Development of  Microfluidic structures and systems (simulation, design and  manufacturing) for
biomedical applications and micro-electronic  applications
  • Design, modelling and simulation of microfluidic components and systems: micropumps and microvalves with various actuation principles (electrostatic, piezoelectric, pneumatic, electroosmotic), microreservoires, microchannels, micromixers, microfilters.
  • Microfluidic analysis include: fluid dynamics in microstructures (flow under pressure, thermal flow, fluid mixing, diffusion), electrokinetic effects (electrophoresis, electroosmosis, dielectrophoresis), bubble-drop, fluid-structure interaction.
  • Manufacturing of microfluidic  structures


  • fluids handling and pumping, fluids mixing, cell separation and detection in lab-on-chips and biosensors for biomedical field (drug delivery, diagnosis) and pharmaceutical research.
  • digital microfluidic;
Microfluidic  simulation of different  components, based on various principles
Electric micro-heater
Microfluidic chip
Pressure  (MPa) and velocity (µm/s) distribution for flow between 2 filter columns, using COVENTORWARE


Simulation results of a dielectrophoretic microfilter (Comsol Multiphysics)
a). Electric field distribution in section opposite to electrodes surface;
b). Concentration distribution of polystyrene particles (1 μm diameter) for 10 V applied at 100 Hz

(Dr. Oana Nedelcu)

Project “Design for Micro & Nano Manufacture” (PATENT - DfMM), NoE FP 6, priority 2, IST, 2004-2008

Droplet-Based Micro-Electronic Fluidic Operations for Production and Evaluation Platform BioMEMS

CoventorWare simulation of droplet formation using the electrowetting principle

(PhD Student Irina Stanciu)
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Manufacturing of microfluidic components
SEM phots of SU8 mirochannels      

WLI profilometry of the microchannel, with bottom
electrodes ,for  a fluid containing  nanoparticles


COMSOL simulation for the speed of the
fluid through an electroosmotic micropump
with two elements

CoventorWare Model of the electroosmotic micropump processed by deposition of SU-8 on a Si substrate

Optical microscope view of the
experimental electroosmotic

(PhD Student Irina Stanciu)

Pasive micromixer for microfluidic application

Simulation   using COMSOL Multiphysics

SEM image of the  manufactured  microfluidic mixer  and the reservoirs, using SU8 

 WLI  image of the  microfluidic mixer  and the reservoirs

(PhD Student Irina Stanciu, Dr. Raluca Muller,  Dr. Alina Cismaru- L5)


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Last update: February, 2012