Synthesis, characterization and electronic structure simulation of nanostructured materials

for functional opto-electronic and spintronic applications

  • Advanced experimental studies and DFT computational modeling of materials for electronics
  • Semiconductor oxides thin films and nanostructures
  • Computational modeling of nanomaterials 
Wide band gap semiconductor oxides (TiO2, ZnO, La2O3, HfO2, etc.) used for solid state lighting and nanodevices.

Growth processes of thin films and nanostructures. Investigation of light emission phenomena and quantum transport properties. Electrical characterization of materials and devices.

(Dr. R. Plugaru, ing. G. Boldeiu)


Modeling of defects and dopants contribution in tailloring the structures, the electronic, optical, transport and spin properties of materials.
(Dr. R. Plugaru)




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Last update: February, 2012