremely fine particles within a short amount of time. It is used for nano grinding, size reduction, homogenizing, mechanical alloying (for example fabrication of Silicon-Germanium alloy), colloidal milling, high energy comminution. The applications fields are in agriculture, biology, chemistry, construction materials, engineering / electronics / materials science and engineering, environment / recycling, geology / metallurgy, glass / ceramics, medicine / pharmaceuticals. As materials that can be milled, we mention (in alphabetical order): alloys, bones, carbon fibres, catalysts, cellulose, cement clinker, ceramics, chemical products, clay minerals, coal, coke, concrete, fibres, glass, graphite, gypsum, iron ore, kaolin, limestone, metal oxides, minerals, ores, paper, pigments, plant materials, polymers, quartz, semi-precious stones, sewage sludge, silicon, slag, soils, tea, tobacco, waste samples, wood, ...
- Material feed size (depending on feed material and instrument configuration/settings): < 5 mm
- Final fineness (depending on feed material and instrument configuration/settings): < 80 nm
- Speed: 300 - 2000 rot/min; - Cooling controlled: yes, integrated water cooling
- Temperature control: yes (min and max temperature may be defined)
- No. of grinding stations: 2; - Material of grinding tools: zirconium oxide
- Grinding jar sizes: 125 ml
- Balls used for milling: zirconium oxide, 10 mm and 1 mm diameter, respectively
- Setting of grinding time: 00:01:00 to 99:59:59
- Interval operation: yes, with optional direction reversal
- Interval time: 00:01:00 to 99:59:59; - Pause time: 00:01:00 to 99:59:59



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